211 research outputs found

    Changes in Carotenoid Pattern during Development of Gardenia Fruit

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    クチナシ果実中の主要色素であるクロシン(crocin:Digentiobiosyl 8,8’-diapocarotene-8,8'-dioate)の生合成についての知見を得ることを目的として,クチナシ果実の結実から完熟に至るまでの各発育段階におけるカロテノイド色素の含有量とその組成の変化を調べ,次の結果を得た. (1)肥大成長過程のクチナシ果実には殆どカロテノイド色素が認められず,成熟過程の開始後から生合成が始まり,完熟期にかけて急激な蓄積が起こった.そして,完熟期の乾燥果実は450mg%のカロテノイド色素を有していた. (2)成熟過程の何れの段階の果実にもβ-カロテンなどのC40-カロテノイドは少量しか含まれておらず,カロテノイド色素の大部分がクロシンを代表とするクロセチン(crocetin:8,8'-Diapocarotene-8,8'-dloic acid)の誘導体であった.そして,これらのクロセチン誘導体は何れも糖エステルであると推察された. (3)クチナシ果実の発育に伴うカロテノイド組成の変化を調べた結果から,クロセチン誘導体の幾つかは,クロシン生合成の中間前駆体であることが予想された

    Photonics of fullerene-conducting polymer composites and multilayered structures: new results and prospects

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    SPIE's 1995 International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation, 1995, San Diego, CA, United StatesKatsumi Yoshino, Kenji Yoshimoto, Kazuya Tada, Hishashi Araki, Tsuyoshi Kawai, Masanori Ozaki, and Anvar A. Zakhidov "Photonics of fullerene-conducting polymer composites and multilayered structures: new results and prospects", Proc. SPIE 2530, Fullerenes and Photonics II, (8 December 1995). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.22812

    Gliosarcoma arising from a fibrillary astrocytoma

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    We report a 67-year-old woman who was diagnosed with a gliosarcoma at a second operation after diagnosis of a fibrillary astrocytoma 5 months previously. Initially, she underwent a CT-guided stereotactic biopsy. Histological examination showed fibrillary astrocytoma (World Health Organization [WHO] grade II). Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on 1 p, 10q, and 19q was not detected. She received chemotherapy, but no radiotherapy. Five months after the biopsy, MRI revealed rapid tumor growth. Tissue obtained from partial removal of the tumor revealed gliosarcoma (WHO grade IV), and LOH on 10q and 19q was detected. The history, histopathology, and genetic alterations of this patient are discussed.ArticleJOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE. 18(9):1251-1254 (2011)journal articl

    MYC-type transcription factors, MYC67 and MYC70, interact with ICE1 and negatively regulate cold tolerance in Arabidopsis

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    The expression of hundreds of genes is induced by low temperatures via a cold signaling pathway. ICE1, a MYC-type transcription factor, plays an important role in the induction of CBF3/DREB1A to control cold-responsive genes and cold tolerance. To elucidate other molecular factors, a yeast 2-hybrid screening was performed. Two MYC-type transcription factors, MYC67 and MYC70, were identified as ICE1-interacting proteins. The myc mutants were more tolerant to freezing temperatures than wild type. CBF3/DREB1A and other cold-responsive genes were up-regulated in the myc mutants. Overexpression of the MYC genes increased the cold sensitivity and down-regulated the expression of cold-responsive genes. The MYC proteins interacted with the cis-elements in the CBF3/DREB1A promoter, probably to interfere interaction between ICE1 and the cis-elements. Taken together, these results demonstrate that MYC67 and MYC70, ICE1 interactors, negatively regulate cold-responsive genes and cold tolerance

    Mechanosensory trichome cells evoke a mechanical stimuli–induced immune response in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Perception of pathogen-derived ligands by corresponding host receptors is a pivotal strategy in eukaryotic innate immunity. In plants, this is complemented by circadian anticipation of infection timing, promoting basal resistance even in the absence of pathogen threat. Here, we report that trichomes, hair-like structures on the epidermis, directly sense external mechanical forces, including raindrops, to anticipate pathogen infections in Arabidopsis thaliana. Exposure of leaf surfaces to mechanical stimuli initiates the concentric propagation of intercellular calcium waves away from trichomes to induce defence-related genes. Propagating calcium waves enable effective immunity against pathogenic microbes through the CALMODULIN-BINDING TRANSCRIPTION ACTIVATOR 3 (CAMTA3) and mitogen-activated protein kinases. We propose an early layer of plant immunity in which trichomes function as mechanosensory cells that detect potential risks