3 research outputs found

    Global perspectives for the management of onychomycosis.

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    Onychomycosis is a fungal nail infection caused by dermatophytes, nondermatophyte molds, and yeasts. This difficult-to-treat chronic infection has a tendency to relapse despite treatment. This paper aims to offer a global perspective on onychomycosis management from expert physicians from around the world. Overall, the majority of experts surveyed used systemic, topical, and combination treatments approved in their countries and monitored patients based on the product insert or government recommendations. Although the basics of treating onychomycosis were similar between countries, slight differences in onychomycosis management between countries were found. These differences were mainly due to different approaches to adjunctive therapy, rating the severity of disease and use of prophylaxis treatment. A global perspective on the treatment of onychomycosis provides a framework of success for the committed clinician with appreciation of how onychomycosis is managed worldwide

    Estudo de associação entre antígenos leucocitários humanos e doença de Jorge Lobo Study of the association between human leukocyte antigens and Jorge Lobo's disease

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    A doença de Jorge Lobo é uma micose cutânea/subcutânea de evolução crônica, causada pelo fungo Lacazia loboi. Devido às características epidemiológicas e poucos estudos relacionados aos aspectos imunológicos dessa doença, o objetivo do trabalho foi investigar uma possível associação das especificidades HLA de classe II em 21 pacientes portadores da doença de Jorge Lobo, comparando com indivíduos sadios de mesma etnia. As tipificações HLA foram realizadas pelo método de PCR-SSP. O resultado não revelou qualquer tipo de associação entre os antígenos HLA e doença de Jorge Lobo. Embora sem significância estatística, foi observada a diminuição da freqüência do antígeno HLA-DR7 no grupo dos pacientes em relação aos controles (0% x 18%), sugerindo uma associação negativa (protetora) entre HLA-DR7 e doença de Jorge Lobo. Contudo, estudos devem ser continuados, objetivando melhor entendimento nos mecanismos envolvidos na suscetibilidade e/ou proteção dessa doença.<br>Jorge Lobo's disease is a cutaneous/subcutaneous mycosis with a chronic course, caused by the fungus Lacazia loboi. Considering its epidemiology and the few studies on immunological aspects of this disease, the objective of the present study was to investigate a possible association between HLA class II specificities in 21 Jorge Lobo's disease patients, by comparing them with healthy individual of the same ethnic group. HLA typing was performed using PCR-SSP method. The result did not show any association between HLA antigens and Jorge Lobo's disease. Although not statistically significant, a decreased frequency of HLA-DR7 was observed in the patients compared to the controls (0% x 18%). This suggests a negative association (protective) between HLA-DR7 and Jorge Lobo's disease. Further studies, however, are needed for a better understanding of the susceptibility and/or protection mechanisms involved