21 research outputs found

    T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma Presenting as Bilateral Multinodular Breast Masses: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Non-Hodgkin lymphoma of T-cell lineage involving the breast is rare. We report on a 41-year-old woman with T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma who presented with multiple bilateral breast masses. The patient was treated with intensive chemotherapy and med- iastinal and whole-brain irradiation. She remains in complete remission 24 months after diagnosis. The clinical, histologic, phenotypic, and cytogenetic features are described, with a review of the literature

    The Molecular Signature Underlying the Thymic Migration and Maturation of TCRαβ+CD4+CD8- Thymocytes

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    BACKGROUND: After positive selection, the newly generated single positive (SP) thymocytes migrate to the thymic medulla, where they undergo negative selection to eliminate autoreactive T cells and functional maturation to acquire immune competence and egress capability. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To elucidate the genetic program underlying this process, we analyzed changes in gene expression in four subsets of mouse TCRαβ(+)CD4(+)CD8(-) thymocytes (SP1 to SP4) representative of sequential stages in a previously defined differentiation program. A genetic signature of the migration of thymocytes was thus revealed. CCR7 and PlexinD1 are believed to be important for the medullary positioning of SP thymocytes. Intriguingly, their expression remains at low levels in the newly generated thymocytes, suggesting that the cortex-medulla migration may not occur until the SP2 stage. SP2 and SP3 cells gradually up-regulate transcripts involved in T cell functions and the Foxo1-KLF2-S1P(1) axis, but a number of immune function-associated genes are not highly expressed until cells reach the SP4 stage. Consistent with their critical role in thymic emigration, the expression of S1P(1) and CD62L are much enhanced in SP4 cells. CONCLUSIONS: These results support at the molecular level that single positive thymocytes undergo a differentiation program and further demonstrate that SP4 is the stage at which thymocytes acquire the immunocompetence and the capability of emigration from the thymus

    T-cell identity and epigenetic memory

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    T-cell development endows cells with a flexible range of effector differentiation options, superimposed on a stable core of lineage-specific gene expression that is maintained while access to alternative hematopoietic lineages is permanently renounced. This combination of features could be explained by environmentally responsive transcription factor mobilization overlaying an epigenetically stabilized base gene expression state. For example, "poising" of promoters could offer preferential access to T-cell genes, while repressive histone modifications and DNA methylation of non-T regulatory genes could be responsible for keeping non-T developmental options closed. Here, we critically review the evidence for the actual deployment of epigenetic marking to support the stable aspects of T-cell identity. Much of epigenetic marking is dynamically maintained or subject to rapid modification by local action of transcription factors. Repressive histone marks are used in gene-specific ways that do not fit a simple, developmental lineage-exclusion hierarchy. We argue that epigenetic analysis may achieve its greatest impact for illuminating regulatory biology when it is used to locate cis-regulatory elements by catching them in the act of mediating regulatory change

    Developmental gene networks: a triathlon on the course to T cell identity

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    Identification of Mutations That Decrease the Stability of a Fragment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Chromosome III Lacking Efficient Replicators

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    Eukaryotic chromosomes are duplicated during S phase and transmitted to progeny during mitosis with high fidelity. Chromosome duplication is controlled at the level of replication initiation, which occurs at cis-acting replicator sequences that are spaced at intervals of ∼40 kb along the chromosomes of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Surprisingly, we found that derivatives of yeast chromosome III that lack known replicators were replicated and segregated properly in at least 96% of cell divisions. To gain insight into the mechanisms that maintain these “originless” chromosome fragments, we screened for mutants defective in the maintenance of an “originless” chromosome fragment, but proficient in the maintenance of the same fragment that carries its normal complement of replicators (originless fragment maintenance mutants, or ofm). We show that three of these Ofm mutations appear to disrupt different processes involved in chromosome transmission. The OFM1-1 mutant seems to disrupt an alternative initiation mechanism, and the ofm6 mutant appears to be defective in replication fork progression. ofm14 is an allele of RAD9, which is required for the activation of the DNA damage checkpoint, suggesting that this checkpoint plays a key role in the maintenance of the “originless” fragment

    Wnt signaling in the thymus is regulated by differential expression of intracellular signaling molecules

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    Wnt signaling is essential for T cell development in the thymus, but the stages in which it occurs and the molecular mechanisms underlying Wnt responsiveness have remained elusive. Here we examined Wnt signaling activity in both human and murine thymocyte populations by determining β-catenin levels, Tcf-reporter activation and expression of Wnt-target genes. We demonstrate that Wnt signaling occurs in all thymocyte subsets, including the more mature populations, but most prominently in the double negative (DN) subsets. This differential sensitivity to Wnt signaling was not caused by differences in the presence of Wnts or Wnt receptors, as these appeared to be expressed at comparable levels in all thymocyte subsets. Rather, it can be explained by high expression of activating signaling molecules in DN cells, e.g., β-catenin, plakoglobin, and long forms of Tcf-1, and by low levels of inhibitory molecules. By blocking Wnt signaling from the earliest stage onwards using overexpression of Dickkopf, we show that inhibition of the canonical Wnt pathway blocks development at the most immature DN1 stage. Thus, responsiveness to developmental signals can be regulated by differential expression of intracellular mediators rather than by abundance of receptors or ligands