4,630 research outputs found

    "Choice of Air Cargo Transshipment Airport: An Application to Air Cargo Traffic to/from Northeast Asia"

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    Based on a unique data set of 760 air cargo transshipment routings to/from the Northeast Asian region in 2000, this paper applies an aggregate form of multinomial logit model to identify the critical factors influencing air cargo transshipment route choice decisions. The analysis focuses on the trade-off between monetary cost and time cost while considering other variables relevant for choice of transshipment airport. The estimation method considers the presence of unobserved attributes, and corrects for resulting endogeneity via a two-stage least squares estimation using instrumental variables. Our empirical results show that choice of air cargo transshipment hub is more sensitive to time cost than the monetary costs such as landing fees and line-haul price. For example, our simulation results suggest that a one-hour reduction in total transport and processing time for a particular O-D air cargo traffic would be more effective than a US$1,000 reduction in airport charges. This suggests that it is important to reduce air cargo connecting time at an airport via adequate investment in capacity and automation even by increasing landing and other airport charges.

    Hazard analysis of typhoon-related external events using extreme value theory

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    AbstractBackgroundAfter the Fukushima accident, the importance of hazard analysis for extreme external events was raised.MethodsTo analyze typhoon-induced hazards, which are one of the significant disasters of East Asian countries, a statistical analysis using the extreme value theory, which is a method for estimating the annual exceedance frequency of a rare event, was conducted for an estimation of the occurrence intervals or hazard levels. For the four meteorological variables, maximum wind speed, instantaneous wind speed, hourly precipitation, and daily precipitation, the parameters of the predictive extreme value theory models were estimated.ResultsThe 100-year return levels for each variable were predicted using the developed models and compared with previously reported values. It was also found that there exist significant long-term climate changes of wind speed and precipitation.ConclusionA fragility analysis should be conducted to ensure the safety levels of a nuclear power plant for high levels of wind speed and precipitation, which exceed the results of a previous analysis

    Concurrence of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Bilateral Parotitis after Minocycline Therapy

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    Minocycline is an antibiotic of tetracycline derivatives that is commonly used in the treatment of moderate to severe acne vulgaris. It has been reported to cause rare adverse events from mild cutaneous eruption to severe forms including drug-induced lupus, serum sickness-like reaction, and hypersensitivity reactions, etc. The risks of adverse events attributed to minocycline have not been ascertained reliably and there are concerns about the safety of minocycline which could possibly result in life-threatening events such as the Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Here we demonstrate an unusual case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome in conjunction with bilateral parotitis after the intake of minocycline in a Korean boy suggesting discreet use of the drug

    Reliability Evaluation considering Structures of a Large Scale Wind Farm

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    Wind energy is one of the most widely used renewable energy resources. Wind power has been connected to the grid as large scale wind farm which is made up of dozens of wind turbines, and the scale of wind farm is more increased recently. Due to intermittent and variable wind source, reliability evaluation on wind farm is necessarily required. Also, because large scale offshore wind farm has a long repair time and a high repair cost as well as a high investment cost, it is essential to take into account the economic aspect. One of methods to efficiently build and to operate wind farm is to construct wind farm which is able to enhance a capability of delivering a power instead of controlling an uncontrollable output of wind power. Therefore, this paper introduces a method to evaluate the reliability depending upon structures of wind farm and to reflect the result to the planning stage of wind farm

    The Effect of Cyclosporine and Dexamethasone on Suppression of Medial Thickening after Arterial Injury in Rats

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    Vascular proliferative lesion is one of the most important causes of stenosis and late thrombosis in arterial reconstructions. We studied the effect of cyclosporine and dexamethasone on decreasing the hyperplastic response after experimental arterial injury in rats. Ninety female rats were assigned to one of four groups, each receiving daily subcutaneous injections of either (1) saline (control), or (2) cyclosporine(CYA) 5mg/Kg/D, or (3) dexamethasone (DEXA) O. 1 mg/Kg/D, or (4) CYA 5mg/kg/D and DEXA O. Img/kg/D. Injections were started 1 day before the intimal injury and continued daily for 6 weeks. Arterial injury was created in 90 rats by rotating a Imm coronary dilator in the right common iliac artery. The vessels were harvested 1,4,6 weeks after injury and the thickness of the tunica media was measured. In the control group the injured iliac artery had significant medial thickening when compared to the noninjured (P(O. 0001) 1 week after injury. Injured arteries treated with CYA or DEXA or CYA and DEXA showed significantly less medial thickening when compared to that of control (P(O. 001) but no significant difference was noted among drug treated groups for 1 and 4 weeks of treatment. At 6 weeks, however, medial thickness in the CYA and DEXA group was significantly less than that of the CYA or DEXA group(P( O. 05). These data suggest that CYA and DEXA are effective in suppressing the hyperplatic myointimal reaction to an intimal injury. In addition, these data also provide the evidence that immunological mechanisms may modulate vascular proliferative lesions
