76 research outputs found

    Psychological effects of exercise on community-dwelling older adults

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    A 90-day Feeding Toxicity Study of l-Serine in Male and Female Fischer 344 Rats

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    A subchronic feeding study of l-serine (l-Ser) was conducted with groups of 10 male and 10 female Fischer 344 rats fed a powder diet containing 0, 0.06, 0.5, 1.5 or 5.0% concentrations of l-Ser for 90 days. There were no toxicologically significant, treatment-related changes with regards to body weight, food intake, water intake or urinalysis data. In several of the hematology, serum biochemistry and organ weight parameters, significant changes were observed between some of the treated groups and the controls. All these changes, however, were subtle and lacked any corresponding pathological findings. In addition, the increased or decreased values remained within the range of the historical control values. In fact, histopathological assessment revealed only sporadic and/or spontaneous lesions. In conclusion, the no-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL) for l-Ser was, therefore, determined to be at least a dietary dose of 5.0% (2765.0 mg/kg body weight/day for males and 2905.1 mg/kg body weight/day for females) under the present experimental conditions

    Real-time measurement of frozen gait in patient with parkinsonism using a sensor-controlled walker

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    Patients with Parkinson’s disease develop gait disturbances. Although the use of walkers is very effective for maintaining locomotive ability, patients who have symptoms such as frozen gait (FG) and festinating gait may fall even with a walker equipped with a brake as they cannot use the brake well in an emergency and fail to follow the accelerating walker. None of the studies on walking aids to date have addressed real-time detection of FG or the use of this information for the control of the walking aid, monitoring of the state of improvement in the ambulatory function, or evaluation of the effect of the use of a walker. In this study, we evaluated whether the state called FG, a characteristic symptom of Parkinson’s disease, can be detected by the use of a sensor-controlled walker with heel-to-toe pressure sensors. The following two measurements were carried out in one male healthy and a one male patient with stage 3 Parkinson’s disease by the Hoehn-Yahr scale showing mild muscle rigidity, hypokinesia, and FG. In the healthy subject, the heel-to-toe pressure showed smooth heel-to-toe shifts during the standing phase. In the patient with Parkinson’s disease, the heel-to-toe response time was about 2.4 times longer than in the healthy subject at the beginning of walking, and FG could be recorded as the difficulty in lifting the foot by the toes. Also, when FG was observed during walking, the pressure waves recorded by the same sensors showed two peaks occurring at a short interval, indicating double landings

    「勉強」の概念の変化 : 理科嫌い・理科離れの背景

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    理工系離れや理科嫌い・理科離れに見られるような現象は,理工系の教科や理科だけに特有なものではなく他の領域や分野でも見られる。こうした現象は一般には勉強嫌い・勉強離れと呼べるものであり,この背景には勉強の概念の変化があると考えられる。そこで本研究では,理科嫌い・理科離れは勉強嫌い・勉強触れの一つの現われであり,この間題の解明には,勉強の概念とその変化を明らかにすることが必要である,との立場から論述する。勉強の概念には非快適要素が含まれ それが勉強嫌い・勉強離れを作り,理科嫌い・理科離れの原因ともなる。非快適要素を何らかの変換装置で快適要素に変える必要がある。変換装置の一例として環境教育を取り上げ,環境問題に対する学生の意識調査を行った。この調査結果から,環境問題を解決するために理科の学習が必要と考えている学生は,不要と考えている学生より,理科嫌いの割合が少ないという傾向が見られたThere has been a disscusion that likes and dislikes of science came from the tendency to avoid an academic disipline. The original concept of "BENKYO" has included unpleasant factors which produced the dislikes of science. We need the transformer that will make unpleasant factors into pleasent ones

    The Associations among Psychological Distress, Coping Style, and Health Habits in Japanese Nursing Students: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Nursing students in many countries have been reported to experience high levels of stress and psychological distress. Health habits could potentially mediate the association between coping styles and psychological status. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mediation effect of health habits in the relationship between stress coping styles and psychological distress in Japanese nursing students. Methods: A total of 181 nursing students completed anonymous self-reported questionnaires comprised of the General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12), the Brief Coping Orientation questionnaire, and an additional questionnaire on health behavior. A mediation analysis using path analysis with bootstrapping was used for data analysis. Results: Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that psychological distress was significantly and positively associated with “Avoidance coping” (β = 0.39, p < 0.001), and was negatively associated with “Active coping” (β = −0.30, p < 0.001), “exercise habit” (β = −0.25, p = 0.001), and “sleeping” (β = −0.24, p = 0.002). In the path model, “Active coping” and “Avoidance coping” had significant or marginally significant associations with “exercise habits” (active: β = 0.19, p = 0.008, avoidance: β = −0.12, p = 0.088), and psychological distress (active: β = −0.25, p < 0.001, avoidance: β = 0.363, p < 0.001). However, these coping style variables did not have a significant association with “sleep”. In general, the size of the correlations was below 0.4. Conclusions: Exercise habits mediated the relationship between coping styles and psychological distress to a greater extent than sleep. The present study suggests the possibility that complex interactions between health habits and coping styles may influence the psychological status of nursing students


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    Association of mastication and factors affecting masticatory function with obesity in adults: a systematic review

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    Abstract Background A substantial number of adults suffer from obesity, that is caused by the risk factor, masticatory dysfunction. The association between mastication and obesity, however, is inconclusive. This systematic review aims to provide literature regarding the association between mastication and factors affecting masticatory function, and obesity in adults. Methods Four electronic databases (PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science) were used to search for publications that met the following criteria: published between 2007 and 2016, written in English, and assessed the associations between mastication and obesity among the population aged ≥18 years. The included publications were analyzed based on the study design, main conclusions, and strength of evidence identified by the two authors who screened all the abstracts and full-text articles and, abstracted data, and performed quality assessments by using a critical appraisal tool, the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme Cohort Studies Checklists. Results A total of 18 articles (16 cross-sectional, 1 cohort studies, and 1 randomized controlled trial [RCT]) met our inclusion criteria and were evaluated. Poorer mastication was associated with obesity in 12 out of 16 cross-sectional studies. One cohort study showed that the obesity group displayed higher tooth loss than the normal weight group. One RCT demonstrated that gum-chewing intervention for 8 weeks significantly decreased waist circumference. Conclusions Most studies revealed a positive association between mastication and obesity among adults. Nonetheless, most of them are cross-sectional studies, which are insufficient to demonstrate a causal relation. Further advancement requires RCT, especially an intervention of improvement of mastication and obesity needed to confirm this association