6 research outputs found

    Análisis de la Situación de Salud Bucal de un Consultorio Médico de Familia

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    Introduction: the analysis of the health situation is a useful methodological scientific instrument to identify, prioritize and solve the health problems of the community.Objective: to describe the analysis of the health situation carried at # 18 Family-Doctor Office belonging to the health area of Guillermo Tejas Teaching Polyclinic during the period from September 2017 to January 2018.Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. The sample of the research was comprised of 432 patients, distributed in 160 families according to age, group and sex. Clinical and epidemiological variables indicated for this type of analysis were recorded.Results: 55,5 % of patients belonged to the female sex and 31,4 % to the group of 35-59 years. People with chronic diseases prevailed by 36,8 %. The environmental risk factor prevailed in 100 % of the population. Dental caries predominated in 44,4 % of cases. The teeth decayed, lost and clogged. (CPO-D) of pregnant women and mothers with children under one year of age was 3,2 and 3,3 respectively; 20 % of pregnant women presented periodontal disease as well as 25 % mothers having children under 1 year.Conclusions: the analysis of the health situation was conducted; female population and ages from 35 to 59 predominated. The sick population with caries and the environmental risk factors prevailed. The main problems identified were dental caries, masticatory dysfunction and periodontal diseases.Introducción: el análisis de la situación de salud es un instrumento científico metodológico útil, para identificar, priorizar y solucionar problemas de salud comunitarios.Objetivo: describir el análisis de la situación de salud realizado en el Consultorio Médico de Familia #18 perteneciente al área de salud del Policlínico Docente “Guillermo Tejas“ en el periodo de septiembre de 2017 a enero de 2018.Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. La muestra de la investigación fue de 432 pacientes, distribuidos en 160 familias según grupo de edad y sexo. Se registraron las variables clínicas y epidemiológicas indicadas para este tipo de análisis.Resultados: el 55,5 % de pacientes perteneció al sexo femenino y el 31,4 % al grupo de 35-59 años. Prevalecieron las personas con enfermedades crónicas en un 36,8 %. El factor de riesgo ambiental prevaleció en el total de la población. Predominó la caries dental en el 44,4 % de los casos. Los dientes cariados, perdidos y obturados (CPO-D) de las embarazadas y madres con niños menores de un año fue de 3,2 y 3,3 respectivamente. El 20 % de las embarazadas presentó enfermedad periodontal así como el 25 % de las madres con niños menores de un año.Conclusiones: se efectuó el análisis de la situación de salud. Predominó la población femenina y el grupo de edad de 35-59 años. Prevaleció la población enferma por caries y el factor de riesgo ambiental. Los principales problemas identificados fueron la caries dental, la disfunción masticatoria y las periodontopatías

    Idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia

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    Trigeminal neuralgia, occasionally, is incorrectly diagnosed by the dentists, and it is among the most painful conditions reported on the oral cavity. In a moment of history, it was called the "suicide disease" due to the significant number of persons who killed themselves before effective treatments were discovered. We present the case of a white 43-year-old man, with a history of good general health, who reported to suffer, since childhood, from episodes of intense pain like sharp electric cramps. He was awaken by the pain at night, which radiated to both sides of the jaw, having a duration from seconds up to two minutes, and crisis that could last up to four hours. Oral examination showed a good buccal state, as well as absence of dental caries and of factors of local risks. The panoramic radiograph revealed the good state of his teeth, jaw and maxillae. A diagnosis of idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia was made. Pharmacological treatment was ordered.</p

    Sweet's syndrome

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    Background: the updating of the available specialized information on Sweet's syndrome, a rare disease, may result in avoiding diagnosis delays, incorrect treatments and complications that would affect patients, and may even cause death.Objective: to describe, in the form of a review article, different aspects related to Sweet’s syndrome, a skin condition included in the group of rare diseases.Methods: an updated bibliographic review was carried out, using the resources available in the Infomed network, specifically: PubMed, SciELO and Ebsco, through the databases: Medline, Academic Search Premier, MedicLatina, as well as Cumed, Lilacs and Scopus.Results: contents related to epidemiology, clinical characteristics, histology, physiology, variants, complications, differential diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of Sweet’s syndrome were collected. This syndrome may be associated with infectious, systemic, immunological or malignant neoplastic processes. It usually presents a high level of clinical complexity that makes it difficult to be recognized and diagnosed. In general, patients improve with the appropriate treatment if it is performed at the proper time.Conclusions: the review updated the information about Sweet's syndrome, a skin disease with a marked clinical expression and complex to be diagnosed.</p

    Academic results of dentistry students in the state exam in which their diversity was given attention

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    Background: the attention given to student diversity is a complex task, but essential and necessary to achieve qualified graduates.Objective: to describe the quality results of the ordinary state exam obtained by students of dentistry in which their diversity was given attention, at the “Dr. Zoilo Enrique Marinello Vidaurreta” Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Medical Sciences of Las Tunas, during the academic year 2018-2019.Methods: a descriptive, longitudinal, retrospective study was carried out with the 91 fifth-year dentistry students, of the university and during the academic year already declared in the objective. The variables analyzed were: age, sex, entrance ways, academic grade, and results in the diagnostic and state exams. The data were processed according to descriptive statistics.Results: the majority of the graduates had entered the major from pre-university institutes. The main ages of completion of the major were 23 and 24 years, with a predominance of the female sex and students with an academic grade of medium performance. In the six theoretical diagnostic exams previous to the state exam continual improvements were observed. In the theoretical state exam medium academic performance (60,5 %) was more frequent, followed by high performance (28,5 %). The predominant final mark was higher than 80 points.Conclusions: the training through several diagnostic exams and other actions give attention to diversity could have favored the good results obtained in the state exams of the students included in the research.</p

    Elements of a didactic syllabus to teach an optional nutrition subject in Dentistry

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    Background: a dental professional, who has wide knowledge of nutrition, contributes to the promotion of healthy eating styles and prevents oral diseases and other systemic conditions that may be related to the process of nutrition.Objective: to describe the elements of a didactic syllabus to support the teaching-learning process of nutrition in the degree course of dentistry, by means of an optional subject.Methods: a development research was carried out in the aforementioned degree course at the “Dr. Zoilo Enrique Marinello Vidaurreta” Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Medical Sciences of Las Tunas, in the period from November 2017 to April 2018. The study used theoretical methods (historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, bibliographic analysis) and empirical methods (interviews and expert criteria).Results: the elements of the didactic syllabus were presented, grouped in four thematic units which tackle different knowledge systems: basic aspects of the historical antecedents and fundamental concepts; nutrition and pregnancy; effects of nutrition on the etiology of diseases, related to the mouth complex and the endocrine system. A first version of the course was taught.Conclusions: the elements of the didactic syllabus were presented in order to implement an optional subject in the degree course of dentistry. The results of the first taught version were positive.</p

    Scientific production of the teaching staff of Dentistry in Las Tunas, 2012-2017

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    Background: a university is internationally recognized in proportion as its teaching staff has a higher scientific production. Knowing and increasing the scientific production of the faculty must be vital to successfully fulfill the social goal of the universities.Objective: to characterize the scientific production of the teaching staff of Dentistry in the province of Las Tunas, from 2012 to 2017.Methods: a descriptive, longitudinal, retrospective study was carried out with the faculty and during the period declared in the objective. The universe was made up of 120 teachers. Variables measuring academic formation, postgraduate studies, index of publications, participation in conferences, awards and recognitions were analyzed. The data were processed according to the descriptive statistics.Results: the study showed the existence of only two doctors of science (1,66 %) within the staff. More than half of the faculty holds the academic degree of Master of Science and / or Specialists of First and Second Degrees. The teaching ranks represent 31,66 %. No doctorate or master’s degrees related to the specialty are developed. The publication index is 1,52, with only 0.01 in the Web of Science. The participation of teachers in national and international conferences is low.Conclusions: the scientific production of the teaching staff of Dentistry in the province of Las Tunas, in the period 2012-2017, was characterized.</p