4 research outputs found

    “They forget what they came for”: Uganda's army in Sudan

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    Uganda's army, the Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF), has been operating on Sudanese territory since the late 1990s. From 2002 to 2006, a bilateral agreement between the governments in Khartoum and Kampala gave the Ugandan soldiers permission to conduct military operations in Southern Sudan to eliminate the Ugandan rebel Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). Instead of conducting a successful operation against Uganda's most persistent rebels - who had withdrawn into Sudanese territory and acted as a proxy force in Sudan's civil war - the UPDF conducted a campaign of abuse against Sudanese civilians. Drawing on extensive fieldwork conducted over several years, this article documents local experiences of a foreign army's involvement in the brutal Sudanese civil war. It outlines why continued operations of the UPDF outside their borders recreate the same problem they purport to be fighting: abuses of civilians. Since 2008, US military support for the UPDF mission against the LRA has called into question the viability of continued militarisation through an army that has committed widely documented human rights abuses. The foreign military has not brought peace to the region. Instead, it has made a peaceful environment less likely for residents of South Sudan

    Buganda royalism and political competition in Uganda’s 2011 elections

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    International audienceAlthough the 2011 elections in Uganda did not result into the expected splitbetween Buganda voters and President Museveni, the electoral campaign is agood empirical entry point to understand the forms of contemporary royalistmobilisations, and the way Buganda, its nature and its fate, are conceptualised bypolitical elites today. In the constituency of Kampala where fieldwork wasconducted, Buganda was very present in the rally speeches. Political adversariessaw it as a powerful source of popular support. It thus impacted the lines againstwhich politicians competed: their strategies and the criteria against which theywere asking to be judged. In their rally speeches, electoral candidates producedconflicting, but also sometimes convergent, conceptions of what it means tobe a good leader in Buganda, for both men and women. Particularly, politicalopponents shared and projected a behavioural conception of ‘Gandaness’ thatmixes autochthony and loyalty to the king

    The Power of the Weak: How Informal Power-Sharing Shapes the Work of the UN Security Council

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