4 research outputs found

    The Predicting Perceived Stress Based on Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation in Patients with Obesity

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    Background: Apart from important role of unhealthy eating patterns on eating-related problems (i.e. obesity and eating disorders), the underlying processes of such eating patterns are not fully understood. The purpose of this study was to predicting perceived stress based on cognitive emotion regulation and difficulties in emotion regulation in patients with obesity. Materials and Methods: The descriptive- correlation method was used. The statistical population consists of all the patients with obesity refer to counseling centers, nutrition and treatment regimen of Karaj city in 1396 to 49817 patients with obesity. According to Cochran formula, participants in this analytical study were consisted of 381 obese individuals with a Body Mass Index (BMI) higher than 30 Kg/m2. The convenience sampling method was used in this research. Data collection tools included three valid and reliable scales global measure of perceived stress of Cohen and et al (1983) cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire of Granefski and et al(2002) and difficulties in emotion regulation scale of Gratz and Roemer (2004). Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and multi regression analysis. Results: Findings showed that there was a significant correlation between perceived stress with cognitive emotion regulation and difficulties in emotion regulation in patients with obesity (P<0/01). Regression analysis indicated that cognitive emotion regulation and difficulties in emotion regulation play a significant role in explaining perceived stress in patients with obesity (P<0/01). Conclusion: These findings highlight the importance of cognitive emotion regulation and emotion regulation as a key risk factor in unhealthy eating patterns. Moreover, the restrictive eating patterns and binge eating patterns difference each other in terms of cognitive emotion regulation and difficulties in emotion regulation. Treatment interventions must address the cognitive emotion regulation and difficulties in emotion regulation and include the strategies to cope with obesity

    Comparison of the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral and emotion-focused therapies on social anxiety and emotional regulation of music students

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    Background: Studies have shown that social anxiety has a high prevalence among students. Some researches have introduced difficulty in emotional regulation as one of the factors related to social anxiety. Social anxiety and difficulty in emotional regulation not only lead to a decrease in students' academic achievements, but can also affect other psychological and social aspects of their lives. So far, there has been no research that investigates the effectiveness of two types of cognitive-behavioral and emotion-focused therapy in reducing the symptoms of social anxiety and improving the emotional regulation of students. Aims: The present study was conducted with the aim of comparing the efficacy of two types of cognitive-behavioral and Emotion-Focused therapy on social anxiety and emotional regulation of music students of the University of Arts. Methods: The design of the current research was semi-experimental, of pre-test, post-test type with a control group. The statistical population of the current research was all undergraduate music students referred to the counseling center of Tehran University of Art in 2020. From this statistical population, a number of 45 people were selected in a targeted manner from the available type and were randomly assigned in three groups of 15 people (cognitive-behavioral therapy, Emotion-Focused therapy and control). In the cognitive-behavioral therapy intervention sessions from the cognitive-behavioral therapy protocol (Davoudi, Manshaee, & Golparvar, 2018) and in the emotion-focused therapy intervention sessions from the Johnson therapy protocol (2004) and to collect data from the social anxiety scale (Connor et al., 2000) And the Emotion Regulation questionnaire (Garnefski, Kraaij & Spinhoven, 2002) was used. Covariance analysis and SPSS26 software were used for data analysis. Results: The findings of the present study showed that both types of cognitive-behavioral and emotion-focused therapy were effective in reducing the symptoms of social anxiety and improving the emotional regulation ability of students. Cognitive-behavioral therapy was more effective in reducing the symptoms of social anxiety and emotion-focused therapy was more effective in improving emotional regulation. (P<0.01). Conclusion: Based on the findings of the current research, it can be concluded that both types of cognitive-behavioral and emotion-focused therapy have been effective in reducing the symptoms of social anxiety and improving the emotional regulation of students, but in the field of problems related to thoughts and cognitive aspects, cognitive therapy - Behavior is more effective and in the field of issues where emotion is the most important factor, emotion-focused therapy is more efficient and effective

    Similarities and differences in emotion regulation and psychopathology in Iranian and German school-children: A cross-cultural study

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    Background: Internalizing and externalizing disorders in children and adolescents have been described in many countries. This study was performed to better understand the effect of culture on emotion regulation, and aimed to identify the relationship between emotion regulation and psychopathology in children. Methods: Participants were 269 children from Iran and Germany who voluntarily agreed to participate. Groups were defined by cultural background, Participants completed the Children Emotion Management Scale (CEMS), Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ), and the Youth self-report YSR questionnaires. Data were analyzed using Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) with post-hoc Scheffe tests conducted to identify the exact nature of group differences. Results: There were significant main effect of country (P < 0.001) and sex (P = 0.003). For CEMS, but no significant interaction For CERQ there was a significant main effect of country (P <0.001), but no main effect of sex nor an interaction. MANOVA analyses for internalizing and externalizing symptoms as measured by the YSR indicated significant main effects of country and sex, but the interaction did not reach significance (P=0.088). Conclusions: A main result of the study showed that children in Iran report more internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Culture and emotional expression may explain differences between Iranian and German children. It seems to be difficult for young children in Iran to express themselves, this may be because they are expected to show respect to maintain harmony in the family

    نقش جهت‌گیری‌های دلبستگی و تأثیرات معنوی در پیش‌بینی رشد پس‌آسیبی در دختران بی‌سرپرست

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    خلفية البحث وأهدافه: انّ الطبیعة المعقدة للمشاکل العاطفیة - السلوکیة لدی المراهقین المشردین، تتطلب دراسة واستخدام خطط تربویة وبرامج دعم إجتماعي - تربوي حدیث. هذه البرامج الحدیثة ترتکز علی دراسة تأثیر التوجه العاطفي والتعلّق، وتأثیر النزعة الروحیة في توقع نمو الطفل بعد الصدمة خاصة لدی المراهقات المشردات. منهجية البحث: اعتمدت الدراسة علی المنهج الوصفي - المقطعي الإرتباطي. اما الجمعیة الإحصائیة فقد شملت جمیع المراهقات المشردات اللائي حظین بدعم منظمات الرعایة الإجتماعیة في مدینة طهران لعام 2022م. وبعد ذلك أختیرت 300 مراهقة من بینهن عبر منهج أخذ العینات المتاحة، وأجبن علی سؤالات استبیان النمو مابعد الصدمة لدی تدیستشي وکالهون، واستبیان هازن و شاور حول أنماط التعلّق، واستبیان کانر ودیفیدسون حول الصمود الإجتماعي. ولتحلیل المعطیات اعتمدت الدراسة علی معامل إرتباط بیرسون ومعامل الإنحدار المتعدد. یُذکر أنّه تمت مراعاة جمیع الموارد الأخلاقیة في هذا البحث وإضافة إلی ذلك فإن مؤلفي البحث لم یشیروا إلی أيّ تصارب في المصالح. المعطیات: اظهرت النتائج أن تأثیر النزعة الروحیة کان (65/0=r و012/0&gt;P)، والتعلّق الموثوق (71/0=r و 011/0&gt;P)، أما التعلّق المتجنب فکان (73/0-=r و 023/0&gt;P)، في حین کان التعلق المتناقض (70/0-=r و 018/0&gt;P)؛ وأظهرت النتائج أنّ نمو مابعد الصدمة لدی المراهقات له علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائیة واضحة. کما أظهر تحلیل معامل الإنحدار أنّ التباین بلغ 53% من مجموع تأثیر مابعد الصدمة عبر متغیرات التوجه العاطفي وتأثیر النزعة الروحیة، یمکن وصفها علی النحو التالي: (53/0=R2). ونظراً لکمیات بتا کان التعلق الآمن (247/0=β و 011/0&gt;P)، وتأثیر النزعة الروحیة (226/0=β و 014/0&gt;P). اما التعلّق المتناقض فکان (173/0-=β و 026/0&gt;P)، وأخیراً کان التعلق المتجنب (159/0-=β و 032/0&gt;P). هذا الترتیب یُظهر العوامل المؤثرة حسب قوة التأثیر في توقع نمو مابعد الصدمة. الاستنتاج: نظراً للنتائج التي حصلت علیها الدراسة فإنّ إصلاح التوجه العاطفي وتعزیز النزعة الروحیة یمکن أن تؤدي دوراً محوریاً في تنمیة المراهقة وتحسّن حالها بعد الصدمة.Background and Objective: The complex nature of the emotional-behavioral problems of homeless teenagers requires the investigation and application of new educational support programs. This research was conducted by examining the role of attachment orientations and spiritual effects in predicting post-traumatic growth in orphaned girls. Methods: The present study was descriptive cross-sectional and correlational. The statistical population included all the unaccompanied teenage girls covered by the Welfare Organization of Tehran in 2022, out of whom 300 were selected by available sampling method. They completed the Post-traumatic Growth Inventory by Tabachenik and Feidel, the Attachment Style Questionnaire by Hazen and Shaver, and the Resilience Questionnaire by Connor and Davidson. Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple regression were used for data analysis. In this research, all ethical considerations were observed and the authors of the article did not report any conflict of interest. Results: The results of the research showed that spiritual influences (r=0.65 and P&lt;0.012), secure attachment (r=0.71 and P&lt;0.011), avoidant attachment (r=0.73 and P&lt;0.023), and ambivalent attachment (r=0.70 and P&lt;0.018) have a significant correlation with post-traumatic growth in adolescent girls. Regression analysis showed that about 53% of the variance in post-traumatic growth is explained through the variables of attachment orientations and spiritual effects (R2=0.53). According to beta values, secure attachment (β=0.247 and P&lt;0.011), spiritual influences (β=0.226 and P&lt;0.014), ambivalent attachment (β=0.173 and P&lt;0.026), and avoidant attachment (β=0.159 and P&lt;0.032) were, respectively, the strongest to weakest factors in explaining post-traumatic growth. Conclusion: According to the obtained results, modifying attachment orientations and strengthening spirituality can play a significant role in post-traumatic growth in teenage girls.سابقه و هدف: ماهیت پیچیدۀ مشکلات عاطفی - رفتاری نوجوانان بی‌سرپرست، بررسی و به‌کارگیری برنامه‌های حمایتی - پرورشی جدید را ایجاب می‌کند. این پژوهش با بررسی نقش جهت‌گیری‌های دلبستگی و تأثیرات معنوی در پیش‌بینی رشد پس‌آسیبی در دختران بی‌سرپرست انجام شده است.   روش کار: پژوهش حاضر توصیفی - مقطعی و از نوع همبستگی است. جامعۀ آماری تمامی نوجوانان دختر بی‌سرپرست تحت پوشش سازمان بهزیستی شهر تهران در سال 1401 بودند که با روش نمونه‌گیری دردسترس تعداد 300 نفر انتخاب شدند و پرسش‌نامۀ رشد پس‌آسیبی تدسچی و کالهون، پرسش‌نامۀ سبک‌های دلبستگی هازن و شاور و پرسش‌نامۀ تاب‌آوری کانر و دیویدسون را تکمیل نمودند. برای تحلیل داده‌ها از ضریب همبستگی پیرسون و رگرسیون چندگانه استفاده شد. در این پژوهش همۀ موارد اخلاقی رعایت شده است و مؤلفان مقاله تضاد منافعی گزارش نکرده‌اند. یافته‌ها: نتایج پژوهش نشان داد بین تأثیرات معنوی (65/0=r و 012/0&gt;P)، دلبستگی ایمن (71/0=r و 011/0&gt;P)، دلبستگی اجتنابی (73/0-=r و 023/0&gt;P) و دلبستگی دوسوگرا (70/0-=r و 018/0&gt;P) با رشد پس‌آسیبی دختران نوجوان همبستگی معناداری وجود داشت. تحلیل رگرسیون نشان داد حدود 53% واریانس رشد پس‌آسیبی از طریق متغیّرهای جهت‌گیری‌های دلبستگی و تأثیرات معنوی تبیین می‏شود (53/0=R2). با توجه به مقادیر بتا دلبستگی ایمن (247/0=β و 011/0&gt;P)، تأثیرات معنوی (226/0=β و 014/0&gt;P)، دلبستگی دوسوگرا (173/0-=β و 026/0&gt;P) و دلبستگی اجتنابی (159/0-=β و 032/0&gt;P) به‌ترتیب قوی‌ترین تا ضعیف‌ترین عوامل در تبیین رشد پس‌آسیبی بودند. نتیجه‌گیری: با توجه به نتایج به‌دست‌آمده، اصلاح جهت‏گیری‌های دلبستگی و تقویت معنویت‌گرایی می‌تواند نقش بسزایی در رشد پس‌آسیبی نوجوانان دختر داشته باشد