29 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Paradigma Ulama terhadap Kajian Fitrah dalam Maqāį¹£id al-SyarÄ«ā€˜ah

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    This study describes the concept of fitrah and explains the development of ulama's paradigm of the concept of fitrah within the study of maqāį¹£id al-syarÄ«ā€™ah. This normative legal research presents the perspectives of the ulamas about this discourse. Content analysis was performed to identify the data based on several characteristics and different periods. The research concluded that fitrah meant the natural nature of creation in the form of inherent potential within human beings since their creation, distinguishing them from other creatures and guiding them towards embracing goodness and Shari'a. Furthermore, it was found that the paradigm regarding the position of fitrah in maqāį¹£id al-syarÄ«ā€™ah developed alongside the evolution of maqāį¹£id. The development can be classified into three periods. In the first period, fitrah filled the gaps between the nas in the legal development and it became a supporting argument. In the second period, fitrah was viewed in a broader perspective where it became the basis for the development of maqāį¹£id al-syarÄ«'ah. In the last period, fitrah was understood as maqāį¹£id al-syarÄ«'ah as the general purpose of the law or maqāį¹£id, which underlies almost all of the laws that the implementation is in accordance with sunnatullāh. The In-depth understanding of fitrah in maqāį¹£id al-syarÄ«ā€™ah directs to determine, choose and implement the law properly based on the human nature

    Kompensasi Kerja dalam Islam

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    Kompensasi Kerja dalam Islam

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    This research was conducted to discover involvement, factors and efforts solve immoral crimes committed by adolescents. It employed descriptive qualitative methods with sociological, empirical and normative approaches. The results of the study indicated that the involvement of adolescents in such crime was based on a mutual desire to act like adults by having sexual intercourse, coercion to commit immoral violations due to lust, persuasion of friends to commit immoral acts, shortcuts to be united and invitations to commit immoral acts for payment. An internal factor causing adolescents committing immoral crime is hormonal growth which has an impact on increasing sexual arousal. If not shifted to positive activities, it will have a harmful impact including immoral acts. Meanwhile, external factors are lack of family attention, to be recognized among adolescents, influence of information from print, electronic and social media. Efforts to overcome immoral acts include Preventive by providing understanding and attention from the family to adolescents about good and bad deeds, supervising and protecting social environment, Repressive by safeguarding from promiscuity, giving sanctions to educate not to punish and, Rehabilitative by involving adolescents in positive activities in the community, carrying out outstanding activities, giving trust that they can be a part of a community group. It is expected that the results of this research can encourage family, community and government to collaborate and develop well-behaved and outstanding adolescents