10 research outputs found


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    The paper presents the work on the problem of qualification of impulsive sounds for applying the adequate value of impulsive adjustment. Impulsive events must be included in the assessment of noise in Poland. There are no agreement for using the objective methods that could classify impulsive sounds on the basis of measurable physical characteristics of the impulses. Moreover, the arbitrary classification includes only a several specified sources. The paper presents the review of methods and criteria for qualification of the impulses, and provides the results of applying these methods on certain impulsive noise source – collision of the wagons

    Effect of Diffusing Elements in a Reverberation Room on the Results of Airborne Sound Insulation Laboratory Measurements

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    The main problem in the measurement of airborne sound insulation is the measurement of the sound power radiated by the barrier, in practice performed by measuring the sound pressure level and the acoustic absorption in the receiving room. Large variations of the sound pressure level in a reverberation room indicate the presence of dominating strong standing waves, so that it becomes necessary to install diffusing elements. In ISO 10140, the limits have been defined in which the reverberation time at frequencies at and above 100 Hz should be included. Sometimes, however, in the case of rooms with a large volume, obtaining the required parameters is difficult and sometimes even impossible. It should then be checked whether the measured sound insulation depends on the reverberation time. The paper presents the results of sound insulation measurements at various reverberation time lengths in subsequent stages of diffusing elements installation in the receiving room. An analysis of diffusing materials amount and arrangement influence on the uniformity of the sound pressure level distribution and reverberation time in the room as well as the value of the measured sound insulation was carried out. Uncertainty of sound insulation measurement with partial uncertainties was adopted as a criterion supporting the assessment of the obtained results

    Analiza przydatności cech dystynktywnych hałasu od szyny i koła w ocenie ich wpływu na poziom ogólny hałasu kolejowego

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    The interaction of the wheel and rail is the main source of railway noise over a wide speed range. The relationship between wheel and rail noise on the overall level depends on the pass-by speed, with the dominance of noise from the rail at low speeds and the reverse relationship at higher speeds. Therefore, as part of the work the issue of analyzing the characteristic features of the acoustic signal generated on a selected section of the railway line from three different passenger trains TLK, Stadler and Pendolino was taken. The spectra of LEQ levels and their spread in 1/3 octave bands and spectral moments were adopted as the main distinctive features. The degree of aggregation of permanent features assigned to the track and variable features characteristic for passing-by trains were analysed. There were also tested their usefulness in the assessment of the impact of noise from wheels and rails on the overall level of railway noise from the tested units. The obtained results confirm the usefulness of the features based on the analysis of the spread of results in 1/3 octave bands in differentiating noise sources from rail and wheel, with slightly less usefulness of spectral moments.Interakcja koła z szyną jest głównym źródłem hałasu kolejowego w szerokim zakresie prędkości. Relacja pomiędzy wpływem hałasu od koła i szyny na poziom ogólny zależy od prędkości przejazdu, z dominacją hałasu od szyny przy niskich prędkościach i relacji odwrotnej przy prędkościach wyższych. Dlatego w ramach pracy podjęto zagadnienie analizy cech dystynktywnych sygnału akustycznego generowanego na wybranym odcinku linii kolejowej od trzech różnych jednostek - pociągów osobowych TLK, Stadler oraz Pendolino. Jako główne cechy przyjęto widma poziomów LEQ i ich rozrzuty w czasie przejazdu w pasmach 1/3 oktawy oraz momenty widmowe. Analizowano stopień agregacji cech stałych przypisanych do torowiska oraz cech zmiennych charakterystycznych dla przejeżdżających pociągów i ich przydatności w ocenie wpływu hałasu od kół i szyn na poziom ogólny hałasu kolejowego od badanych jednostek na danym odcinku. Otrzymane wyniki potwierdzają niezłą przydatność cech opartych o analizę rozrzutu wyników w pasmach 1/3 oktawy w różnicowaniu źródeł hałasu od szyny i koła, przy nieco mniejszej przydatności momentów widmowych

    Analysis of factors influencing the measurement result of the reverberant sound absorption coefficient under laboratory conditions

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    There are still discrepancies in the measurement results despite the standardized methods of measuring the sound absorption coefficient in the reverberation room. They appear especially in interlaboratory tests. The research used the method included in the EN-ISO 354: 2003 standard to determine the sound absorption coefficient. The subject of scientific research was to investigate the impact of measurement techniques (Maximum Length Sequence method and interrupted noise method for both T20 and T30 evaluation ranges), humidity in the test room, sample seasoning and sample fitting, and finally the influence of room variability on the measurement results. The tests were performed in two reverberation chambers. The study included two types of materials. Samples (1) made of identical pieces of mineral wool (ISOVER glass wool and ROCKWOOL rock wool) and (2) of fibreboard. Mineral wool was of different thicknesses. Among the measurement techniques, the smallest dispersion of the reverberation time results was obtained with the MLS -T30 method, and the highest differences in the results were caused by the test being performed in another room (reverberation chamber). There was no significant influence with the increase in humidity or the careful arrangement of the test sample from the components on the measurement result

    Analysis of the Usefulness of Measurement on a Board at Ground Level for Assessing the Noise Level from a Wind Turbine

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    The specific working conditions of the wind turbine in strong wind cause a number of problems in the measurement of noise indicators used in its short and long-term assessment. The wind is a natural working environment of the turbine, but it also affects the measurement system, moreover, it can be a secondary source of other sounds that interfere with the measurement. One of the effective methods of eliminating the direct impact of wind on the measurement system is placing the microphone on the measurement board at ground level. However, the obtained result can not be directly compared with the admissible values, as it has to be converted to a result at a height of 4 m. The results of previous studies show that this relation depends, inter alia, on the speed and direction of the wind. The paper contains the results of measurements on the measurement board, according to EN 61400-11:2013, and at a height of 4 m above ground made simultaneously in three points around the 2 MW turbine at various instantaneous speeds and changing wind directions. Analysis of the impact of measuring point location on the measurement result of noise indicators and the occurrence of additional features affecting the relationship between the values measured on the board and at the height of 4 m, and especially the tonality, amplitude modulation and content of low frequency content, was made

    Accuracy of prediction methods for sound insulation of homogeneous single baffles

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    The article presents a comparative analysis of determined spectral responses of the airborne sound insulation of single homogeneous baffles using computational and experimental methods. Calculations using theoretical models, such as mass law, the Sharp and Davy models, SoundFlow software and laboratory tests concerned nine plates made of plastic, steel, aluminium and rubber, which are homogeneous materials. These materials are used in the construction of walls in vibroacoustic protection, such as acoustic barriers, machine operating field shields and sound insulating enclosures. Apart from analysing the spectral responses of the sound insulation of the plates, the weighted single-number sound reduction indices Rw, calculated by using prediction methods and laboratory measurements, were compared. Research has shown computational errors of about 6-7 dB for mass law and the Sharp model and about 3 dB for the Davy and Davy-Sharp models and SoundFlow software

    Analysis of constructional possibilities of limiting the width of the electromagnetic interaction zone of transmission lines

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    Strefa oddziaływania linii elektroenergetycznej rozumiana jest jako powierzchnia części nieruchomości, na której prawo własności doznaje uszczerbku z uwagi na ograniczenia w zagospodarowaniu terenu oraz konieczność zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa osób i mienia. Szerokość tej strefy determinuje wiele czynników, wśród których podstawowe znaczenie ma składowa elektryczna pola elektromagnetycznego (pole elektryczne) o częstotliwości sieciowej. Na wartości natężenia pola elektrycznego, oprócz napięcia linii wpływa rozmieszczenie przestrzenne przewodów roboczych. Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza wpływu parametrów projektowych określających przestrzenne rozmieszczenie przewodów na szerokości strefy oddziaływania linii. Ma ona na celu określenie możliwości redukcji szerokości strefy oddziaływania linii elektroenergetycznych o napięciu 400 kV.The zone affected by the power line is understood as the area of the part of the land on which the right of ownership is adversely affected due to restrictions in land development and the need to ensure the safety of persons and property. The width of this zone is determined by many factors, among which the electric field with a frequency of 50 Hz has a basic importance. The value of the electric field strength is determined by the line voltages and the arrangement of the wires. The subject of this paper is the analysis of the influence of construction parameters determining the arrangement of wires. The aim of the analysis is to determine the possibility of reducing the width of the impact zone of 400 kV power lines. Minimising the environmental impact of power lines requires a comprehensive approach to the problem of electromagnetic and acoustic effects. Reducing the width of the electromagnetic interaction zone generally increases the intensity of the electric field on the surface of the wires and, as a result, the corona effect

    Experimental Verification of Windshields in the Measurement of Low Frequency Noise from Wind Turbines

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    Measuring noise from wind turbines is a problematic metrological task due to the significant interference caused by the wind, especially in the low-frequency range. In the audible band, especially A-weighted, the impact of interference from wind is considerably less than in the low-frequency and infrasound bands. In the audible band, especially the A-weighted curve, the impact of interference from wind is significantly less than in the low-frequency and infrasound bands. For this reason, methods are still being sought to reduce interference from wind in the lowest frequency bands effectively. Experimental tests within the scope of the work were carried out using several windshields, with a single standard windscreen at 1.5 m and 4 m height, with an additional microphone shield (tent), and on the board with a double windscreen at a ground level according to IEC 61400-11. Experimental verification of a windshield’s effectiveness and impact under real conditions was carried out using a low-frequency noise source, which was the main fan station at the salt mine shaft. This source generates noise with similar spectral characteristics to wind turbines and can operate in windless conditions. This allowed noise measurements to be made without interference from the wind. Signals were recorded in windless and windy conditions at different wind speeds using tested windshields. An effectiveness analysis of the proposed measurement methods was also carried out on the wind farm. Performed research indicates that the best of the tested variants, when measuring wind turbine noise in the low-frequency range, is to place the microphone on the board with a double windscreen according to IEC 61400-11. At wind speeds of less than 5 m/s at 1.5 m above the ground, the shield effectively eliminates disturbances in the band above 4 Hz. Still, as the wind speed increases above 6 m/s, the level of disturbance increases, and its bandwidth in the lowest frequencies expands

    Experimental Verification of Windshields in the Measurement of Low Frequency Noise from Wind Turbines

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    Measuring noise from wind turbines is a problematic metrological task due to the significant interference caused by the wind, especially in the low-frequency range. In the audible band, especially A-weighted, the impact of interference from wind is considerably less than in the low-frequency and infrasound bands. In the audible band, especially the A-weighted curve, the impact of interference from wind is significantly less than in the low-frequency and infrasound bands. For this reason, methods are still being sought to reduce interference from wind in the lowest frequency bands effectively. Experimental tests within the scope of the work were carried out using several windshields, with a single standard windscreen at 1.5 m and 4 m height, with an additional microphone shield (tent), and on the board with a double windscreen at a ground level according to IEC 61400-11. Experimental verification of a windshield’s effectiveness and impact under real conditions was carried out using a low-frequency noise source, which was the main fan station at the salt mine shaft. This source generates noise with similar spectral characteristics to wind turbines and can operate in windless conditions. This allowed noise measurements to be made without interference from the wind. Signals were recorded in windless and windy conditions at different wind speeds using tested windshields. An effectiveness analysis of the proposed measurement methods was also carried out on the wind farm. Performed research indicates that the best of the tested variants, when measuring wind turbine noise in the low-frequency range, is to place the microphone on the board with a double windscreen according to IEC 61400-11. At wind speeds of less than 5 m/s at 1.5 m above the ground, the shield effectively eliminates disturbances in the band above 4 Hz. Still, as the wind speed increases above 6 m/s, the level of disturbance increases, and its bandwidth in the lowest frequencies expands

    Does Stochastic and Modulated Wind Turbine Infrasound Affect Human Mental Performance Compared to Steady Signals without Modulation? Results of a Pilot Study

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    Wind turbines (WT) are a specific type of noise source, with unique characteristics, such as amplitude modulation (AM) and tonality, infrasonic and low frequency (LF) components. The present study investigates the influence of wind turbine infrasound and low frequency noise (LFN) on human well-being. In the between-subjects study design, 129 students performed a cognitive test evaluating attention and filled out questionnaires in three various exposure conditions, including background noise, synthesized LFN (reference noise) and registered WT infrasound (stimulus). No significant differences in test results or in the number of reported post-exposure feelings and ailments in various exposure conditions were found when analyzing them in males and females, separately. However, a significant association between pre-exposure well-being and reported post-exposure complaints was noted and explained by in-depth statistical analysis