77 research outputs found

    Perspectives on Doris Lessing's The Grass is Singing: A Postcolonial Reading

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    This paper presents and interprets the study of Doris Lessing's novel, The Grass is Singing (1950) with a theoretical support of the postcolonialism. It reflects a strong psychological study about a frustrated woman and her marital relationship with Dick Turner. Lessing paints a picture of Rhodesian society where she delineates how peasants and black people were treated by their white masters during that 1940s. It does not only focuses on political relationship between the white and the black but also explores phallogocentricism and failure of individuality. It also examines contact zone between Mary Turner, a white farmer's wife and her black African servant where two different cultures meet, clash, and grapple with each other. It aims that Mary as the heroine of the novel grasping her own identity due to overpowering colonial rule which is explored by Lessing in the form of violence and brutality. It also presents cross-hatched intersection of gender, class and race along with failed marriage and sexual obsessions


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    The idea to connect everything to anything and at any point of time is what vaguely defines the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT is not only about providing connectivity but also facilitating interaction among these connected things. Though the term IoT was introduced in 1999 but has drawn significant attention during the past few years, the pace at which new devices are being integrated into the system will profoundly impact the world in a good way but also poses some severe queries about security and privacy. IoT in its current form is susceptible to a multitudinous set of attacks. One of the most significant concerns of IoT is to provide security assurance for the data exchange because data is vulnerable to some attacks by the attackers at each layer of IoT. The IoT has a layered structure where each layer provides a service. The security needs vary from layer to layer as each layer serves a different purpose. This paper aims to analyze the various security and privacy threats related to IoT. Some attacks have been discussed along with some existing and proposed countermeasures

    Next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms: An exciting era of genome sequence analysis

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    © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019. DNA referred to as blueprint of life codes for the diversity and function of all the living organisms. Determining DNA sequences of the living organisms not only gives an overview of their genetic makeup, but also provides information about their function. Nonetheless it was not easy to determine the genome sequencing of all the diversity around us especially with the technologies available before 2010. Therefore, determining the sequence of humans and some other organisms only was prioritized. Pioneering methods for DNA sequencing given discovered by Maxam and Gilbert, and Sanger although were very powerful and popular but were not high throughput and economic. Therefore, it was necessary to develop new economic and high-throughput methods that can sequence the biodiversity consequently providing better insights of their possible function. New methods were developed and commercialized by Roche Life Sciences, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Illumina, and Applied Biosystems. These methods generally referred to as next-generation sequencing methods have revolutionized the DNA sequencing. Many sequencing platforms employing NGS have been developed including pyrosequencing, Ion Torrent technology, Illumina/Solexa platform, and SOLiD (Sequencing by Oligonucleotide Ligation and Detection). Further optimization has led to innovative third and fourth-generation platforms as single molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing by PacBio, nanopore sequencing, etc. As a consequence there is a sharp increase in the number of genomes being published and other genome-based studies since 2012. This has made it easy even to imagine of sequencing the genomes of individuals. Furthermore, scientists are now looking for third-generation sequencers that may be significantly different from the sequencers that are currently available

    Pharmacological Inhibition of Class III Alcohol Dehydrogenase 5: Turning Remote Ischemic Conditioning Effective in a Diabetic Stroke Model

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    The restoration of cerebral blood flow (CBF) to achieve brain tissue oxygenation (PbtO2 ) is the primary treatment for ischemic stroke, a significant cause of adult mortality and disability worldwide. Nitric oxide (NO) and its bioactive s-nitrosylated (SNO) reservoirs, such as s-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), induce hypoxic vasodilation to enhance CBF during ischemia. The endogenous pool of SNOs/GSNO is enhanced via the activation of endothelial NO synthase (eNOS/NOS3) and by the suppression of class III alcohol dehydrogenase 5 (ADH5), also known as GSNO reductase (GSNOR). Remote ischemic conditioning (RIC), which augments NOS3 activity and SNO, is an emerging therapy in acute stroke. However, RIC has so far shown neutral effects in stroke clinical trials. As the majority of stroke patients are presented with endothelial dysfunctions and comorbidities, we tested the hypothesis that NOS3 dysfunction and diabetes will abolish the protective effects of RIC therapy in stroke, and the prior inhibition of GSNOR will turn RIC protective. Our data demonstrate that RIC during thrombotic stroke failed to enhance the CBF and the benefits of thrombolysis in NOS3 mutant (NOS3+/−) mice, a genetic model of NOS3 dysfunction. Interestingly, thrombotic stroke in diabetic mice enhanced the activity of GSNOR as early as 3 h post-stroke without decreasing the plasma nitrite (NO2 −). In thrombotic stroke, neither a pharmacological inhibitor of GSNOR (GRI) nor RIC therapy alone was protective in diabetic mice. However, prior treatment with GRI followed by RIC enhanced the CBF and improved recovery. In a reperfused stroke model, the GRI–RIC combination therapy in diabetic mice augmented PbtO2 , a translatory signature of successful microvascular reflow. In addition, RIC therapy unexpectedly increased the inflammatory markers at 6 h post-stroke in diabetic stroke that were downregulated in combination with GRI while improving the outcomes. Thus, we conclude that preexisting NOS3 dysfunctions due to comorbidities may neutralize the benefits of RIC in stroke, which can be turned protective in combination with GRI. Our findings may support the future clinical trial of RIC in comorbid stroke. Further studies are warranted to test and develop SNO reservoirs as the blood-associated biomarker to monitor the response and efficacy of RIC therapy in stroke

    Biochemical and immunological parameters as indicators of osteoarthritis subjects: role of OH-collagen in auto-antibodies generation

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by inflammation of the knee joint, which is caused by accumulation of cytokines and C-reactive protein (CRP) in the extracellular matrix as an early immune response to infection. The articular cartilage destruction is discernible by elevated tumour necrosis factor-a (TNF-a). In this study, blood samples of knee osteoarthritis patients were analyzed for biochemical and physiological parameters based on the lipid profile, uric acid, total leukocyte count (TLC), hemoglobin percentage (Hb%) and absolute lymphocyte count (ALC). Furthermore, immunological parameters including TNF-a, interleukin-6 (IL-6) and CRP were analyzed. The presence of antibodies against hydroxyl radical modified collagen-II (•OH-collagen-II) was also investigated in arthritis patients using direct binding ELISA. The uric acid and lipid profiles changed extensively. Specifically, increased uric acid levels were associated with OA in both genders, as were enhanced immunological parameters. The TNF-a level also increased in both genders suffering from OA. Finally, auto-antibodies against OH-collagen II antigen were found in the sera of arthritis patients. These results indicated that immunological parameters are better predictors or indexes for diagnosis of OA than biochemical parameters

    Indigenously produced biochar retains fertility in sandy soil through unique microbial diversity sustenance: a step toward the circular economy

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    IntroductionAgricultural productivity in the arid hot desert climate of UAE is limited by the unavailability of water, high temperature, and salt stresses. Growing enough food under abiotic stresses and decreasing reliance on imports in an era of global warming are a challenge. Biochar with high water and nutrient retention capacity and acid neutralization activity is an attractive soil conditioner. This study investigates the microbial community in the arid soil of Dubai under shade house conditions irrigated with saline water and the shift in the microbial community, following 1 year of amendment with indigenously prepared biochar from date palm waste.MethodsAmplicon sequencing was used to elucidate changes in bacterial, archaeal, and fungal community structures in response to long-term biochar amendment. Samples were collected from quinoa fields receiving standard NPK doses and from fields receiving 20 and 30 tons ha−1 of biochar, in addition to NPK for 1 year. Water holding capacity, pH, electrical conductivity, calcium, magnesium, chloride, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, total carbon, organic matter, and total nitrogen in the soil from biochar-treated and untreated controls were determined.Results and discussionThe results show that soil amendment with biochar helps retain archaeal and bacterial diversity. Analysis of differentially abundant bacterial and fungal genera indicates enrichment of plant growth-promoting microorganisms. Interestingly, many of the abundant genera are known to tolerate salt stress, and some observed genera were of marine origin. Biochar application improved the mineral status and organic matter content of the soil. Various physicochemical properties of soil receiving 30 tons ha−1 of biochar improved significantly over the control soil. This study strongly suggests that biochar helps retain soil fertility through the enrichment of plant growth-promoting microorganisms

    Studies on the role of goat heart galectin-1 as an erythrocyte membrane perturbing agent

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    AbstractGalectins are β-galactoside binding lectins with a potential hemolytic role on erythrocyte membrane integrity and permeability. In the present study, goat heart galectin-1 (GHG-1) was purified and investigated for its hemolytic actions on erythrocyte membrane. When exposed to various saccharides, lactose and sucrose provided maximum protection against hemolysis, while glucose and galactose provided lesser protection against hemolysis. GHG-1 agglutinated erythrocytes were found to be significantly hemolyzed in comparison with unagglutinated erythrocytes. A concentration dependent rise in the hemolysis of trypsinized rabbit erythrocytes was observed in the presence of GHG-1. Similarly, a temperature dependent gradual increase in percent hemolysis was observed in GHG-1 agglutinated erythrocytes as compared to negligible hemolysis in unagglutinated cells. The hemolysis of GHG-1 treated erythrocytes showed a sharp rise with the increasing pH up to 7.5 which became constant till pH 9.5. The extent of erythrocyte hemolysis increased with the increase in the incubation period, with maximum hemolysis after 5h of incubation. The results of this study establish the ability of galectins as a potential hemolytic agent of erythrocyte membrane, which in turn opens an interesting avenue in the field of proteomics and glycobiology

    Role of anti-diabetic drugs as therapeutic agents in Alzheimer's disease

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    Recent data have suggested a strong possible link between Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Alzheimer’s disease (AD), although exact mechanisms linking the two are still a matter of research and debate. Interestingly, both are diseases with high incidence and prevalence in later years of life. The link appears so strong that some scientists use Alzheimer’s and Type 3 Diabetes interchangeably. In depth study of recent data suggests that the anti diabetic drugs not only have possible role in treatment of Alzheimer’s but may also arrest the declining cognitive functions associated with it. The present review gives an insight into the possible links, existing therapeutics and clinical trials of anti diabetic drugs in patients suffering from AD primarily or as co-morbidity. It may be concluded that the possible beneficial effects and usefulness of the current anti diabetic drugs in AD cannot be neglected and further research is required to achieve positive results. Currently, several drug trials are in progress to give conclusive evidence based data

    The role of natural products and their multitargeted approach to treat solid cancer

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    Natural products play a critical role in the discovery and development of numerous drugs for the treatment of various types of cancer. These phytochemicals have demonstrated anti-carcinogenic properties by interfering with the initiation, development, and progression of cancer through altering various mechanisms such as cellular proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, angiogenesis, and metastasis. Treating multifactorial diseases, such as cancer with agents targeting a single target, might lead to limited success and, in many cases, unsatisfactory outcomes. Various epidemiological studies have shown that the steady consumption of fruits and vegetables is intensely associated with a reduced risk of cancer. Since ancient period, plants, herbs, and other natural products have been used as healing agents. Likewise, most of the medicinal ingredients accessible today are originated from the natural resources. Regardless of achievements, developing bioactive compounds and drugs from natural products has remained challenging, in part because of the problem associated with large-scale sequestration and mechanistic understanding. With significant progress in the landscape of cancer therapy and the rising use of cutting-edge technologies, we may have come to a crossroads to review approaches to identify the potential natural products and investigate their therapeutic efficacy. In the present review, we summarize the recent developments in natural products-based cancer research and its application in generating novel systemic strategies with a focus on underlying molecular mechanisms in solid cancer

    Where do T cell subsets stand in SARS-CoV-2 infection: An update

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    An outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) emerged in China in December 2019 and spread so rapidly all around the globe. It\u27s continued and spreading more dangerously in India and Brazil with higher mortality rate. Understanding of the pathophysiology of COVID-19 depends on unraveling of interactional mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 and human immune response. The immune response is a complex process, which can be better understood by understanding the immunological response and pathological mechanisms of COVID-19, which will provide new treatments, increase treatment efficacy, and decrease mortality associated with the disease. In this review we present a amalgamate viewpoint based on the current available knowledge on COVID-19 which includes entry of the virus and multiplication of virus, its pathological effects on the cellular level, immunological reaction, systemic and organ presentation. T cells play a crucial role in controlling and clearing viral infections. Several studies have now shown that the severity of the COVID-19 disease is inversely correlated with the magnitude of the T cell response. Understanding SARS-CoV-2 T cell responses is of high interest because T cells are attractive vaccine targets and could help reduce COVID-19 severity. Even though there is a significant amount of literature regarding SARS-CoV-2, there are still very few studies focused on understanding the T cell response to this novel virus. Nevertheless, a majority of these studies focused on peripheral blood CD4+ and CD8+ T cells that were specific for viruses. The focus of this review is on different subtypes of T cell responses in COVID-19 patients, Th17, follicular helper T (TFH), regulatory T (Treg) cells, and less classical, invariant T cell populations, such as δγ T cells and mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells etc that could influence disease outcome
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