7 research outputs found

    Strategic marketing management of oil and gas industry: A review of literature

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    The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on strategic marketing management. This study adopted an expost facto research methodology to examine the strategic marketing management literature in an attempt to attain their desired level of performance. The overall findings suggest that strategic marketing is a driver of organizational positioning in a dynamic environment, and that it helps to enhance the development of new products/services for existing markets. These findings, along with other interesting findings of the study, are discussed. From the empirical and anecdotal managerial evidence as well as from the literature, implications are drawn for the efficient and effective strategic marketing practices in the Nigerian oil and gas industry. Based on the findings of the study, the concepts and principles of total quality management within a holistic framework it is recommended that (i) efforts should be made by organizational marketers towards understanding the relevant economic factors that affect both clients’ behaviour and the strategic options that may be adopted to cope with such behaviours; (ii) in a constantly changing business environment, firms can adopt different strategic marketing practices since the yardstick is the enhancement of business performance.Strategic Marketing, Strategies, Dynamic environment, Deployment, Resources, Management

    Determination ofthe Optimal Manpower Size Using Linear Programming Model

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    Abstract: There would be no meaningful development lllltil manpower that involves in the transformation of production facilities into useful goods and services is well trained and planned. Recent advances in mathematical programming methodology have included: development of interior methods, competing with the simplex method, improved simplex codes, vastly improved performance for mixed-integer programming using strong linear programming formulations and a renewed interest in decomposition. Application areas have been expanding from the traditional refinery planning and distribution models to include finance, scheduling, manufacturing, manpower planning and many others. We see the acceleration of better methods and improved codes moving together with faster, lower-cost and more interesting hardware into a variety of application areas, thereby opening up new demands for greater fi.mction of optimization codes. This study applies Linear Programming (LP) model based on integer programming to the determination of effective size of manpower to be engaged. The study also incorporates global constraints such as production capacity/demand rate and allowable time of operation into the model to reflect the reality activities in production organizations in developing colUltries. The results obtained show that the model is more efficient than the existing model for effective manpower determination

    Influence Of Entrepreneurial Intention On Textile ProductionSurvival And Marketing Amongst Undergraduate Students InSelected Nigerian Universities In 2016

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    Do uvrštavanja poduzetništva na Nigerijsko sveučilište je došlo zbog sve veće potrebe za obrazovanjem o poduzetništvu kao osnovne vještine u nigerijskom obrazovnom sustavu. Osnovni razlog za kreiranje poduzetničkog obrazovanja na sveučilišnoj razini je pronalaženje trajnog održivog rješenja za munjevit rast stope nezaposlenih među mladim ljudima sa sveučilišnom diplomom u Nigeriji. Ova studija obuhvaća različite mogućnosti i napore koji su učinjeni u smjeru poduzetništva u nigerijskoj tekstilnoj proizvodnji uopće. Korištena je Yamaneova metoda uzorkovanja kako bi se odabralo 190 ispitanika sa četiri prestižna sveučilišta. Podaci su analizirani pomoću deskriptivne statistike (frekvencije, postoci i dijagram, Pearsonova produkt – moment korelacija (PPMC) i dijagram rasipanja, jednostavne linearne regresije su korištene za testiranje hipoteza istraživanja, te dvosmjerna Analiza varijance (ANOVA), Regresija). Rezultati su pokazali da je srednja vrijednost spola, dobi, radnog iskustva, razine menadžerske kategorije te vrste posla ispitanika bila 1,59, 1,63, 1,76, 1,75 i 1,84, za svaku od navedenih kategorija. Većinu ispitanika (59,1%) čine žene, 71,5% ih je neudano, te ih 47,8% ima završen preddiplomski studij.The inclusion of entrepreneurship in the Nigerian university system is due to the growing need for entrepreneurship education as a basic skill in the Nigerian educational system. The most fundamental reason for thinking about entrepreneurship education at the university level is to find a sustainable and lasting solution to the rapid growing unemployment widespread among university graduates in Nigeria. This study covers the various prospect and efforts made towards the advancements of entrepreneurship in textile production generally in Nigeria. Yamane sampling method was used to select 190 respondents from four prestigious universities. Data set were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentages and diagram, Pearson moment correlation (PPMC) and scatter diagram, simple linear regressions was used to test the research hypotheses, and two ways Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Regression. Results show that the mean sexes, age, work experience, level of management category, and business type of the respondents were 1.59, 1.63, 1.76, 1.75 and 1.84 respectively. Majority (59.1%) of the respondents were female, 71.5% single, and 47.8% had BSc

    Corporate Entrepreneurship, HRM Practices and Firm Performance

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    AIn modern business dynamics, firm growth and sustainability significantly depends on corporate entrepreneurship (CE) and entrepreneurship (E) practices. Because of their significance, we have examined the direct and indirect effect of corporate entrepreneurship (CE) and entrepreneurship (E) on firm performance (FP) in SMEs of Nigeria. We have used a sample of 387 for collecting the data non-randomly. The tool we used for collecting the data was a close-ended questionnaire, which we adapted from earlier studies. The authors have used Smart PLS for statistical analysis. We found that corporate entrepreneurship (CE), entrepreneurship (E), and human resource management (HRM) affects firm performance (FP). We also found that HRM practices also have a significant link with corporate entrepreneurship (CE), entrepreneurship (E), and firm performance (FP). The results also suggest that entrepreneurship (E) and corporate entrepreneurship (CE) mediates HRM practices and firm performance (FP). The above findings were consistent with the view that HRM practices are an essential component of an organization. HRM activities besides conventional functions also promote entrepreneurial (E) behaviour and organizational outcomes. Thus, the HRM department must continuously revisit the policies and procedures to ensure that they are aligned with the changing environment. Entrepreneurial (E) and corporate entrepreneurial (E) orientation support an environment that encourages employees to participate in decision making, which enhances employees’ sense of belonging and promote a positive attitude towards work.Keywords: Corporate entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, practices, firm performance, Nigeri

    Organizational Ethics and Employee Level of Productivity in Nigerian Private Universities

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    Employee level of productivity is one of the many possible outcomes of ethical issues in an organization. An organization with strong ethical beliefs leads to a greater sense of commitment among its employees. The purpose of this research paper was to establish the relationship between organizational ethics and employee level of productivity in higher education institution (private university) in Nigeria. The researcher utilized both explorative and cross-sectional survey research method to gather the needed information. The participants of the study were faculty of Covenant University from the College of Development Studies (CDS) and College of Science and Technology (CST). The population for this study was 390 academic staff of Covenant University out of which a sample of 198 participants were determined using Yard’s formula. The gathered data were analysed with the use of frequency, percentage, standard multiple regression analysis and correlation analysis. The findings of the study revealed that Wasted Time, Leisure, Degree of Gratification, Self-Reliance, Centrality of Work, Hard Work, and Morality are not statistically significant to employee rewards and hours worked. The study recommends that: 1.) Private universities should embark on creating leisure periods for their faculty in order to increase their level of productivity; 2.) Private universities should continue to use reward system and increase promotion as a way of maintaining faculty loyalty. Keywords: Organizational Ethics, Productivity, Employee, Private University, Reward, and Work Hours

    Needs Satisfaction: An Effective Tool for Workers Commitment to Work

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    Abstract: This study represents an initial endeavor to explore needs satisfaction: An effective tool for workers commitment to work. Inspite of the motivational strategies available and employed in organisations, the issue of employee performance and productivity is still very much questionable. This is because what motivates one individual may not necessarily be what motivates another individual (s). Therefore, individual needs and motivational factors should be assessed critically and addressed carefully. The survey instnnnent used in the collection of data was questiollllaire which was based on a random selection as the primary source of data. Some of the questions asked were centered on the factors that motivates an employee to perform and hence productive in the organisation. Based on the data obtained from the respondents which was analyzed using the statistical tool (pie chart) method, it was observed that a greater number of respondents supported the notion that high employee performance and productivity is a fimction of need satisfaction (motivation). These findings appear to be useful in furthering the nnderstanding of the complexity associated with the strategy to the realities of result oriented organisation environment by reconunending that organisations should accord priority attention to the introduction of good motivational package (such as: good remnneration, instituting other monetary awards, higher fringe benefits package and other financial rewards, timely promotion, cafeteria, flextime, employee involvement, etc.) to enhance higher productivity and conunitment to work