19 research outputs found

    Biodegradation of crude petroleum by bacterial consortia from oil-contaminated soils in Ota, Ogun State, South-Western, Nigeria

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    Pollution from petroleum products is of public health concern because of its attendant health and environmental impacts. Biodegradation of Bonny light crude petroleum and other selected hydrocarbons by bacteria isolated from soils of three different mechanic workshops in Ota, Ogun State were studied. Species of bacteria were isolated by the enrichmentofthesoilsamplesinminimalsaltmediumsupplementedwith1%(v/v)crude petroleumasthesolecarbonandenergysource.Thepetroleumutilizingbacteriabelonging to the genera Bacillus sp. SB4, Pseudomonas sp. SC8, Serratia sp. SC11, and Acinetobacter sp. SC12 were screened and subjected for oil degradation using turbidity and total viable count,reductioninpHandresidualoilconcentrationasindices.GasChromatographic(GC) analysis was used to analyze the component and percentage of the petroleum utilized. Plasmidcuringandprofilingweredonetodeterminewhethertheabilitytoutilizecarbon isplasmidorchromosomallyencoded.Resultsrevealedthatfourbacteriastrainswereable to utilize petroleum as energy source. The GC fingerprints showed that both the aliphatic and aromatic components of crude petroleum were reduced to varying degree but the nonadecane C19 could not be reduced. Strain SC11 could not reduce anthracene, pyrene, benzo(a)pyrene and chrysene components. Strain SB4 depleted 24 to 57% aliphatics and 20to42%aromaticsandstrainSC8depleted38to67%aliphaticsand30to79%aromatics while strain SC11 depleted 12 to 46% aliphatics and 13 to 29% aromatics. All organisms harbored plasmid which could suggest that petroleum degradation capabilities could be plasmid encoded. This indicates that the petroleum utilizing bacteria are could be used bioremediationofthepetroleumpollutedenvironment

    Enhancing the inhibition potential of sodium tungstate towards mitigating the corrosive effect of Acidithiobaccillus thiooxidan on X-52 carbon steel

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    Microbialcorrosionoftheexternalsurfaceofcarbonsteelpipeswasinvestigatedusingsodiumtungstate,sodium nitrite and zinc nitrite as individual and combined inhibitors. The study involved carbon steel pipes in contact with Acidithiobaccillus thiooxidan. Inhibitor efficiencies were determined and the optimum inhibitor concentration required to effectively limit the corrosive effect of the microbe was 51–52g/L for the best inhibitor. Also, despite the limiting effect of sodium nitrite in its other inhibitor formulations, its presence in the mixture of all three components, improved the performance of the other two chemicals giving the best inhibition efficiency of 85.68%

    Sesamum indicum diet prevents hyperlipidemia in experimental rats

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    Cardiovascular diseases and metabolic complications caused by hyperlipidemia are the leading cause of death globally. In this study, the hypolipidemic potency of Sesamum indicum (SI) seeds was investigated. Of the thirty-five (35) male rats used in the study, five (5) were randomly selected for baseline measurements and thirty (30) were fed high fat diet (HFD) for four (4) weeks before random assignment into three (3) groups. The experimental group was treated with 50% SI seed, the positive control group was given a hypolipidemic drug, atorvastatin (5 mg/kg/day) while the untreated group served as the negative control. With SI administration, the dyslipidemia induced by the HFD consumption in the plasma and the investigated body organs was reversed to a comparable degree with that of atorvastatin treatment. Taken together, this study demonstrates the hypolipidemic potency of SI in ameliorating hyperlipidemia and its associated complications, facilitated by the inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase activity

    Chitosan and Nanotechnology Fundamentals

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    The process of deacetylation transforms chitin into chitosan, a biopolymer that exhibits exceptional biocompatibility, biodegradability and flexibility. Particularly at the nanoscale, chitosan exhibits compelling functionalities that confer suitability for diverse nanotechnology applications. In this chapter, we comprehensively explore the fundamental properties of chitosan, emphasising its critical role in nanotechnology integration, notably within aquaculture and fisheries. Nanonisation of chitosan significantly amplifies its potential with expanded applications in drug delivery, vaccination and water treatment in aquaculture practice. Nanochitosan integration addresses critical challenges in the fishing sector while aligning seamlessly with Sustainable Development Goal 14, fostering sustainable aquaculture practices. With recent advances in the techniques used in nanotechnology for modifying chitosan, the practice can become more sustainable, reducing waste and promoting efficient utilisation of resources. This holds great promise for establishing environmentally conscious processes within the realm of nanochitosan application

    Sustainable nano-sodium silicate and silver nitrate impregnated locally made ceramic filters for point-of-use water treatments in sub-Sahara African households

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    The poor access to water quality for Nigerians has pushed for the designing of new trend silver nitrate impregnated locally made Point-Of-Use (POU) ceramic filters to enhance water purification efficiency for household use. This study utilized silver nitrate-molded ceramic filters prepared with Kaolin from Owode, silt soil, sodium silicate, sawdust, and distilled water in three varying proportions to ascertain pollution removal efficiencies. Heating was carried out by firing the filters at 900 �C and further preheating at 400 �C after dipping in silver nitrate solution. Silver nanoparticle and dissociated particle discharge from filter pot painted with 0.03 mg/g caseincovered nAg or AgNO3 were estimated as an element of pH (5–9), ionic strength (1–50mM), and cation species (Naþ, Ca2þ, Mg2þ). Silver delivery was constrained by disintegration as Agþ and resulting cation exchange measures, paying little heed to silver structure applied. Water analysis for both heavy metals (Pb and Cd) and microbial load (E. coli) evaluated, corroborate the maximum removal efficiency. It was observed that kaolinsawdust with the Silver nitrate filters showed a constant and effective removal of both heavy metals and disinfection of microbial loads. The minimum flow rates observed were 4.97 mL/min for batch filter used for Iju River water sample one (AF1) and 4.98 mL/min for batch filter used for Iju River water sample two (AF2) having porosity 49.05% and 50.00%, whereas the 5 mL/min higher flow rate was used for batch filter from borehole water sample one (BF1) and batch filter used for well water sample two (CF2) with porosity of 50.00%. Significantly, the results obtained show that the filters are suitable for point-of-use application in both the urban and rural areas of developing countries such as Nigeri

    Nanochitosan derived from marine bacteria

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    Nanochitosans are polysaccharides produced by the alkalescent deacetylation of chitin and comprise a series of 2‐deoxy‐2 (acetylamino) glucose linked by ß‐(1‐4) glycosidic linkages. These are naturally formed from the deacetylation of shellfish shells and the exoskeleton of aquatic arthropods and crustaceans. Reports of chitosan production from unicellular marine bacteria inhabiting the sea, and possessing distinct animal‐ and plant‐like characteristics abound. This capacity to synthesize chitosan from chitin arises from response to stress under extreme environmental conditions, as a means of survival. Consequently, the microencapsulation of these nanocarriers results in new and improved chitosan nanoparticles, nanochitosan. This nontoxic bioactive material which can serve as an antibacterial agent, gene delivery vector as well as carrier for protein and drug release as compared with chitosan, is limited by its nonspecific molecular weight and higher composition of deacetylated chitin. This chapter highlights the biology and diversity of nanochitosan‐producing marine bacteria, including the factors influencing their activities, survival, and distribution. More so, the applications of marine bacterial nanochitosans in transfection and gene delivery; wound healing and drug delivery; feed supplement development and antimicrobial activity are discussed

    Next Generation Nanochitosan Applications in Animal Husbandry, Aquaculture and Food Conservation

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    Studies have identified the properties of enzymes, functionalized molecules, and compounds in food industry applications as edible coatings and encapsulations, that assure prolonged food quality and standards. These molecules present benefits of longer shelf-life by delayed deterioration and inhibition of the proliferation of spoilage and mycotoxigenic microorganisms. However, challenges of reduced nutrient levels, miniaturized size, and low chemical stability remain concerning. Chitosan polymers naturally formed from the deacetylation of shellfish shells and exoskeletons of aquatic arthropods and crustaceans offer improved benefits when functionalized into nanoparticles as nanochitosans. These polysaccharides produced by the alkalescent deacetylation of chitin, comprise a series of 2-deoxy-2 (acetylamino) glucose linked by ß-(1- 4) glycosidic linkages. This chapter considers the health impacts and microbiological health hazards associated with animal feeds quality and the enzyme immobilization potentials of nanochitosans in animalbased food and feed packages. Thereafter, nanochitosan properties and benefits are compared against traditional preservatives from microbes and plants; with highlights on current challenges in the application of nanochitosan for enzyme immobilization