1,873 research outputs found

    From the editor = 編者的話

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    'Fire hardening' spear wood does slightly harden it, but makes it much weaker and more brittle

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    It is usually assumed that 'fire hardening' the tips of spears, as practised by hunter-gatherers and early Homo spp., makes them harder and better suited for hunting. This suggestion was tested by subjecting coppiced poles of hazel to a fire-hardening process and comparing their mechanical properties to those of naturally seasoned poles. A Shore D hardness test showed that fire treatment slightly increased the hardness of the wood, but flexural and impact tests showed that it reduced the strength and work of fracture by 30% and 36%, respectively. These results suggest that though potentially slightly sharper and more durable, fire-hardened tips would actually be more likely to break off when used, as may have been the case with the earliest known wooden tool, the Clacton spear. Fire might first have been used to help sharpen the tips of spears, and fire-hardening would have been a mostly negative side effect, not its primary purpose

    Are Educational Leadership Candidates Prepared to Address Diversity Issues in Schools?

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    : Standard 4 of the Educational Leadership Constituency Council (ELCC) Standards addresses school diversity issues and specifies requirements that all educational leadership programs need to meet. In response, all educational leadership programs in Georgia referenced ELCC Standards and have worked to foster diversity as a priority in their programs. The faculty has been given guidelines to respond to diversity issues by implementing a variety of constructive strategies. For all that the faculty has done to foster diversity in the educational leadership programs, do program candidates get the message? Most of the literature on leadership diversity is focused on the significance and strategies of fostering diversity into the educational leadership programs. Research is lacking on assessing the outcomes of the faculty\u27s effort toward diversity implementation. Therefore this study examines program candidates\u27 perceptions of their diversity preparation in educational leadership programs. Results of the survey will reflect the effectiveness of the diversity effort as perceived by program candidates

    A Qualitative Study Examining Macao’s Parents’ Attitude towards Native and Non-native English-speaking Teachers for Private Online Synchronous One-on-one English Lessons

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    In terms of English learning, whether native English-speaking teachers (NESTs) surpass non-native English-speaking teachers (NNESTs) or vice versa has been a heated topic. These two types of teachers have their own respective benefits and drawbacks with respect to English teaching. Most of the current related studies are on the traditional educational classroom setting in both secondary school and higher education. However, the study of the virtual learning platform as a method of teaching English is rare. This research displays valuable significance in identifying whether parents in Macao have a preference towards NESTs and NNESTs before they purchase the online synchronous one-on-one English lessons for their children. This qualitative study, after two participants were interviewed, concludes that they both prefer NESTs due to their authentic accent and pronunciation and believe it is more suitable in such a speaking-andlistening oriented online lesson. Price is not the prioritized factor to consider. They are generally satisfied with the teaching style of the online NESTs but it is also important to take note of the teaching approach conducted in the online lessons towards children, to ensure that it holds their interest appropriately

    In and Out of the Border: The Language and Identity of Hong Kong Literature

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    Panel: Currents of Migratio

    論香港新詩 1925-1949

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    本論文研究一九二五至一九四九年間的香港新詩,即從目前所見最早的香港 新詩資料開始,直至一九四九年為止。研究從翻查和整理大量早期報刊、文學雜 誌等第一手資料開始,配合同時期中國新詩的發展,探討二○年代即香港新詩的 創始階段,至一九四九年的發展特色,思考香港新詩在中國現代文學史上的意義,並展開相關討論。 論文第一章先概述香港與內地新詩的連繫,再釐定本論文的研究範圍和香港新詩的定義,其中有關香港新詩的定義是參考上海現代文學史研究學者區分上海 作家和上海文學為兩個不同概念的做法,把「香港詩人」和「香港新詩」分屬不同範疇,並特別以「香港新詩」為討論重點。除了地域層面上的意義,本論文亦嘗試析論香港新詩相對於中國新詩的精神面貌和詩學取向。 第二至第九章基本上以時間發展為序,探討香港新詩不同時期的發展特色, 包括二○年代引介五四新詩及不同的詩形式,三○年代的都市詩、對上海《現代》 雜誌和現代派詩歌的學習和批評、寫實主義詩論的探討及創作,抗戰時期的論爭及不同取向、戰後的左翼詩歌等等,關注點除了特定時期的重要或主流風尚,也 仔細閱讀難以歸類的詩作,思考時代風尚與主流以外不同風格之間的關係。 早期香港新詩的發展除了本身特色,亦與大範圍內整個中國新詩的發展歷程密切相關,研究和討論早期香港新詩,除了「本土」的意義,也可以補充「中國現代文學史」論述的不足。相比一九五○年代以後的時期,早期香港新詩歷史的特色、亦即它複雜的地方,正在於它與中國新詩的關係。一九五○年後,新詩在 中國內地、台灣和香港各自發展,各有不同的面貌和取向,相對於三四○年代中 國新詩和當代中國和台灣新詩的研究,有關早期香港新詩的研究不算多,本論文 嘗試全面地回顧一個階段的香港新詩,提出討論的方向,期望有助進一步的研究