879 research outputs found

    Valutazione su base scientifica di differenti tipi di doma (etologica vs tradizionale) sul comportamento del cavallo

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    Lo scopo del lavoro era di valutare gli effetti della doma etologia e tradizionale su 2 gruppi di cavalle TPR, vergini dal contatto umano. Le cavalle sono state separate in 2 gruppi diversi. Le valutazioni scientifiche effettuate sono state: le osservazioni comportamentali, prima, durante e dopo la doma per evidenziare eventuali cambiamenti di comportamento all’interno del singolo branco; l’esecuzione di test comportamentali per valutare la reattività dei soggetti e la loro collaborazione con l’uomo; la misurazione del metabolica fecale del cortisolo come indice di stress provocato dalla doma; la rilevazione della frequenza cardiaca durante l’esecuzione dei test comportamentali come parametro di valutazione dell’eccitabilità dei soggetti; le osservazioni comportamentali durante le varie fasi di doma per valutare le reazioni dei soggetti alla doma ed all’uomo. I risultati non hanno mostrato differenze significative per nessuna delle valutazioni effettuate tranne per le osservazioni comportamentali durante la doma, in cui le cavalle del gruppo etologico hanno mostrato maggiore collaborazione con l’uomo, maggiori atteggiamenti investigativi, minori manifestazioni di aggressività e di difesa nei confronti dell’addestratore. Lo scarso numero dei soggetti, il maltempo che ha reso i tempi di lavoro molto più lunghi del previsto, la differenza individuale di risposta, sono possibili fattori che hanno possono aver mascherato eventuali differenze tra i 2 gruppi. I risultati ottenuti sono comunque incoraggianti per proseguire il filone di ricerca

    Aspetti farmaco-tossicologici nell'uso di rituximab nella sindrome di Churg Strauss

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    La sindrome di Churg-Strauss è una rara vasculite dei piccoli vasi ad interessamento multisistemico che si caratterizza dal punto di vista clinico per la presenza di asma, ipereosinofilia e granulomatosi. Il trattamento standard prevede l'uso prolungato e ad alte dosi di corticosteroidi e ciclofosfamide, in particolare nei pazienti con prognosi sfavorevole. Rituximab è un anticorpo monoclonale anti-CD20 che ha dimostrato di essere efficace in pazienti con malattie infiammatorie dei piccoli vasi con caratteristiche simili alla sindrome di Churg-Strauss. Inoltre, alcuni studi clinici sono stati effettuati in Europa e negli Stati Uniti per valutare i benefici clinici di rituximab nella malattia specifica. Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di valutare attraverso una disamina della letteratura scientifica, il ruolo di questa nuova propspettiva terapeutica nei pazienti con sindrome di Churg-Strauss

    Light meson production in γγ interactions with KLOE

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    Preliminary studies on γγ processes with the KLOE experiment without tagging of electrons/positrons are presented

    An Attempt to Conceptualize the Phenomenon of Stigma toward Intimate Partner Violence Survivors: A Systematic Review

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    The objectives of the present manuscript were to review the literature on stigma toward survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) and to identify the most widely used assessment techniques to investigate this issue. The PRISMA guidelines were followed, and the systematic review was registered in PROSPERO, registration number: CRD42022327410. PsycINFO, Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed were searched. Two authors selected and extracted data from eligible studies. In total, 4220 hits were returned from the database search, and of them, 24 articles met the inclusion criteria. The articles included in the review confirm the presence of stigma toward IPV survivors, which can be divided into public stigma and self-stigma. Specifically, 17 studies were related only to public stigma, 1 study focused only on self-stigma, and 6 articles investigated aspects related to both public and self-stigma. Both qualitative and quantitative studies have been conducted on this topic. The considerations on the methodologies and assessment measures used in the included studies will be discussed in the results section. Based on the research included, it was possible to develop a contribution to the definition of stigma, which will be discussed in the article

    A textile-based platform for real-time sweat collection and analysis

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    The ability to perform real-time chemical measurements of body fluids is an exciting concept for the healthcare sector and the sports industry. This work is part of the BIOTEX project, an EU FP6 project which involved the development of textile-based sensors to measure the chemical composition of sweat. This is a challenging task involving the collection of sweat samples, delivery to an active surface and the removal of waste products. A textile based platform which would be in immediate contact with the skin was developed for this purpose. The system uses capillary action and exhibits a passive pumping mechanism. This is achieved by using a combination of moisture wicking fabric and a highly absorbent material. A fabric channel is created for the integration of sensors. The channel is produced using a mask and screen-printing hydrophobic material onto the fabric. Different channel lengths and widths affect the flow rate of the system. The channel dimensions were designed based on typical sweat rates and also to accommodate sensor placement. A textile patch was developed and integrated into a waistband for collection of sweat on the lower back. Real-time measurements of sweat pH, sodium concentration, conductivity and temperature were measured during exercise using the textile patch

    L'adottato tra origini biologiche e accoglienza. Famiglia, verità, identità

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    La tesi traccia, nella sua prima parte, l’evoluzione storica dell’istituto dell’adozione dalla codificazione napoleonica ai più recenti interventi normativi, mettendo in evidenza un uso strumentale dell’istituto da parte del legislatore, teso al perseguimento di scopi assai differenti, in relazione ai mutamenti del modello familiare di riferimento ed in ragione dell’accresciuta tutela riservata al minore inteso quale bambino abbandonato, e quindi privo di un nucleo familiare adeguato a soddisfare i suoi bisogni primari di cura e di promozione della personalità. Particolare attenzione è stata dedicata alla disciplina dell’adozione internazionale che, per la prima volta, con la riforma del 1983, ha ricevuto completa e dettagliata regolamentazione, ed alle diverse problematiche che incontrano i minori stranieri in ragione della loro, almeno iniziale, condizione di bambini migranti. La seconda parte affronta il tema centrale della ricerca, vale a dire il diritto dell’adottato di accedere alle informazioni riservate sulla sua origine biologica e familiare, trattato avendo quale costante punto di riferimento l’art. 28 l. ad., nella sua ultima formulazione, la prassi applicativa, i suggerimenti della dottrina e le indicazioni che provengono dalle scienze sociologiche e psicologiche. La tesi offre una lettura della diposizione che tede a superarne le distonie e le incongruenze che la caratterizzano a causa di una formulazione imprecisa e restia ad abbandonare un certo trend culturale. Il diritto all’informazione viene poi misurato ed analizzato in rapporto al diritto alla identità personale, intesa come diritto alla realizzazione del proprio essere, nel compendio di tutte le parti, presenti e passate, che lo caratterizzano e che lo rendono irripetibile

    Higgs results in the WW(∗) → lνlν decay channel at ATLAS

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    The evidence for the SM Higgs-like boson in the H → WW(∗) → lνlν channel using the complete data samples collected in 2011 and 2012 by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, at a centre of mass energy of 7TeV and 8TeV, respectively, is presented. The total integrated luminosity is about 25 fb−1. The analysis focuses on a SM Higgs boson with a mass of 125.5 GeV produced through gluon-gluon fusion (ggF) and vector-boson fusion (VBF). An excess over the expected number of background events is observed with a significance of 3.8 standard deviations, and the expected value is 3.8. The signal strenght is consistent with the Standard Model expectation. The combined result with WH → WWW(∗) → lνlνlν and ZH → ZWW(∗) → lllνlν is also reported

    Textile sensors to measure sweat pH and sweat-rate during exercise

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    Sweat analysis can provide a valuable insight into a person’s well-being. Here we present wearable textile-based sensors that can provide real-time information regarding sweat activity. A pH sensitive dye incorporated into a fabric fluidic system is used to determine sweat pH. To detect the onset of sweat activity a sweat rate sensor is incorporated into a textile substrate. The sensors are integrated into a waistband and controlled by a central unit with wireless connectivity. The use of such sensors for sweat analysis may provide valuable physiological information for applications in sports performance and also in healthcare

    Effects of olive oil calcium soaps and phase of lactation on the fatty acid composition in the milk of Massese ewes

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    A basic diet of hay and concentrate, the latter supplemented with olive oil calcium soap (7% as fed) was given to 11 Massese ewes (group S) for a 3-month period, while a basic diet without the supplement was given to 11 control Massese ewes (group C) during the same period. Fatty acid composition of milk produced from the 5th to the 16th week post-partum was evaluated monthly. In group S, the fatty acids C6:0, C8:0, C10:0, C12:0, C14:0, C14:1, C18:3n-6 and C20:3n-3 (P<0.01) decreased significantly and C16:0, C18:1, total CLA, C20:0, C20:1, C20:2, C20:5n-3 (EPA), C23:0 (P<0.01) and C18:2 (P<0.05) increased with respect to the control group C. This trend lead to a decrease in short-chain fatty acids (P<0.05), an increase in unsaturated fatty acids (P<0.01), particularly MUFA, and an improved UFA/SFA ratio in group S (P<0.01). The lactation phase also significantly influenced fatty acid composition: the unsaturated/saturated fatty acids ratio was higher at the end of the lactation period. It can be concluded that the addition of protected olive oil fats to the diet of lactating ewes may improve fatty acid milk composition. In addition, the final phase of production positively affects milk quality relative to human health

    Alfalfa (Medicago sativa l.) overseeding on mature switchgrass (panicum virgatum l.) stand: Biomass yield and nutritive value after the establishment year

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    Perennial crops can positively act on the environment providing a better inter-annual protection of soil cover from water erosion, limiting soil fertility degradation, the risk of nutrient leaching and the exploitation of water for irrigation. Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), a warm-season grass native from North America, has been cultivated for decades as forage crop and only recently as bioenergy crop. Even if several studies reported a positive effect of nitrogen (N) supply on switchgrass yield and quality, potential indirect and direct environmental risks (e.g., eutrophication and greenhouse gas emission) are related to this practice. For this reason grass-legume intercropping can represent a sustainable practice able to increase biomass yield and quality, and at the same time to improve N use efficiency, soil structure and fertility. Based on this, the aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of switchgrass to Mediterranean environment as forage crop and to improve biomass yield and its nutritional value by intercropping with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L). During spring 2013, in two switchgrass pure stands (varieties Alamo and Blackwell, respectively), alfalfa was established through direct seeding implementing a split-plot experimental design. Our first year results report a positive effect of the intercropping in increasing the total annual yield of the stand, of about 20% with respect to the pure switchgrass stand. However, the presence of alfalfa negatively affected switchgrass yield in the mixture. In both varieties, the crude protein content was higher in the mixture than in the pure switchgrass stands. Conversely, the neutral detergent fibre content in the mixture was lower than in pure switchgrass. Then, our results show that switchgrass-alfalfa intercropping leads to increase the profitability of grassland-based livestock production