22 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of neurodynamic treatments (MONET): a protocol for a mechanistic, randomised, single-blind controlled trial in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome

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    Background: Physiotherapeutic management is the first-line intervention for patients with entrapment neuropathies such as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). As part of physiotherapy, neurodynamic interventions are often used to treat people with peripheral nerve involvement, but their mechanisms of action are yet to be fully understood. The MONET (mechanisms of neurodynamic treatment) study aims to investigate the mechanisms of action of neurodynamic exercise intervention on nerve structure, and function. Methods: This mechanistic, randomised, single-blind, controlled trial will include 78 people with electrodiagnostically confirmed mild or moderate CTS and 30 healthy participants (N = 108). Patients will be randomly assigned into (1) a 6-week progressive home-based neurodynamic exercise intervention (n = 26), (2) a steroid injection (= 26), or (3) advice (n = 26) group. The primary outcome measure is fractional anisotropy of the median nerve at the wrist using advanced magnetic resonance neuroimaging. Secondary outcome measures include neuroimaging markers at the wrist, quantitative sensory testing, electrodiagnostics, and patient reported outcome measures. Exploratory outcomes include neuroimaging markers at the cervical spine, inflammatory and axonal integrity markers in serial blood samples and biopsies of median nerve innervated skin. We will evaluate outcome measures at baseline and at the end of the 6-week intervention period. We will repeat questionnaires at 6-months. Two-way repeated measures ANCOVAs, followed by posthoc testing will be performed to identify differences in outcome measures among groups and over time. Discussion: This study will advance our understanding of the mechanisms of action underpinning neurodynamic exercises, which will ultimately help clinicians to better target these treatments to those patients who may benefit from them. The inclusion of a positive control group (steroid injection) and a negative control group (advice) will strengthen the interpretation of our results. Trial registration: NCT05859412, 20/4/2023

    Mechanisms of neurodynamic treatments (MONET): a protocol for a mechanistic, randomised, single-blind controlled trial in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome

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    Background: Physiotherapeutic management is the first-line intervention for patients with entrapment neuropathies such as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). As part of physiotherapy, neurodynamic interventions are often used to treat people with peripheral nerve involvement, but their mechanisms of action are yet to be fully understood. The MONET (mechanisms of neurodynamic treatment) study aims to investigate the mechanisms of action of neurodynamic exercise intervention on nerve structure, and function. Methods: This mechanistic, randomised, single-blind, controlled trial will include 78 people with electrodiagnostically confirmed mild or moderate CTS and 30 healthy participants (N = 108). Patients will be randomly assigned into (1) a 6-week progressive home-based neurodynamic exercise intervention (n = 26), (2) a steroid injection (= 26), or (3) advice (n = 26) group. The primary outcome measure is fractional anisotropy of the median nerve at the wrist using advanced magnetic resonance neuroimaging. Secondary outcome measures include neuroimaging markers at the wrist, quantitative sensory testing, electrodiagnostics, and patient reported outcome measures. Exploratory outcomes include neuroimaging markers at the cervical spine, inflammatory and axonal integrity markers in serial blood samples and biopsies of median nerve innervated skin. We will evaluate outcome measures at baseline and at the end of the 6-week intervention period. We will repeat questionnaires at 6-months. Two-way repeated measures ANCOVAs, followed by posthoc testing will be performed to identify differences in outcome measures among groups and over time. Discussion: This study will advance our understanding of the mechanisms of action underpinning neurodynamic exercises, which will ultimately help clinicians to better target these treatments to those patients who may benefit from them. The inclusion of a positive control group (steroid injection) and a negative control group (advice) will strengthen the interpretation of our results. Trial registration: NCT05859412, 20/4/2023

    MRI and pathology correlations in the medulla in SUDEP: A post-mortem study

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    Aims: Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) likely arises as a result of autonomic dysfunction around the time of a seizure. In vivo MRI studies report volume reduction in the medulla and other brainstem autonomic regions. Our aim, in a pathology series, is to correlate regional quantitative features on 9.4T MRI with pathology measures in medullary regions. Methods: Forty‐seven medullae from 18 SUDEP, 18 nonepilepsy controls and 11 epilepsy controls were studied. In 16 cases, representing all three groups, ex vivo 9.4T MRI of the brainstem was carried out. Five regions of interest (ROI) were delineated, including the reticular formation zone (RtZ), and actual and relative volumes (RV), as well as T1, T2, T2* and magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) measurements were evaluated on MRI. On serial sections, actual and RV estimates using Cavalieri stereological method and immunolabelling indices for myelin basic protein, synaptophysin and Microtubule associated protein 2 (MAP2) were carried out in similar ROI. Results: Lower relative RtZ volumes in the rostral medulla but higher actual volumes in the caudal medulla were observed in SUDEP (P < 0.05). No differences between groups for T1, T2, T2* and MTR values in any region was seen but a positive correlation between T1 values and MAP2 labelling index in RtZ (P < 0.05). Significantly lower MAP2 LI were noted in the rostral medulla RtZ in epilepsy cases (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Rostro‐caudal alterations of medullary volume in SUDEP localize with regions containing respiratory regulatory nuclei. They may represent seizure‐related alterations, relevant to the pathophysiology of SUDEP

    Combined Ex Vivo 9.4T MRI and Quantitative Histopathological Study in Normal and Pathological Neocortical Resections in Focal Epilepsy

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    High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may improve the preoperative diagnosis of focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) in epilepsy. Quantitative 9.4T MRI was carried out (T1, T2, T2* and magnetization transfer ratio) on 13 cortical resections, representing pathologically confirmed FCD (five cases) and normal cortex. Quantitative immunohistochemistry for myelination (myelin basic protein/SMI94), neuronal populations [microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2), neurofilament (SMI31, SMI32), synaptophysin, NeuN, calbindin], reactive glia (GFAP), microglia (CD68) and blood–brain barrier permeability (albumin) was carried out in 43 regions of interest (ROI) from normal and abnormal white matter and cortex. MRI was spatially aligned and quantitative analysis carried out on corresponding ROI. Line profile analysis (LPA) of intensity gradients through the cortex was carried out on MRI and immunostained sections. An inverse correlation was noted between myelin/SMI94 and T1, T2 (P < 0.005) and T2* (P < 0.05; Spearman's correlation) and a positive correlation between neuronal MAP2 and T1 (P < 0.005) and T2* (P < 0.05) over all ROI. Similar pathology–MRI correlations were observed for histologically unremarkable white matter ROI only. LPA showed altered gradient contours in regions of FCD, reflecting abnormal cortical lamination and myelo-architecture, including a preoperatively undetected FCD case. This study demonstrates the ability of quantitative 9.4T MRI to detect subtle differences in neuronal numbers and myelination in histologically normal appearing white matter and LPA in the evaluation of cortical dyslamination. These methods may be translatable to the in vivo detection of mild cortical malformations

    Effect of Fluorinert on the Histological Properties of Formalin-Fixed Human Brain Tissue

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    Fluorinert (perfluorocarbon) represents an inexpensive option for minimizing susceptibility artifacts in ex vivo brain MRI scanning, and provides an alternative to Fomblin. However, its impact on fixed tissue and histological analysis has not been rigorously and quantitatively validated. In this study, we excised tissue blocks from 2 brain regions (frontal pole and cerebellum) of 5 formalin-fixed specimens (2 progressive supranuclear palsy cases, 3 controls). We excised 2 blocks per region per case (20 blocks in total), one of which was subsequently immersed in Fluorinert for a week and then returned to a container with formalin. The other block from each region was kept in formalin for use as control. The tissue blocks were then sectioned and histological analysis was performed on each, including routine stains and immunohistochemistry. Visual inspection of the stained histological sections by an experienced neuropathologist through the microscope did not reveal any discernible differences between any of the samples. Moreover, quantitative analysis based on automated image patch classification showed that the samples were almost indistinguishable for a state-of-the-art classifier based on a deep convolutional neural network. The results showed that Fluorinert has no effect on subsequent histological analysis of the tissue even after a long (1 week) period of immersion, which is sufficient for even the lengthiest scanning protocols

    Neurite dispersion: a new marker of multiple sclerosis spinal cord pathology?

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    Objective: Conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the multiple sclerosis spinal cord is limited by low specificity regarding the underlying pathological processes, and new MRI metrics assessing microscopic damage are required. We aim to show for the first time that neurite orientation dispersion (i.e., variability in axon/dendrite orientations) is a new biomarker that uncovers previously undetected layers of complexity of multiple sclerosis spinal cord pathology. Also, we validate against histology a clinically viable MRI technique for dispersion measurement (neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging,NODDI), to demonstrate the strong potential of the new marker. Methods: We related quantitative metrics from histology and MRI in four post mortem spinal cord specimens (two controls; two progressive multiple sclerosis cases). The samples were scanned at high field, obtaining maps of neurite density and orientation dispersion from NODDI and routine diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) indices. Histological procedures provided markers of astrocyte, microglia, myelin and neurofilament density, as well as neurite dispersion. Results: We report from both NODDI and histology a trend toward lower neurite dispersion in demyelinated lesions, indicative of reduced neurite architecture complexity. Also, we provide unequivocal evidence that NODDI-derived dispersion matches its histological counterpart (P < 0.001), while DTI metrics are less specific and influenced by several biophysical substrates. Interpretation: Neurite orientation dispersion detects a previously undescribed and potentially relevant layer of microstructural complexity of multiple sclerosis spinal cord pathology. Clinically feasible techniques such as NODDI may play a key role in clinical trial and practice settings, as they provide histologically meaningful dispersion indices

    PRO-QUEST: a rapid assessment method based on progressive saturation for quantifying exchange rates using saturation times in CEST

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    Purpose To develop a new MRI technique to rapidly measure exchange rates in CEST MRI. Methods A novel pulse sequence for measuring chemical exchange rates through a progressive saturation recovery process, called PRO-QUEST (progressive saturation for quantifying exchange rates using saturation times), has been developed. Using this method, the water magnetization is sampled under non-steady-state conditions, and off-resonance saturation is interleaved with the acquisition of images obtained through a Look-Locker type of acquisition. A complete theoretical framework has been set up, and simple equations to obtain the exchange rates have been derived. Results A reduction of scan time from 58 to 16 minutes has been obtained using PRO-QUEST versus the standard QUEST. Maps of both T1 of water and B1 can simply be obtained by repetition of the sequence without off-resonance saturation pulses. Simulations and calculated exchange rates from experimental data using amino acids such as glutamate, glutamine, taurine, and alanine were compared and found to be in good agreement. The PRO-QUEST sequence was also applied on healthy and infarcted rats after 24 hours, and revealed that imaging specificity to ischemic acidification during stroke was substantially increased relative to standard amide proton transfer–weighted imaging. Conclusion Because of the reduced scan time and insensitivity to nonchemical exchange factors such as direct water saturation, PRO-QUEST can serve as an excellent alternative for researchers and clinicians interested to map pH changes in vivo