29 research outputs found

    Oligomer Structure Detected in Na/K- and H/K-ATPase

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    ペルー人男性の前頭後頭型人工変形頭蓋における頭蓋型と,正中矢状面輪郭上の歯槽性突顎に関連する若干の角について調べた.変形頭蓋は非常に大きな頭蓋示数を有するが,頭蓋モズルスは非変形頭蓋との間に有意差がなかった.Basion (Ba)-Nasion (Na)-Prosthion (Pr)角とBa-Na-Subspinale (Ss)角における両頭蓋間の差は有意であった.これに対し,Na-Pr線,Na-Ss線とフランクフルト面(FHP)のなす角度の差は有意でなかった.また,Na-Ba線とFHPとのなす角に有意差が認められた.これらの結果から人工変形はNa-Ba線の位置変化をもたらすが,歯槽性突顎の形態には影響を与えないことが示唆される.Three principal cranial dimensions and six angles on sagittal cranial profile related with facial prognathism, between artificially front-occipital deformed and undeformed Peruvian skulls were examined. The deformed skull group was characterized by a shorter and wider neurocranial vault. Angular analyses suggested that the skull deformation caused displacement of the basion-nasion line. However, the significant difference in the facial prognathism between the deformed and undeformed skulls could not be confirmed in this craniogeometric study


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    65歳男性遺体の右膝に見いだされた円板状外側半月を観察し,特に関節内付属靱帯との関係を記載した.円板状外側半月は比較的幅広く,脛骨の外側顆上関節面をほぼ完全に被い,肉眼的観察およびX線撮影ではその損傷や石灰化などの異常は見られなかった.本例では,全体的に半月の固定に関係する靱帯の発達が良好であった.すなわち,半月の前角と後角は靱帯を介して強固に脛骨に付着し,さらに,強い半月横靱帯が内・外側半月の前部を連結していた.後方では外側半月後角から起こる太い後半月大腿靱帯が認められた.加えて,内側・外側半月の前角から起こり前十字靱帯に合流する靱帯小束が認められたが,これらは半月の前部固定に関与すると考えられた.The right knee, from a male cadaver aged 65, with discoid lateral meniscus was carefully dissected. The meniscus and its anatomical relationships with some associated ligaments of the knee are described. The discoid meniscus was a wide structure covering nearly the articular surface of the tibia and was almost intact macroscopically. Neither meniscal calcification nor ossification was demonstrated by radiography. There were strong transverse ligament, solid attachments from both anterior and posterior horns to the tibia, distinct posterior menisco-femoral ligament, and ligamentous slips from both anterior horns of the medial and lateral menisci to the anterior cruciate ligament. The knee anatomy was characterized by the well-development attachment system of the menisci. The medial meniscus was anatomically normal

    Evaluation of Tissue Blood Flow of the Gastric Tube after Vessel Anastomosis for Esophageal Reconstruction

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    [Objectives and Methods] Impaired blood flow of the upper end of the gastric tube is one of the major causes of anastomotic leak following esophageal reconstruction after esophagectomy for cancer. We applied an additional microvascular anastomosis procedure-the supercharging technique-to improve blood flow. We investigated blood flow improvement in 15 patients who underwent the supercharging technique after total excision of the thoracic esophagus and gastric tube reconstruction through the posterior mediastinal route from August 2003 to March 2005. [ResultsTissue] blood flow was measured with laser Doppler flowmetry during surgery and was improved after microvascular anastomosis. Patency and blood flow of anastomosed arteries were evaluated with computed tomography and ultrasonography, respectively. Patency and stable blood flow of anastomosed arteries were confirmed more than 1 month after surgery. Therefore, microvascular anastomosis improved the tissue blood flow of the upper end of the gastric tube. Long-term blood flow improvement was confirmed, which suggests that microvascular anastomosis contributes to reducing the risk of anastomotic leak

    Photoresist Micro-Chamber for the Diffracted X-ray Tracking Method Recording Single-Molecule Conformational Changes

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    Proceedings of the 30th anniversary Eurosensors Conference --Eurosensors 2016, 4-7. Sepember 2016, Budapest, HungaryThe diffracted X-ray tracking method has been established for capturing conformational changes of single KcsA potassium channels, which records position of X-ray diffraction spot from a gold nanocrystal attached to the channel. The conventional observation chamber setup could trace a diffraction spot; however relatively high background noise resulting from X-ray scattering degraded a spatial resolution. This paper report a novel low-noise microfabricated observation chamber consisting of SiN membrane window supported by Si and embedded microchannel in negative photoresist. The measured noise exhibited lower level compared to the conventional chamber, which almost reached the detection limit of the employed imaging system

    Isolation of Stable (αβ) 4

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