226 research outputs found

    Proteome analysis of multidrug-resistant, breast cancer-derived microparticles

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    © 2014 Deep Pokharel et al. Cancer multidrug resistance (MDR) occurswhen cancer cells evade the cytotoxic actions of chemotherapeutics through the active efflux of drugs from within the cells. Our group have previously demonstrated that multidrug-resistant breast cancer cells spontaneously shed microparticles (MPs) and that these MPs can transfer resistance to drug-responsive cells and confer MDR on those cells in as little as 4 h. Furthermore, we also showed that, unlike MPs derived from leukaemia cells, breast cancer-derived MPs display a tissue selectivity in the transfer of P-glycoprotein (P-gp), transferring the resistance protein only to malignant breast cells. This study aims to define the proteome of breast cancer-derived MPs in order to understand the differences in protein profiles between those shed from drug-resistant versus drug-sensitive breast cancer cells. In doing so, we detail the protein cargo required for the intercellular transfer of MDR to drug-sensitive recipient cells and the factors governing the transfer selectivity to malignant breast cells. We describe the first proteomic analysis of MPs derived from human breast cancer cells using SDS PAGE and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), in which we identify 120 unique proteins found only in drug-resistant, breast cancer-derived MPs. Our results demonstrate that the MP-mediated transfer of P-gp to recipient cells occurs alongside CD44; the Ezrin, Radixin and Moesin protein family (ERM); and cytoskeleton motor proteins within the MP cargo

    Syrian Refugees and the Digital Passage to Europe: Smartphone Infrastructures and Affordances

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    This research examines the role of smartphones in refugees’ journeys. It traces the risks and possibilities afforded by smartphones for facilitating information, communication, and migration flows in the digital passage to Europe. For the Syrian and Iraqi refugee respondents in this France-based qualitative study, smartphones are lifelines, as important as water and food. They afford the planning, navigation, and documentation of journeys, enabling regular contact with family, friends, smugglers, and those who help them. However, refugees are simultaneously exposed to new forms of exploitation and surveillance with smartphones as migrations are financialised by smugglers and criminalized by European policies, and the digital passage is dependent on a contingent range of sociotechnical and material assemblages. Through an infrastructural lens, we capture the dialectical dynamics of opportunity and vulnerability, and the forms of resilience and solidarity, that arise as forced migration and digital connectivity coincide

    Information Society: Emergent Technologies and Development Communities in the South (Final Report)

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    Daniel Miller, Andrew Skuse, Don Slater, Jo Tacchi Tripta Chandola, Thomas Cousins, Heather Horst, Janet Kwam

    Tailoring interfacial effect in multilayers with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction by helium ion irradiation

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    We show a method to control magnetic interfacial effects in multilayers with Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction (DMI) using helium (He+) ion irradiation. We report results from SQUID magnetometry, ferromagnetic resonance as well as Brillouin light scattering results on multilayers with DMI as a function of irradiation fluence to study the effect of irradiation on the magnetic properties of the multilayers. Our results show clear evidence of the He+irradiation effects on the magnetic properties which is consistent with interface modification due to the effects of the He+ irradiation. This external degree of freedom offers promising perspectives to further improve the control of magnetic skyrmions in multilayers, that could push them towards integration in future technologies

    Walking and the social life of solar charging in rural Africa

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    We consider practices that sustain social and physical environments beyond those dominating sustainable HCI discourse. We describe links between walking, sociality, and using resources in a case study of community-based, solar, cellphone charging in villages in South Africa’s Eastern Cape. Like 360 million rural Africans, inhabitants of these villages are poor and, like 25% and 92% of the world, respectively, do not have domestic electricity or own motor vehicles. We describe nine practices in using the charging stations we deployed. We recorded 700 people using the stations, over a year, some regularly. We suggest that the way we frame practices limits insights about them, and consider various routines in using and sharing local resources to discover relations that might also feature in charging. Specifically, walking interconnects routines in using, storing, sharing and sustaining resources, and contributes to knowing, feeling, wanting and avoiding as well as to different aspects of sociality, social order and perspectives on sustainability. Along the way, bodies acquire literacies that make certain relationalities legible. Our study shows we cannot assert what sustainable practice means a priori and, further, that detaching practices from bodies and their paths limits solutions, at least in rural Africa. Thus, we advocate a more “alongly” integrated approach to data about practices.Web of Scienc


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    Objective: Evaluation of the impact of extracts and constituents from samaras of Austroplenckia populnea on percentage of seed germination (%SG), germination speed index (GSI), length of rootlets (LR), seedling length (SL), and on dry mass (DM) of Bidens pilosa L weed.Methods: The  powder  of  samaras  was  extracted  with  organic  solvents  providing  the  hexane  (SAPEH),  chloroform  (SAPEC),  ethyl  acetate  (SAPEAE) and ethanol  (SAPEE)  extracts. The terpene 1 was isolated from SAPEH by means of column and thin layer chromatography and identified through NMR spectroscopy. Each extract and 1 were subjected to growth inhibition assays evaluating the following parameters: %SG, GSI, LR, SL and DM, with five repetitions.Results: The compounds Friedelin (1), 7-hydroxy-clerodan-3-en-16,15:18,20-diolide (2), 3,5,7,4'-tetrahydroxy-6-methoxy-8-prenylflavanone (3), tetradecanamide (4), and 4-hydroxy-1,6,15-acetyloxy-8,9-benzoyloxy-agarofurane (5) were isolated from hexane extract of samaras of A. populnea and identified by spectroscopic data. The compounds 2, 3 and 5 were not previously described as being chemical constituents from Celastraceae family. In addition, the novel compounds 3 and 5 were described here for the first time. Substantial effect on the germination of B. pilosa L. (picão-preto) was observed after treatment of seeds with nonpolar extracts from Samaras of A. populnea. Friedelin inhibited the seed germination in the tested concentrations showing toxic properties against picão-preto.Conclusion: The germination inhibition of seeds was higher using nonpolar extracts than polar extract. Friedelin inhibited the seed germination in the tested concentrations showing toxic properties against B. pilosa.Â

    Noncommutative Differential Forms on the kappa-deformed Space

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    We construct a differential algebra of forms on the kappa-deformed space. For a given realization of the noncommutative coordinates as formal power series in the Weyl algebra we find an infinite family of one-forms and nilpotent exterior derivatives. We derive explicit expressions for the exterior derivative and one-forms in covariant and noncovariant realizations. We also introduce higher-order forms and show that the exterior derivative satisfies the graded Leibniz rule. The differential forms are generally not graded-commutative, but they satisfy the graded Jacobi identity. We also consider the star-product of classical differential forms. The star-product is well-defined if the commutator between the noncommutative coordinates and one-forms is closed in the space of one-forms alone. In addition, we show that in certain realizations the exterior derivative acting on the star-product satisfies the undeformed Leibniz rule.Comment: to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    Magnonic Metamaterials

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    A large proportion of the recent growth of the volume of electromagnetics research has been associated with the emergence of so called electromagnetic metamaterials1 and the discovered ability to design their unusual properties by tweaking the geometry and structure of the constituent “meta-atoms”. For example, negative permittivity and negative permeability can be achieved, leading to negative refractive index metamaterials. The negative permeability could be obtained via geometrical control of high frequency currents, e.g. in arrays of split ring resonators, or alternatively one could rely on spin resonances in natural magnetic materials, as was suggested by Veselago. The age of nanotechnology therefore sets an intriguing quest for additional benefits to be gained by structuring natural magnetic materials into so called magnonic metamaterials, in which the frequency and strength of resonances based on spin waves (magnons) are determined by the geometry and magnetization configuration of meta-atoms. Spin waves can have frequencies of up to hundreds of GHz (in the exchange dominated regime) and have already been shown to play an important role in the high frequency magnetic response of composites. Moreover, in view of the rapid advances in the field of magnonics, which in particular promises devices employing propagating spin waves, the appropriate design of magnonic metamaterials with properties defined with respect to propagating spin waves rather than electromagnetic waves acquires an independent and significant importance

    Implementing and sustaining higher education service-learning initiatives: Revisiting Young et al's organizational tactics

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    Although the value of service-learning opportunities has long been aligned to student engagement, global citizenship, and employability, the rhetoric can be far removed from the reality of coordinating such activities within higher education. This article stems from arts-based service-learning initiatives with Indigenous communities in Australia. It highlights challenges encountered by the projects and the tactics used to overcome them. These are considered in relation to Young, Shinnar, Ackerman, Carruthers, and Young’s four tactics for starting and sustaining service-learning initiatives. The article explores the realities of service-learning initiatives that exist at the edge of institutional funding and rely on the commitment of key individuals. The research revises Young et al.’s four tactics and adds the fifth tactic of organizational commitment, which emerged as a distinct strategy used to prompt new commitment, enact existing commitment, and extend limited commitment at the organizational level
