224 research outputs found

    Transgenic expression of the human LEDGF/p75 gene can overcome the nuclear transport host-range barrier in mouse cells

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    学位の種別:課程博士University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Photochemical Products from Ergosterol in the Plasma Membrane of the Yeast Rhodotorula minuta cells illuminated by Near-UV

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    When the plasma mumbrane of the yeast Rhodotorula minuta cells was exposed to near-UV at 0℃, three new compounds were formes photochemically with decrease in ergosterol content. When 0.4%-SDS solution containing ergosterol was illuminated with near-UV, the same three compounds as in the membrane were formed. As a result of instruments analysis, one of three photochemical products was identified as previtamine D2 and another two compounds were characterized chemically that they had the structure of ergosta-4, 7, 22-trein-3-on. In addition, these photochemical products did not affect the growth and carotenogenesis of the yeast Rhodotorulaminuta.赤色酵母R.minuta細胞膜に長波長紫外光を照射した時に生じるエルゴステロール由来の光化学反応生成物の単離・精製およびその同定を行った。結果、3種類の物質が単離・精製され、そのうち1つはPrevitamin D2であることが同定され、残りの2つについてはergosta-4,7,22-trien-3-on の何かの炭素にOH基が付いたものであることが分かった。単離した成分を培地に加え、菌体の増殖とカロテノイド生合成に対する影響を調べた結果、これらの物質はそのどちらにも影響を及ぼさなかった

    Retroperitoneal hemorrhage with COVID-19

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    Introduction: Early prophylactic administration of anticoagulants is recommended in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). A case of retroperitoneal hemorrhage during inpatient treatment for COVID-19 is reported. Case Presentation : A 69-year-old man was diagnosed with COVID-19 6 days after symptom onset. After admission for difficulty of breathing, he was treated with steroid pulse therapy, remdesivir, and heparin sodium. On day 16 after admission, his hemoglobin and blood pressure dropped. Computed tomography showed a left retroperitoneal hematoma and multiple areas of extravasation in bilateral iliopsoas muscles. Anticoagulation therapy was stopped, and blood transfusion therapy was chosen by considering poor general condition caused by severe pneumonia. On day 19, the hemoglobin and blood pressure improved, and blood transfusion was stopped. However, he died on day 25 due to pneumonia. Conclusion : When retroperitoneal hemorrhage occurs as a complication of COVID-19, appropriate treatment decision, transcatheter arterial embolization or conservative treatment, should be chosen based on patient’s condition

    CPL on/off control of an assembled system by water soluble macrocyclic chiral sources with planar chirality

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    Herein, we report the synthesis and planar chiral properties of a pair of water-soluble cationic pillar[5]arenes with stereogenic carbons. Interestingly, although units of the molecules were rotatable, only one planar chiral diastereomer existed in water in both cases. As a new type of chiral source, these molecules transmitted chiral information from the planar chiral cavities to the assembly of a water-soluble extended π-conjugated compound, affording circularly polarized luminescence (CPL). The chirality transfer process and resulting CPL were extremely sensitive to the feed ratio of the chiral pillar[5]arenes owing to the combined action of their planar chirality, bulkiness, and strong binding properties. When a limited amount of chiral source was added, further assembly of the extended π-conjugated compound into helical fibers with CPL was triggered. Unexpectedly, larger amounts of chiral source destroyed the helical fiber assemblies, resulting in elimination of the chirality and CPL properties from the assembled structures

    MYC-type transcription factors, MYC67 and MYC70, interact with ICE1 and negatively regulate cold tolerance in Arabidopsis

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    The expression of hundreds of genes is induced by low temperatures via a cold signaling pathway. ICE1, a MYC-type transcription factor, plays an important role in the induction of CBF3/DREB1A to control cold-responsive genes and cold tolerance. To elucidate other molecular factors, a yeast 2-hybrid screening was performed. Two MYC-type transcription factors, MYC67 and MYC70, were identified as ICE1-interacting proteins. The myc mutants were more tolerant to freezing temperatures than wild type. CBF3/DREB1A and other cold-responsive genes were up-regulated in the myc mutants. Overexpression of the MYC genes increased the cold sensitivity and down-regulated the expression of cold-responsive genes. The MYC proteins interacted with the cis-elements in the CBF3/DREB1A promoter, probably to interfere interaction between ICE1 and the cis-elements. Taken together, these results demonstrate that MYC67 and MYC70, ICE1 interactors, negatively regulate cold-responsive genes and cold tolerance

    An ACE2 Microbody Containing a Single Immunoglobulin Fc Domain Is a Potent Inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2

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    Soluble forms of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) have recently been shown to inhibit severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. We report on an improved soluble ACE2, termed a “microbody,” in which the ACE2 ectodomain is fused to Fc domain 3 of the immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chain. The protein is smaller than previously described ACE2-Ig Fc fusion proteins and contains an H345A mutation in the ACE2 catalytic active site that inactivates the enzyme without reducing its affinity for the SARS-CoV-2 spike. The disulfide-bonded ACE2 microbody protein inhibits entry of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein pseudotyped virus and replication of live SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and in a mouse model. Its potency is 10-fold higher than soluble ACE2, and it can act after virus bound to the cell. The microbody inhibits the entry of β coronaviruses and virus with the variant D614G spike. The ACE2 microbody may be a valuable therapeutic for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) that is active against viral variants and future coronaviruses

    Pillar[6]arene acts as a biosensor for quantitative detection of a vitamin metabolite in crude biological samples

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    ビタミン代謝物を迅速定量できる超分子バイオセンサーを開発. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2020-12-09.Metabolic syndrome is associated with obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia, and increased cardiovascular risk. Therefore, quick and accurate measurements of specific metabolites are critical for diagnosis; however, detection methods are limited. Here we describe the synthesis of pillar[n]arenes to target 1-methylnicotinamide (1-MNA), which is one metabolite of vitamin B3 (nicotinamide) produced by the cancer-associated nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT). We found that water-soluble pillar[5]arene (P5A) forms host–guest complexes with both 1-MNA and nicotinamide, and water-soluble pillar[6]arene (P6A) selectively binds to 1-MNA at the micromolar level. P6A can be used as a “turn-off sensor” by photoinduced electron transfer (detection limit is 4.38 × 10−6 M). In our cell-free reaction, P6A is used to quantitatively monitor the activity of NNMT. Moreover, studies using NNMT-deficient mice reveal that P6A exclusively binds to 1-MNA in crude urinary samples. Our findings demonstrate that P6A can be used as a biosensor to quantify 1-MNA in crude biological samples

    Real-time measurement of frozen gait in patient with parkinsonism using a sensor-controlled walker

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    Patients with Parkinson’s disease develop gait disturbances. Although the use of walkers is very effective for maintaining locomotive ability, patients who have symptoms such as frozen gait (FG) and festinating gait may fall even with a walker equipped with a brake as they cannot use the brake well in an emergency and fail to follow the accelerating walker. None of the studies on walking aids to date have addressed real-time detection of FG or the use of this information for the control of the walking aid, monitoring of the state of improvement in the ambulatory function, or evaluation of the effect of the use of a walker. In this study, we evaluated whether the state called FG, a characteristic symptom of Parkinson’s disease, can be detected by the use of a sensor-controlled walker with heel-to-toe pressure sensors. The following two measurements were carried out in one male healthy and a one male patient with stage 3 Parkinson’s disease by the Hoehn-Yahr scale showing mild muscle rigidity, hypokinesia, and FG. In the healthy subject, the heel-to-toe pressure showed smooth heel-to-toe shifts during the standing phase. In the patient with Parkinson’s disease, the heel-to-toe response time was about 2.4 times longer than in the healthy subject at the beginning of walking, and FG could be recorded as the difficulty in lifting the foot by the toes. Also, when FG was observed during walking, the pressure waves recorded by the same sensors showed two peaks occurring at a short interval, indicating double landings

    Real Life Study of Lenvatinib Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: RELEVANT Study

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    Introduction: In the REFLECT trial, lenvatinib was found to be noninferior compared to sorafenib in terms of overall survival. Here, we analyze the effects of lenvatinib in the real-life experience of several centers across the world and identify clinical factors that could be significantly associated with survival outcomes. Methods: The study population was derived from retrospectively collected data of HCC patients treated with lenvatinib. The overall cohort included western and eastern populations from 23 center in five countries. Results: We included 1,325 patients with HCC and treated with lenvatinib in our analysis. Median OS was 16.1 months. Overall response rate was 38.5%. Multivariate analysis for OS highlighted that HBsAg positive, NLR >3, and AST >38 were independently associated with poor prognosis in all models. Conversely, NAFLD/NASH-related etiology was independently associated with good prognosis. Median progression-free survival was 6.3 months. Multivariate analysis for progression-free survival revealed that NAFLD/NASH, BCLC, NLR, and AST were independent prognostic factors for progression-free survival. A proportion of 75.2% of patients suffered from at least one adverse effect during the study period. Multivariate analysis exhibited the appearance of decreased appetite grade ≥2 versus grade 0-1 as an independent prognostic factor for worse progression-free survival. 924 patients of 1,325 progressed during lenvatinib (69.7%), and 827 of them had a follow-up over 2 months from the beginning of second-line treatment. From first-line therapy, the longest median OS was obtained with the sequence lenvatinib and immunotherapy (47.0 months), followed by TACE (24.7 months), ramucirumab (21.2 months), sorafenib (15.7 months), regorafenib (12.7 months), and best supportive care (10.8 months). Conclusions: Our study confirms in a large and global population of patients with advanced HCC, not candidates for locoregional treatment the OS reported in the registration study and a high response rate with lenvatinib