7 research outputs found

    Misregulation of mitochondria-lysosome contact dynamics in Charcot-Marie-Tooth Type 2B disease Rab7 mutant sensory peripheral neurons

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    Inter-organelle contact sites between mitochondria and lysosomes mediate the crosstalk and bidirectional regulation of their dynamics in health and disease. However, mitochondria-lysosome contact sites and their misregulation have not been investigated in peripheral sensory neurons. Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2B disease is an autosomal dominant axonal neuropathy affecting peripheral sensory neurons caused by mutations in the GTPase Rab7. Using live super-resolution and confocal time-lapse microscopy, we showed that mitochondria-lysosome contact sites dynamically form in the soma and axons of peripheral sensory neurons. Interestingly, Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2B mutant Rab7 led to prolonged mitochondria-lysosome contact site tethering preferentially in the axons of peripheral sensory neurons, due to impaired Rab7 GTP hydrolysis-mediated contact site untethering. We further generated a Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2B mutant Rab7 knock-in mouse model which exhibited prolonged axonal mitochondria-lysosome contact site tethering and defective downstream axonal mitochondrial dynamics due to impaired Rab7 GTP hydrolysis as well as fragmented mitochondria in the axon of the sciatic nerve. Importantly, mutant Rab7 mice further demonstrated preferential sensory behavioral abnormalities and neuropathy, highlighting an important role for mutant Rab7 in driving degeneration of peripheral sensory neurons. Together, this study identifies an important role for mitochondria-lysosome contact sites in the pathogenesis of peripheral neuropathy

    A link between planar polarity and staircase-like bundle architecture in hair cells.

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    Sensory perception in the inner ear relies on the hair bundle, the highly polarized brush of movement detectors that crowns hair cells. We previously showed that, in the mouse cochlea, the edge of the forming bundle is defined by the \u27bare zone\u27, a microvilli-free sub-region of apical membrane specified by the Insc-LGN-Gαi protein complex. We now report that LGN and Gαi also occupy the very tip of stereocilia that directly abut the bare zone. We demonstrate that LGN and Gαi are both essential for promoting the elongation and differential identity of stereocilia across rows. Interestingly, we also reveal that total LGN-Gαi protein amounts are actively balanced between the bare zone and stereocilia tips, suggesting that early planar asymmetry of protein enrichment at the bare zone confers adjacent stereocilia their tallest identity. We propose that LGN and Gαi participate in a long-inferred signal that originates outside the bundle to model its staircase-like architecture, a property that is essential for direction sensitivity to mechanical deflection and hearing. Development 2016 Nov 1; 143(21):3926-3932

    GPSM2-GNAI Specifies the Tallest Stereocilia and Defines Hair Bundle Row Identity.

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    The transduction compartment of inner ear hair cells, the hair bundle, is composed of stereocilia rows of graded height, a property essential for sensory function that remains poorly understood at the molecular level. We previously showed that GPSM2-GNAI is enriched at stereocilia distal tips and required for their postnatal elongation and bundle morphogenesis-two characteristics shared with MYO15A (short isoform), WHRN, and EPS8 proteins. Here we first performed a comprehensive genetic analysis of the mouse auditory epithelium to show that GPSM2, GNAI, MYO15A, and WHRN operate in series within the same pathway. To understand how these functionally disparate proteins act as an obligate complex, we then systematically analyzed their distribution in normal and mutant bundles over time. We discovered that WHRN-GPSM2-GNAI is an extra module recruited by and added to a pre-existing MYO15A-EPS8 stereocilia tip complex. This extended complex is only present in the first, tallest row, and is required to stabilize larger amounts of MYO15A-EPS8 than in shorter rows, which at tips harbor only MYO15A-EPS8. In the absence of GPSM2 or GNAI function, including in the epistatic Myo15a and Whrn mutants, bundles retain an embryonic-like organization that coincides with generic stereocilia at the molecular level. We propose that GPSM2-GNAI confers on the first row its unique tallest identity and participates in generating differential row identity across the hair bundle

    Genetic analysis of Pycr1 and Pycr2 in mice.

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    The final step in proline biosynthesis is catalyzed by three pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductases, PYCR1, PYCR2, and PYCR3, which convert pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C) to proline. Mutations in human PYCR1 and ALDH18A1 (P5C Synthetase) cause Cutis Laxa (CL), whereas mutations in PYCR2 cause hypomyelinating leukodystrophy 10 (HLD10). Here, we investigated the genetics of Pycr1 and Pycr2 in mice. A null allele of Pycr1 did not show integument or CL-related phenotypes. We also studied a novel chemically-induced mutation in Pycr2. Mice with recessive loss-of-function mutations in Pycr2 showed phenotypes consistent with neurological and neuromuscular disorders, including weight loss, kyphosis, and hind-limb clasping. The peripheral nervous system was largely unaffected, with only mild axonal atrophy in peripheral nerves. A severe loss of subcutaneous fat in Pycr2 mutant mice is reminiscent of a CL-like phenotype, but primary features such as elastin abnormalities were not observed. Aged Pycr2 mutant mice had reduced white blood cell counts and altered lipid metabolism, suggesting a generalized metabolic disorder. PYCR1 and -2 have similar enzymatic and cellular activities, and consistent with previous studies, both were localized in the mitochondria in fibroblasts. Both PYCR1 and -2 were able to complement the loss of Pro3, the yeast enzyme that converts P5C to proline, confirming their activity as P5C reductases. In mice, Pycr1; Pycr2 double mutants were sub-viable and unhealthy compared to either single mutant, indicating the genes are largely functionally redundant. Proline levels were not reduced, and precursors were not increased in serum from Pycr2 mutant mice or in lysates from skin fibroblast cultures, but placing Pycr2 mutant mice on a proline-free diet worsened the phenotype. Thus, Pycr1 and -2 have redundant functions in proline biosynthesis, and their loss makes proline a semi-essential amino acid. These findings have implications for understanding the genetics of CL and HLD10, and for modeling these disorders in mice

    Exome sequencing reveals pathogenic mutations in 91 strains of mice with Mendelian disorders.

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    Spontaneously arising mouse mutations have served as the foundation for understanding gene function for more than 100 years. We have used exome sequencing in an effort to identify the causative mutations for 172 distinct, spontaneously arising mouse models of Mendelian disorders, including a broad range of clinically relevant phenotypes. To analyze the resulting data, we developed an analytics pipeline that is optimized for mouse exome data and a variation database that allows for reproducible, user-defined data mining as well as nomination of mutation candidates through knowledge-based integration of sample and variant data. Using these new tools, putative pathogenic mutations were identified for 91 (53%) of the strains in our study. Despite the increased power offered by potentially unlimited pedigrees and controlled breeding, about half of our exome cases remained unsolved. Using a combination of manual analyses of exome alignments and whole-genome sequencing, we provide evidence that a large fraction of unsolved exome cases have underlying structural mutations. This result directly informs efforts to investigate the similar proportion of apparently Mendelian human phenotypes that are recalcitrant to exome sequencing. Genome Res 2015 Jul; 25(7):948-57