168 research outputs found

    Luomuruoan ja tavanomaisen ruoan koostumuserot

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    Tutkimuksia tavanomaisen ruoan ja luomuruoan eroista ja torjunta-ainejäämien vaikutuksista ihmisen elintoimintoihin

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    Higher antioxidant concentrations and less cadmium and pesticide residues in organically-grown crops

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    Northern berries are superfruits - how to increase consumption and appreciation?

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    Health effects of Northern berries have been studied intensively already for years. Different berries show different health effects. Beneficial effects have been found in weight management, glucose metabolism, liver and eye health, immune function, oxidative metabolism (cancer prevention) and lipid metabolism. However, results of different studies are unanimous due to differences in test materials (whole berries / different berry fractions) and methods (in vitro studies, cell studies, animal studies, clinical studies). Especially human studies are still rare

    Health effects of organic food – what can we say?

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    Debates on health effects of organic food arise from time to time. However, there are not enough scientific clinical studies to give fair objective statements

    Elintarvikkeiden uudelleenmuokkauksen hyvät käytännöt

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    Glycemic index of buckwheat bread

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    Glycemic responses (two hour tolerance test) of buckwheat bread containing buckwheat and oat flour and control bread containing oat flour only were measured in clinical studies according to FAO/WHO recommendations noticing the recent improvements in the methods; A standard evening meal (supper) was be provided for each test person for the nights before tests, and test persons got exact orders for the exercise on the test morning. Test persons (10) fasted 8-12 hours before each test. They ate a portion of bread or glucose containing 50 g available carbohydrates. The GI values of buckwheat bread and control bread will be shown in poster. The preliminary results of six test persons show that buckwheat bread has a slower but longer lasting glycemic effect than glucose. In addition, test persons commented in their questionnaires that the buckwheat bread kept feel of hunger away efficiently. According to the preliminary results, buckwheat bread seems to be a good choice to stabilize blood glucose levels after meal

    Milk - new research and product development innovations (Milk-Inno)

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    The aim of Milk-Inno research is to investigate the effect of biological and non-biological factors on milk composition, particularly on bioactive components, as well as health effects