9 research outputs found


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    目次 / p7 1 序論 / p1  1.1 研究の目的 / p1  1.2 研究の概況 / p4  1.3 本論文の概要 / p10 2 局所光線追跡による高速陰影表示 / p11  2.1 概説 / p11  2.2 局所光線追跡の基本的な考え方 / p14  2.3 局所化のための処理 / p16  2.4 光線追跡法の改良 / p19  2.5 適用例および評価 / p23  2.6 結言 / p25 3 水上および水中照明シミュレーション / p27  3.1 概説 / p27  3.2 基本的な考え方 / p29  3.3 1次光線と相互反射の計算 / p32  3.4 水面のレンダリング / p39  3.5 水中での散乱光の計算 / p42  3.6 適用例 / p48  3.7 結言 / p51 4 天空光を考慮した景観画像の高速生成法 / p57  4.1 概説 / p57  4.2 天空輝度分布の計算 / p60  4.3 受光直方体を用いた天空照度の計算 / p67  4.4 照度マッピングを利用した画像作成 / p75  4.5 適用例 / p79  4.6 結言 / p79 5 写実的な樹木の簡易表示法 / p82  5.1 概説 / p82  5.2 2種類の写真画像を用いた樹木の表示 / p84  5.3 シェーディングと影の処理 / p90  5.4 適用例 / p98  5.5 結言 / p98 6 結論 / p103 A 散乱関数 / p116 B Jerlovの散乱モデル / p118 C 準一次散乱(QSS)モデル / p119広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(工学)Engineeringdoctora

    A support tool incorporating a district disaster mitigation performance evaluation method for the examination of improvement plans in built-up areas

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    Approximately 20, 000 ha of densely built-up areas still remain in Japan. However, the advance of improvements in these areas has been very slow. Thus, making draft improvement plans through citizen–administration partnerships is indispensable to promote improvements. The planning support tool proposed in this study supports a consensus-building process during the creation of draft improvement plans. We develop a disaster mitigation performance evaluation method (DMPEM) for built-up areas at the district level and incorporate this method into a disaster mitigation support Web-GIS. However, DMPEM requires lengthy calculation time because it uses the probabilistic Monte Carlo computation method. Using this tool in real-time planning is therefore difficult. In this study, we first develop a system that reduces the calculation time required by DMPEM. Second, the support tool is used to make draft plans through citizen–administration partnerships in districts where residents are conducting various disaster mitigation activities. Finally, we investigate the usefulness of the tool for consensus building through the promotion of lively discussions among residents and clarify the issues associated with practical use of the tool

    A support tool incorporating a district disaster mitigation performance evaluation method for the examination of improvement plans in built-up areas

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    Approximately 20,000 ha of densely built-up areas still remain in Japan. However, the advance of improvements in these areas has been very slow. Thus, making draft improvement plans through citizen–administration partnerships is indispensable to promote improvements. The planning support tool proposed in this study supports a consensus-building process during the creation of draft improvement plans. We develop a disaster mitigation performance evaluation method (DMPEM) for built-up areas at the district level and incorporate this method into a disaster mitigation support Web-GIS. However, DMPEM requires lengthy calculation time because it uses the probabilistic Monte Carlo computation method. Using this tool in real-time planning is therefore difficult. In this study, we first develop a system that reduces the calculation time required by DMPEM. Second, the support tool is used to make draft plans through citizen–administration partnerships in districts where residents are conducting various disaster mitigation activities. Finally, we investigate the usefulness of the tool for consensus building through the promotion of lively discussions among residents and clarify the issues associated with practical use of the tool