579 research outputs found

    The double-edged sword: financial source of household healthcare expenditure in Ghana

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    In many regions, some of the most formidable enemies of health are joining forces with the allies of poverty to impose a double burden of disease, disability and premature death. This paper looks at the main financial sources households use to finance healthcare in Ghana. It examines the spatial and socio-economic dynamics and the challenges these pose to health and development. Analysis of the 2003 Ghana World Health Survey data indicates that approximately 41% of households depend on more than one financial source with 88% depending on household income to finance healthcare expenditure. The high dependency on household income will erode gains in the economic and health sector in the midst of the recent global economic recession. Comprehensive national health insurance programs that cover emerging disease conditions will mitigate the double burden of disease on households in emerging economies

    The ever unfolding story of cAMP signaling in trypanosomatids: vive la difference!

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    Kinetoplastids are unicellular, eukaryotic, flagellated protozoans containing the eponymous kinetoplast. Within this order, the family of trypanosomatids are responsible for some of the most serious human diseases, including Chagas disease (Trypanosoma cruzi), sleeping sickness (Trypanosoma brucei spp.), and leishmaniasis (Leishmania spp). Although cAMP is produced during the life cycle stages of these parasites, its signaling pathways are very different from those of mammals. The absence of G-protein-coupled receptors, the presence of structurally different adenylyl cyclases, the paucity of known cAMP effector proteins and the stringent need for regulation of cAMP in the small kinetoplastid cells all suggest a significantly different biochemical pathway and likely cell biology. However, each of the main kinetoplastid parasites express four class 1-type cyclic nucleotide-specific phosphodiesterases (PDEA-D), which have highly similar catalytic domains to that of human PDEs. To date, only TbrPDEB, expressed as two slightly different isoforms TbrPDEB1 and B2, has been found to be essential when ablated. Although the genomes contain reasonably well conserved genes for catalytic and regulatory domains of protein kinase A, these have been shown to have varied structural and functional roles in the different species. Recent discovery of a role of cAMP/AMP metabolism in a quorum-sensing signaling pathway in T. brucei, and the identification of downstream cAMP Response Proteins (CARPs) whose expression levels correlate with sensitivity to PDE inhibitors, suggests a complex signaling cascade. The interplay between the roles of these novel CARPs and the quorum-sensing signaling pathway on cell division and differentiation makes for intriguing cell biology and a new paradigm in cAMP signal transduction, as well as potential targets for trypanosomatid-specific cAMP pathway-based therapeutics

    The Impact of Immigration on Unemployment and Wages in the United States: Evidence from Seven States

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    Immigration and Immigration policies have been a source of debate for political parties in the United States, especially its impact on the labor market. This research investigates how immigration affects unemployment and wages in the U.S. by using a balanced panel dataset of seven states from 2007 to 2019. The states (California, New York, Florida, Texas, New Jersey, Illinois, and Massachusetts) sampled recorded the highest immigrant population and contain key gateway cities. I estimate two models: unemployment growth rate, and wages growth rate. The results of the pooled OLS estimation confirm that immigration has a trivial impact on the U.S. labor market. Immigrant growth shows a positive but statistically insignificant effect on the unemployment growth rate in the United States. In addition, the results reveal a positive but statistically insignificant impact of immigration on the wage growth rate in the United States. Other factors such as GDP growth and college completion show a substantial reducing effect on the unemployment growth rate. For wage growth, the study finds that college completion and unemployment growth can cause a decline, while an increase in the GDP growth rate can significantly improve wage growth. The study recommends that rather than the U.S. government targeting immigration as a way of reducing the unemployment rate, it can focus on growing its GDP and incentivizing citizens to pursue a college education. The growth in GDP will similarly help with wage growth over time all other things being equal

    Indigenous Health Practices for Infant and Child Health in Ghana

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    Under the aegis of ‘Sankofa’, this article argues that there is the need to contest indigenous health practices and its relevance in contemporary health care system in Ghana. Using qualitative data from selected communities in Central, Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions, this article seeks to unearth the current state of indigenous health practices for infant and child health in Ghana. Information were collected from In-Depth Interviews, Participant Observation and Focus Group, involving grand/mothers and the elders in the selected communities of the three Regions for the study. The article argues that each society hands down information and knowledge on infant and child health from generation to generation by teaching certain attitudes, practices, beliefs, legends, customs and habits. Studies conducted so far in Ghana, have played oblivion to bringing out the Ghanaian nuances on indigenous health practices and the specific developmental stages of children. Since majority of the respondents could speak Akan dialects, the article therefore employs the Akan terms for ‘infant and child’ as a tutelage for presenting the results and discussions. The article further argues for the need for complementary health practices based on both the indigenous and modern health practices for infant and child health in Ghana. Keywords: Child, Infant, Sankofa, Indigenous Health Practices, Ghana

    Mapping the Effects of Anthropogenic Activities in the Catchment of Weija Reservoir using Remote Sensing Techniques

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    Man has contributed to land cover alteration since time-immemorial through clearing of land for residential, agriculture, recreational and industrial purposes. The emergence of adapting wild plants and animals for human use as well as industrialisation have also contributed to the alteration of land cover. Over the years, anthropogenic activities have had great impact on the Weija catchment. This study seeks to map the catchment and determine the impact of anthropogenic activities using Remote Sensing techniques. Observations and measurements were made on the field as well as classification of land cover using Landsat images of years 1991, 2003 and 2017. Results showed an increase in built-up areas by 18% from 1991 to 2017. Other classes such as shrubs increased due to decrease in dense vegetation. This study confirms the use of Remote Sensing as a valuable tool for detecting change in land cover and determining the impact of anthropogenic activities in the Weija Catchment. Keywords: Land Cover, GIS, Remote Sensing, Weija Catchment, Anthropogenic Activitie

    Determination of the Interior Orientation Parameters of a Non-metric Digital Camera for Terrestrial Photogrammetric Applications

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    AbstractHigh cost of metric photogrammetric cameras has given rise to the utilisation of non-metric digital cameras to generate photogrammetric products in traditional close range or terrestrial photogrammetric applications. For precision photogrammetric applications, the internal metric characteristics of the camera, customarily known as the Interior Orientation Parameters, need to be determined and analysed. The derivation of these parameters is usually achieved by implementing a bundle adjustment with self-calibration procedure. The stability of the Interior Orientation Parameters is an issue in terms of accuracy in digital cameras since they are not built with photogrammetric applications in mind. This study utilised two photogrammetric software (i.e. Photo Modeler and Australis) to calibrate a non-metric digital camera to determine its Interior Orientation Parameters. The camera parameters were obtained using the two software and the Root Mean Square Errors (RMSE) calculated. It was observed that Australis gave a RMSE of 0.2435 and Photo Modeler gave 0.2335, implying that, the calibrated non-metric digital camera is suitable for high precision terrestrial photogrammetric projects. Keywords: Camera Calibration, Interior Orientation Parameters, Non-Metric Digital Camer


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebijakan pemerintah dalam pemberian Hak Guna Usaha terhadap PT. Kirana Sinar Gemilang di Kecamatan Lemboraya Kabupaten Morowali Utara Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Perlu diperhatikan dalam pemberian Hak Guna Usaha terhadap perusahaan PT Kirana Sinar Gemilang mengenai tanah-tanah yang berkaitan dengan tanah masyarakat, pembagian hasil plasma, penyerobotan lahan dan penyerobotan lahan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskrptif kualitatif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini informannya berjumlah 1 orang kepala perwakilan kantor pertanahan Kabupaten Morowali Utara, 1 orang sekretaris divisi perusahaan PT. Kirana sinar Gemilang, 1 orang kepala desa lawangke, 1 orang buruh plasma, 2 orang masyarakat. Dengan metode pengumpulan data wawancara, observasi, studi dokumen, analisis data dilakukan selama penelitian ini berlangsung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa berdasarkan dari teori Faried Ali terdapat tiga lokus yaitu: lokus pengaturan, lokus implementasi dan lokus evaluasi, kebijakan yang dilakukan belum efektif dalam penerapannya karena belum sesuai dengan pengaturan karena masih terdapat kepentingan kelompok lain yang di utamakan kurangnya ketegasan dari pemerintah yang seharusnya mencakup tiga aspek yaitu negara, perusahaan dan masyarakat sebagai kelompok sasaran.Kata Kunci : Kebijakan Pemerintah, Hak Guna Usah

    Traditional Teachings and Practices for Child Health in Ghana

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    Majority of rural denizens have limited access to modern medical as well as other health facilities. In the absence of adequate, readily accessible modern medical facilities, traditional teachings and practices concerning child health have proved to be a useful substitute and/or complement. Using qualitative data from selected communities in Central, Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions of Ghana, the paper examined traditional teachings and practices for child health. The results indicated a high level of utilization of both modern and traditional medical services and practices for child illnesses which feign complementary. Information gathered through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, narratives and conversations found that each society hands down mores from generation to generation by teaching certain attitudes, practices, beliefs, legends, customs, habits and prodigy. The study advanced that there are traditional beliefs and practices in all areas of life, including health in general and child health in parts. These practices include breastfeeding, massaging and postpartum sexual abstinence, for the health of the suckling infant and toddler, while socialization of good hygiene and nutrition practice is initiated and encouraged for the growing child. These reflect the values and beliefs held by members of the community for periods often spanning generations. Such practices recognize the critical importance of children’s right to health and survival, an issue at the heart of the UN charter on the right of the child. These results have implications for health policy and planning regarding the incorporation of traditional health teachings and practices into the child health aspect of Primary Health Care programmes and the UN convention on the rights of the child. Keywords: traditional teachings and practices, child health, breastfeeding, postpartum sexual abstinence, Ghana