10 research outputs found

    Hernie post traumatique de la paroi abdominale antérieure

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    La hernie post-traumatique de la paroi abdominale antérieure peut être méconnue dans un contexte d’urgence.Nous rapportons l’observation d’un patient âgé de 32 ans, avec un BMI à 30 Kg/m2 ayant présenté une hernie de la paroi abdominale antérieure suite à un accident de la voie publique. Cette lésion était méconnue par l’examen clinique. La tomodensitométrie abdominale montrait un défect de 8 cm de la paroi abdominale antérieure. Le patient était opéré avec découverte d’un défect musculo-aponévrotique sur 12 cm. La réparation était réalisée par une suture par des points séparés. Les suites opératoires étaient marquées par une nécrose secondairement infectée de la peau. Elle avait bien évolué après cicatrisation dirigée. A 3 mois post-opératoire, le patient va bien avec une plaie cicatrisée et une paroi abdominale solide.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    De novo autoimmune hepatitis following liver transplantation for primary biliary cirrhosis: an unusual cause of late grafts dysfunction

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    De novo autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a rare disorder first described in 1998. It occurs in patients who underwent liver transplantation for a different etiology. We present the case of a 56-year-old woman who was diagnosed with primary biliary cirrhosis and had liver transplantation for refractory pruritis. Seven years after transplantation, she presented alterations in the hepatic profile with hypertransaminasemia, elevated alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyl-transferase. Her liver functions test also showed elevated IgG levels. Serum autoantibodies were negative except for antimitochondrial antibodies. Histological findings indicated features of AIH without bile duct damage or loss. She had a pretreatment AIH score of 13 points and a post treatment score of 15 points according to the International AIH Group. The patient was treated effectively with prednisolone and her liver function and globulin levels rapidly returned to normal.Key words: Primary biliary cirrhosis, liver transplantation, de novo autoimmune hepatiti

    Posterior Right Sectoral Duct Downstream of the Cystic Ductal Opening: A Rare Variant

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    The anatomical variants of the posterior right sectoral duct of the biliary tract are frequent. They have a surgical importance involvement. We report a case of 63-year-old female patient operated by laparoscopy for acute cholecystitis with an intraoperative cholangiography discovery of an insertion of the posterior right sectoral duct on the bile duct below the cystic duct. The insertion of the posterior segmental canal on the bile duct could represent type A6 of the Huang classification. This biliary variation should be known to avoid posterior segmental canal injury, during cholecystectomy

    Annular pancreas intra operatively discovered: a case report

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    Annular pancreas is a rare congenital abnormality. This entity can rarely be symptomatic. Patients can present with gastrointestinal obstruction or acute pancreatitis. We report a case with a rich iconography, of an annular pancreas discovered intraoperatively. A 46- year-old woman was operated with the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis with common bile duct stones. At operation, a strip of pancreatic tissue (2 cm) completely encircled the second duodenum. Open cholecytectomy with choledocotomy and stones extractionwas done. Postoperatively, she developed an acute pancreatitis. The post-operative cholangiography showed the annular duct surrounding the second duodenum. Annular pancreas is rare. Symptoms may occur in newborn children. In adults, annular pancreas discovering is radiological or intra operatively

    Open liver trauma causing hepatico caval fistula successfully treated by embolization

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    Introduction: Traumatic arteriovenous fistula results from a breach of vascular integrity between a vein and an adjacent artery. Hepato caval fistula is a rare entity. Open surgical approaches have increasingly given way to radiological embolization techniques in the treatment of these arteriovenous fistulae, especially in intrahepatic locations. Case report: We report the case of a patient diagnosed with a fistula, from the right branch of the liver artery to the right hepatic vein, developed following an open liver trauma. Successful embolization through the transarterial route was achieved with simple outcomes. Conclusion: The interventional radiology for endovascular management has revolutionized the treatment of hepatic liver traumas. The conservative treatment is henceforth the common approach even if hepatic artery or hepatic veins are involved in case of arteriovenous fistula. Keywords: Fistula, Trauma, Arteriovenous, Embolizatio

    Pseudotumoral autoimmune pancreatitis mimicking a pancreatic cancer: a very difficult disease to diagnose

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    Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a rare disorder, although the exact prevalence is still unkown. It is a type of pancreatitis that is presumed to have an autoimmune aetiology, and is currently diagnosed based on a combination of 5 criteria. However, in this day and age, some patients with AIP are likely to be resected for the suspicion of malignancy. The authors report a case of pseudo-tumoral autoimmune pancreatitis, reviewing some literature about it and underlining the difficulty in the diagnosis. A 56- year-old patient was referred to our unit for upper abdominal pain. In his past medical history we note mellitus diabetes. The clinical examination was unremarkable. Laboratory data showed no abnormal values. Upper endoscopy showed antral gastritis. Transabdominal ultrasonography showed a hepatic steatosis and 5 angiomas. No computed tomography scan was made. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed 5 angiomas and a lesion of 20x20 mm of the pancreatic tail with decreased signal intensity on T1-weighted MR images, increased signal intensity on T2-weighted MR images. Due to concerns of pancreatic malignancy, the patient underwent open distal spleno-pancreatectomy. Histolo gical analysis of the resected specimen revealed no malignancy. Postoperatively, immunoglobulin G fraction 4 was slightly above of the upper limit of the normal range. After corticotherapy the patient is getting better. This case underlines the difficulties still encountered in the diagnosis of AIP. It has been frequently misdiagnosed as pancreatic cancer and caused unnecessary resection. In order to avoid unnecessary resections for an otherwise benign and easily treatable condition, it is urgent to refine diagnostic criteria and to reach an international consensus

    Le POSSUM : un bon score pour prédire la mortalité du sujet âgé opéré en urgence?

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    Introduction: Le POSSUM (Physiologic and Operative Severity Score for the enUmeration of Mortality and morbidity) est un score prédictif de mortalité qui est largement utilisé en chirurgie aortique élective et abdominale. Le but de notre étude est une validation du POSSUM chez le sujet âgé (>70 ans) opéré pour une urgence digestive. Nous nous proposons d'étudier les meilleurs seuils du POSSUM, composé d'un score physiologique et d'un score opératoire, pour prédire la mortalité dans cette population. Méthodes: Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective analytique de type cas témoin à partir d'une série de 291 patients d'âge ≥ 70 ans opérés pour une urgence digestive. Ces patients étaient répartis en deux groupes comportant 50 patients chacun. Le groupe "DC": patients décédés en post opératoire immédiat et le Groupe témoin "SURV" choisis par tirage au sort. Nous avons analysé la fiabilité du POSSUM pour prédire la mortalité et la morbidité. Par la suite, nous avons établi des courbes de ROC pour définir les seuils qui donnent le meilleur couple sensibilité/spécificité. Résultats: Le score physiologique, le score opératoire et les taux de morbidité et mortalité prédits par POSSUM et la mortalité prédit par P-POSSUM représentaient des facteurs prédictifs de mortalité (P <0,0001). Les valeurs seuils du score physiologique et du score opératoire qui donnent le meilleur couple sensibilité/spécificité, étaient respectivement de 23 et 15. Conclusion: Prédire la mortalité permet de cibler la prise en charge et d'informer le patient et sa famille des risques encourus.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Prolapsus rectal étranglé de l’adulte jeune: à propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature

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    Le prolapsus rectal est un trouble de la statique du rectum, qui réalise une invagination de la paroi rectale aboutissant à son extériorisation à travers l’anus. Il touche généralement l’enfant et le sujet âgé. Sa survenue chez l’adulte jeune est rare. L’étranglement du rectum prolabé est également une complication rare. Nous rapportons l’observation d’un jeune de 30 ans, opéré en urgence pour un prolapsus rectal étranglé. Il a eu une recto-sigmoïdectomie périnéale (intervention d’Altemeier) en urgence avec des suites simples.The Pan African Medical Journal 2016;2

    Pseudo-tumoral hepatic tuberculosis discovered after surgical resection

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    Pseudo-tumoral hepatic tuberculosis is rare. It is characterized by non-specific symptoms and radiological polymorphism. Diagnosis is problematic. This article presents three cases, each clinically different from each other, that illustrate how difficult diagnosis can be. The definitive diagnosis of pseudo-tumoral hepatic tuberculosis was reached on the basis of histological examination of surgical samples. Treatment of the disease based on appropriate anti-tubercular therapy generally gives a positive outcome