6 research outputs found

    Physics, Stability and Dynamics of Supply Networks

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    We show how to treat supply networks as physical transport problems governed by balance equations and equations for the adaptation of production speeds. Although the non-linear behaviour is different, the linearized set of coupled differential equations is formally related to those of mechanical or electrical oscillator networks. Supply networks possess interesting new features due to their complex topology and directed links. We derive analytical conditions for absolute and convective instabilities. The empirically observed "bull-whip effect" in supply chains is explained as a form of convective instability based on resonance effects. Moreover, it is generalized to arbitrary supply networks. Their related eigenvalues are usually complex, depending on the network structure (even without loops). Therefore, their generic behavior is characterized by oscillations. We also show that regular distribution networks possess two negative eigenvalues only, but perturbations generate a spectrum of complex eigenvalues.Comment: For related work see http://www.helbing.or


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    We consider a system of heterogeneous agents playing the Minority Game on two markets. At each time step, each agent plays on one of the markets only. The agents can change the market according to some switching scheme. Various switching schemes are investigated: those that depend on the performance of the agents on each of the markets, and those that determine the actual market as a function of the number of games lost on the markets. We discuss the influence of the chosen switching scheme on the overall performance of the system of agents. In particular, we study both aggregate attendance (price returns) and volatilities for various schemes of the market choice.Minority game, heterogeneous agents, local markets, switching schemes

    Spatiotemporal Modeling of the Smart City Residents’ Activity with Multi-Agent Systems

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    The article proposes the concept of modeling that uses multi-agent systems of mutual interactions between city residents as well as interactions between residents and spatial objects. Adopting this perspective means treating residents, as well as buildings or other spatial objects, as distinct agents that exchange multifaceted packages of information in a dynamic and non-linear way. The exchanged information may be reinforced or diminished during the process, which may result in changing the social activity of the residents. Utilizing Latour’s actor−network theory, the authors developed a model for studying the relationship between demographic and social factors, and the diversified spatial arrangement and the structure of a city. This concept was used to model the level of residents’ trust spatiotemporally and, indirectly, to study the level of social (geo)participation in a smart city. The devised system, whose test implementation as an agent-based system was done in the GAMA: agent-based, spatially explicit, modeling and simulation platform, was tested on both model and real data. The results obtained for the model city and the capital of Poland, Warsaw, indicate the significant and interdisciplinary analytical and scientific potential of the authorial methodology in the domain of geospatial science, geospatial data models with multi-agent systems, spatial planning, and applied social sciences