75 research outputs found

    Toward Integration of Biological and Physiological Functions at Multiple Levels

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    An aim of systems physiology today can be stated as to establish logical and quantitative bridges between phenomenological attributes of physiological entities such as cells and organs and physical attributes of biological entities, i.e., biological molecules, allowing us to describe and better understand physiological functions in terms of underlying biological functions. This article illustrates possible schema that can be used for promoting systems physiology by integrating quantitative knowledge of biological and physiological functions at multiple levels of time and space with the use of information technology infrastructure. Emphasis will be made for systematic, modular, hierarchical, and standardized descriptions of mathematical models of the functions and advantages for the use of them

    Intermittent Feedback-Control Strategy for Stabilizing Inverted Pendulum on Manually Controlled Cart as Analogy to Human Stick Balancing

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    The stabilization of an inverted pendulum on a manually controlled cart (cart-inverted-pendulum; CIP) in an upright position, which is analogous to balancing a stick on a fingertip, is considered in order to investigate how the human central nervous system (CNS) stabilizes unstable dynamics due to mechanical instability and time delays in neural feedback control. We explore the possibility that a type of intermittent time-delayed feedback control, which has been proposed for human postural control during quiet standing, is also a promising strategy for the CIP task and stick balancing on a fingertip. Such a strategy hypothesizes that the CNS exploits transient contracting dynamics along a stable manifold of a saddle-type unstable upright equilibrium of the inverted pendulum in the absence of control by inactivating neural feedback control intermittently for compensating delay-induced instability. To this end, the motions of a CIP stabilized by human subjects were experimentally acquired, and computational models of the system were employed to characterize the experimental behaviors. We first confirmed fat-tailed non-Gaussian temporal fluctuation in the acceleration distribution of the pendulum, as well as the power-law distributions of corrective cart movements for skilled subjects, which was previously reported for stick balancing. We then showed that the experimental behaviors could be better described by the models with an intermittent delayed feedback controller than by those with the conventional continuous delayed feedback controller, suggesting that the human CNS stabilizes the upright posture of the pendulum by utilizing the intermittent delayed feedback-control strategy

    Intermittent control with ankle, hip, and mixed strategies during quiet standing: A theoretical proposal based on a double inverted pendulum model

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    Abstract Human upright posture, as a mechanical system, is characterized by an instability of saddle type, involving both stable and unstable dynamic modes. The brain stabilizes such system by generating active joint torques, according to a time-delayed neural feedback control. What is still unsolved is a clear understanding of the control strategies and the control mechanisms that are used by the central nervous system in order to stabilize the unstable posture in a robust way while maintaining flexibility. Most studies in this direction have been limited to the single inverted pendulum model, which is useful for formalizing fundamental mechanical aspects but insufficient for addressing more general issues concerning neural control strategies. Here we consider a double inverted pendulum model in the sagittal plane with small passive viscoelasticity at the ankle and hip joints. Despite difficulties in stabilizing the double pendulum model in the presence of the large feedback delay, we show that robust and flexible stabilization of the upright posture can be established by an intermittent control mechanism that achieves the goal of stabilizing the body posture according to a "divide and conquer strategy", which switches among different controllers in different parts of the state space of the double inverted pendulum. Remarkably, it is shown that a global, robust stability is achieved even if the individual controllers are unstable and the information exploited for switching from one controller to another is severely delayed, as it happens in biological reality. Moreover, the intermittent controller can automatically resolve coordination among multiple active torques associated with the muscle synergy, leading to the emergence of distinct temporally coordinated active torque patterns, referred to as the intermittent ankle, hip, and mixed strategies during quiet standing, depending on the passive elasticity at the hip joint

    A Simple Algorithm for Assimilating Marker-Based Motion Capture Data During Periodic Human Movement Into Models of Multi-Rigid-Body Systems

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    Human movement analysis is often performed with a model of multi-rigid-body system, whereby reflective-marker-based motion capture data are assimilated into the model for characterizing kinematics and kinetics of the movements quantitatively. Accuracy of such analysis is limited, due to motions of the markers on the skin relative to the underlying skeletal system, referred to as the soft tissue artifact (STA). Here we propose a simple algorithm for assimilating motion capture data during periodic human movements, such as bipedal walking, into models of multi-rigid-body systems in a way that the assimilated motions are not affected by STA. The proposed algorithm assumes that STA time-profiles during periodic movements are also periodic. We then express unknown STA profiles using Fourier series, and show that the Fourier coefficients can be determined optimally based solely on the periodicity assumption for the STA and kinematic constraints requiring that any two adjacent rigid-links are connected by a rotary joint, leading to the STA-free assimilated motion that is consistent with the multi-rigid-link model. To assess the efficiency of the algorithm, we performed a numerical experiment using a dynamic model of human gait composed of seven rigid links, on which we placed STA-affected markers, and showed that the algorithm can estimate the STA accurately and retrieve the non-STA-affected true motion of the model. We also confirmed that our STA-removal processing improves accuracy of the inverse dynamics analysis, suggesting the usability of the proposed algorithm for gait analysis

    Dynamic Determinants of the Uncontrolled Manifold during Human Quiet Stance

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    Human postural sway during stance arises from coordinated multi-joint movements. Thus, a sway trajectory represented by a time-varying postural vector in the multiple-joint-angle-space tends to be constrained to a low-dimensional subspace. It has been proposed that the subspace corresponds to a manifold defined by a kinematic constraint, such that the position of the center of mass (CoM) of the whole body is constant in time, referred to as the kinematic uncontrolled manifold (kinematic-UCM). A control strategy related to this hypothesis (CoM-control-strategy) claims that the central nervous system (CNS) aims to keep the posture close to the kinematic-UCM using a continuous feedback controller, leading to sway patterns that mostly occur within the kinematic-UCM, where no corrective control is exerted. An alternative strategy proposed by the authors (intermittent control-strategy) claims that the CNS stabilizes posture by intermittently suspending the active feedback controller, in such a way to allow the CNS to exploit a stable manifold of the saddle-type upright equilibrium in the state-space of the system, referred to as the dynamic-UCM, when the state point is on or near the manifold. Although the mathematical definitions of the kinematic- and dynamic-UCM are completely different, both UCMs play similar roles in the stabilization of multi-joint upright posture. The purpose of this study was to compare the dynamic performance of the two control strategies. In particular, we considered a double-inverted-pendulum-model of postural control, and analyzed the two UCMs defined above. We first showed that the geometric configurations of the two UCMs are almost identical. We then investigated whether the UCM-component of experimental sway could be considered as passive dynamics with no active control, and showed that such UCM-component mainly consists of high frequency oscillations above 1 Hz, corresponding to anti-phase coordination between the ankle and hip. We also showed that this result can be better characterized by an eigenfrequency associated with the dynamic-UCM. In summary, our analysis highlights the close relationship between the two control strategies, namely their ability to simultaneously establish small CoM variations and postural stability, but also make it clear that the intermittent control hypothesis better explains the spectral characteristics of sway