101 research outputs found

    Trogocytosis-associated cell to cell spread of intracellular bacterial pathogens

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    Macrophages are myeloid-derived phagocytic cells and one of the first immune cell types to respond to microbial infections. However, a number of bacterial pathogens are resistant to the antimicrobial activities of macrophages and can grow within these cells. Macrophages have other immune surveillance roles including the acquisition of cytosolic components from multiple types of cells. We hypothesized that intracellular pathogens that can replicate within macrophages could also exploit cytosolic transfer to facilitate bacterial spread. We found that viable Francisella tularensis, as well as Salmonella enterica bacteria transferred from infected cells to uninfected macrophages along with other cytosolic material through a transient, contact dependent mechanism. Bacterial transfer occurred when the host cells exchanged plasma membrane proteins and cytosol via a trogocytosis related process leaving both donor and recipient cells intact and viable. Trogocytosis was strongly associated with infection in mice, suggesting that direct bacterial transfer occurs by this process in vivo

    Environmental and intracellular regulation of Francisella tularensis ripA

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    Background Francisella tularensis is a highly virulent, facultative intracellular pathogen and the etiologic agent of the zoonotic disease Tularemia. RipA is a cytoplasmic membrane protein that is conserved among Francisella species and is required for intracellular growth. F. tularensis ripA deletion mutants escape the phagosome of infected cells, but unlike wild type organisms fail to replicate in the host cell cytoplasm. Results Further analysis of ripA with respect to environmental effects on the growth of mutant strains and expression levels revealed that RipA is required for optimal growth at pH 7.5 but not pH 6.5. Using a combination of RT-PCR, ripA-lacZ transcriptional and translational fusions, and a RipA-tetracysteine tag fusion protein we found that both ripA transcription and RipA protein levels were elevated in organisms grown at pH 7.5 as compared to organisms grown at pH 5.5. A number of genes, including iglA, that are required for intracellular growth are regulated by the transcriptional regulators MglA and SspA, and are induced upon infection of host cells. We quantified ripA and iglA expression at different stages of intracellular growth and found that the expression of each increased between 1 and 6 hours post infection. Given the similar intracellular expression patterns of ripA and iglA and that MglA and SspA are positive regulators of iglA we tested the impact of mglA and sspA deletions on ripA and iglA expression. In the deletion mutant strains iglA expression was reduced dramatically as expected, however ripA expression was increased over 2-fold. Conclusion Expression of ripA is required for growth at neutral pH, is pH sensitive, and is responsive to the intracellular environment. The intracellular expression pattern of ripA coincided with iglA, which is positively regulated by MglA and SspA. However, in contrast to their positive impact on iglA expression, MglA and SspA negatively impacted ripA expression in vitro

    The proofreading exonuclease subunit ε of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III is tethered to the polymerase subunit α via a flexible linker

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    Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III holoenzyme is composed of 10 different subunits linked by noncovalent interactions. The polymerase activity resides in the α-subunit. The ε-subunit, which contains the proofreading exonuclease site within its N-terminal 185 residues, binds to α via a segment of 57 additional C-terminal residues, and also to θ, whose function is less well defined. The present study shows that θ greatly enhances the solubility of ε during cell-free synthesis. In addition, synthesis of ε in the presence of θ and α resulted in a soluble ternary complex that could readily be purified and analyzed by NMR spectroscopy. Cell-free synthesis of ε from PCR-amplified DNA coupled with site-directed mutagenesis and selective 15N-labeling provided site-specific assignments of NMR resonances of ε that were confirmed by lanthanide-induced pseudocontact shifts. The data show that the proofreading domain of ε is connected to α via a flexible linker peptide comprising over 20 residues. This distinguishes the α : ε complex from other proofreading polymerases, which have a more rigid multidomain structure

    Francisella tularensis Harvests Nutrients Derived via ATG5-Independent Autophagy to Support Intracellular Growth

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    Francisella tularensis is a highly virulent intracellular pathogen that invades and replicates within numerous host cell types including macrophages, hepatocytes and pneumocytes. By 24 hours post invasion, F. tularensis replicates up to 1000-fold in the cytoplasm of infected cells. To achieve such rapid intracellular proliferation, F. tularensis must scavenge large quantities of essential carbon and energy sources from the host cell while evading anti-microbial immune responses. We found that macroautophagy, a eukaryotic cell process that primarily degrades host cell proteins and organelles as well as intracellular pathogens, was induced in F. tularensis infected cells. F. tularensis not only survived macroautophagy, but optimal intracellular bacterial growth was found to require macroautophagy. Intracellular growth upon macroautophagy inhibition was rescued by supplying excess nonessential amino acids or pyruvate, demonstrating that autophagy derived nutrients provide carbon and energy sources that support F. tularensis proliferation. Furthermore, F. tularensis did not require canonical, ATG5-dependent autophagy pathway induction but instead induced an ATG5-independent autophagy pathway. ATG5-independent autophagy induction caused the degradation of cellular constituents resulting in the release of nutrients that the bacteria harvested to support bacterial replication. Canonical macroautophagy limits the growth of several different bacterial species. However, our data demonstrate that ATG5-independent macroautophagy may be beneficial to some cytoplasmic bacteria by supplying nutrients to support bacterial growth

    Identifying Francisella tularensis Genes Required for Growth in Host Cells

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    Francisella tularensis is a highly virulent Gram-negative intracellular pathogen capable of infecting a vast diversity of hosts, ranging from amoebae to humans. A hallmark of F. tularensis virulence is its ability to quickly grow to high densities within a diverse set of host cells, including, but not limited to, macrophages and epithelial cells. We developed a luminescence reporter system to facilitate a large-scale transposon mutagenesis screen to identify genes required for growth in macrophage and epithelial cell lines. We screened 7,454 individual mutants, 269 of which exhibited reduced intracellular growth. Transposon insertions in the 269 growth-defective strains mapped to 68 different genes. FTT_0924 , a gene of unknown function but highly conserved among Francisella species, was identified in this screen to be defective for intracellular growth within both macrophage and epithelial cell lines. FTT_0924 was required for full Schu S4 virulence in a murine pulmonary infection model. The Δ FTT_0924 mutant bacterial membrane is permeable when replicating in hypotonic solution and within macrophages, resulting in strongly reduced viability. The permeability and reduced viability were rescued when the mutant was grown in a hypertonic solution, indicating that FTT_0924 is required for resisting osmotic stress. The Δ FTT_0924 mutant was also significantly more sensitive to β-lactam antibiotics than Schu S4. Taken together, the data strongly suggest that FTT_0924 is required for maintaining peptidoglycan integrity and virulence

    Extragenic suppressor mutations in ΔripA disrupt stability and function of LpxA

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    Background: Francisella tularensis is a Gram-negative bacterium that infects hundreds of species including humans, and has evolved to grow efficiently within a plethora of cell types. RipA is a conserved membrane protein of F. tularensis, which is required for growth inside host cells. As a means to determine RipA function we isolated and mapped independent extragenic suppressor mutants in ΔripA that restored growth in host cells. Each suppressor mutation mapped to one of two essential genes, lpxA or glmU, which are involved in lipid A synthesis. We repaired the suppressor mutation in lpxA (S102, LpxA T36N) and the mutation in glmU (S103, GlmU E57D), and demonstrated that each mutation was responsible for the suppressor phenotype in their respective strains. We hypothesize that the mutation in S102 altered the stability of LpxA, which can provide a clue to RipA function. LpxA is an UDP-N-acetylglucosamine acyltransferase that catalyzes the transfer of an acyl chain from acyl carrier protein (ACP) to UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) to begin lipid A synthesis. Results: LpxA was more abundant in the presence of RipA. Induced expression of lpxA in the ΔripA strain stopped bacterial division. The LpxA T36N S102 protein was less stable and therefore less abundant than wild type LpxA protein. Conclusion: These data suggest RipA functions to modulate lipid A synthesis in F. tularensis as a way to adapt to the host cell environment by interacting with LpxA

    Francisella tularensis RipA Protein Topology and Identification of Functional Domains

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    Francisella tularensis is a Gram-negative coccobacillus and is the etiological agent of the disease tularemia. Expression of the cytoplasmic membrane protein RipA is required for Francisella replication within macrophages and other cell types; however, the function of this protein remains unknown. RipA is conserved among all sequenced Francisella species, and RipA-like proteins are present in a number of individual strains of a wide variety of species scattered throughout the prokaryotic kingdom. Cross-linking studies revealed that RipA forms homoligomers. Using a panel of RipA-green fluorescent protein and RipA-PhoA fusion constructs, we determined that RipA has a unique topology within the cytoplasmic membrane, with the N and C termini in the cytoplasm and periplasm, respectively. RipA has two significant cytoplasmic domains, one composed roughly of amino acids 1 to 50 and the second flanked by the second and third transmembrane domains and comprising amino acids 104 to 152. RipA functional domains were identified by measuring the effects of deletion mutations, amino acid substitution mutations, and spontaneously arising intragenic suppressor mutations on intracellular replication, induction of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) secretion by infected macrophages, and oligomer formation. Results from these experiments demonstrated that each of the cytoplasmic domains and specific amino acids within these domains are required for RipA function

    Francisella tularensis Invasion of Lung Epithelial Cells

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    Francisella tularensis, a gram-negative facultative intracellular bacterial pathogen, causes disseminating infections in humans and other mammalian hosts. Macrophages and other monocytes have long been considered the primary site of F. tularensis replication in infected animals. However, recently it was reported that F. tularensis also invades and replicates within alveolar epithelial cells following inhalation in a mouse model of tularemia. TC-1 cells, a mouse lung epithelial cell line, were used to study the process of F. tularensis invasion and intracellular trafficking within nonphagocytic cells. Live and paraformaldehyde-fixed F. tularensis live vaccine strain organisms associated with, and were internalized by, TC-1 cells at similar frequencies and with indistinguishable differences in kinetics. Inhibitors of microfilament and microtubule activity resulted in significantly decreased F. tularensis invasion, as did inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and tyrosine kinase activity. Collectively, these results suggest that F. tularensis epithelial cell invasion is mediated by a preformed ligand on the bacterial surface and driven entirely by host cell processes. Once internalized, F. tularensis-containing endosomes associated with early endosome antigen 1 (EEA1) followed by lysosome-associated membrane protein 1 (LAMP-1), with peak coassociation frequencies occurring at 30 and 120 min postinoculation, respectively. By 2 h postinoculation, 70.0% (± 5.5%) of intracellular bacteria were accessible to antibody delivered to the cytoplasm, indicating vacuolar breakdown and escape into the cytoplasm

    Woodsmoke particle exposure prior to SARS-CoV-2 infection alters antiviral response gene expression in human nasal epithelial cells in a sex-dependent manner

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    Inhalational exposure to particulate matter (PM) derived from natural or anthropogenic sources alters gene expression in the airways and increases susceptibility to respiratory viral infection. Woodsmoke-derived ambient PM from wildfire events during 2020 was associated with higher COVID-19 case rates in the western US. We hypothesized that exposure to suspensions of woodsmoke particles (WSP) or diesel exhaust particles (DEP) prior to SARS-CoV-2 infection would alter host immune gene expression at the transcript level. Primary human nasal epithelial cells (hNECs) from both sexes were exposed to WSP or DEP (22 μg/cm2) for 2 h, followed by infection with SARS-CoV-2 at a multiplicity of infection of 0.5. Forty-six genes related to SARS-CoV-2 entry and host response were assessed. Particle exposure alone minimally affected gene expression, while SARS-CoV-2 infection alone induced a robust transcriptional response in hNECs, upregulating type I and III interferons, interferon-stimulated genes, and chemokines by 72 h p.i. This upregulation was higher overall in cells from male donors. However, exposure to WSP prior to infection dampened expression of antiviral, interferon, and chemokine mRNAs. Sex-stratification of these results revealed that WSP exposure downregulated gene expression in cells from females more so than males. We next hypothesized that hNECs exposed to particles would have increased apical viral loads compared to unexposed cells. While apical viral load was correlated to expression of host response genes, viral titer did not differ between groups. These data indicate that WSP alter epithelial immune responses in a sex-dependent manner, potentially suppressing host defense to SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Extragenic suppressor mutations in ΔripA disrupt stability and function of LpxA

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    Abstract Background Francisella tularensis is a Gram-negative bacterium that infects hundreds of species including humans, and has evolved to grow efficiently within a plethora of cell types. RipA is a conserved membrane protein of F. tularensis, which is required for growth inside host cells. As a means to determine RipA function we isolated and mapped independent extragenic suppressor mutants in ∆ripA that restored growth in host cells. Each suppressor mutation mapped to one of two essential genes, lpxA or glmU, which are involved in lipid A synthesis. We repaired the suppressor mutation in lpxA (S102, LpxA T36N) and the mutation in glmU (S103, GlmU E57D), and demonstrated that each mutation was responsible for the suppressor phenotype in their respective strains. We hypothesize that the mutation in S102 altered the stability of LpxA, which can provide a clue to RipA function. LpxA is an UDP-N-acetylglucosamine acyltransferase that catalyzes the transfer of an acyl chain from acyl carrier protein (ACP) to UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) to begin lipid A synthesis. Results LpxA was more abundant in the presence of RipA. Induced expression of lpxA in the ΔripA strain stopped bacterial division. The LpxA T36N S102 protein was less stable and therefore less abundant than wild type LpxA protein. Conclusion These data suggest RipA functions to modulate lipid A synthesis in F. tularensis as a way to adapt to the host cell environment by interacting with LpxA.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/110509/1/12866_2014_Article_336.pd