24 research outputs found

    Disjunctive normal shape and appearance priors with applications to image segmentation

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    The use of appearance and shape priors in image segmentation is known to improve accuracy; however, existing techniques have several drawbacks. Active shape and appearance models require landmark points and assume unimodal shape and appearance distributions. Level set based shape priors are limited to global shape similarity. In this paper, we present a novel shape and appearance priors for image segmentation based on an implicit parametric shape representation called disjunctive normal shape model (DNSM). DNSM is formed by disjunction of conjunctions of half-spaces defined by discriminants. We learn shape and appearance statistics at varying spatial scales using nonparametric density estimation. Our method can generate a rich set of shape variations by locally combining training shapes. Additionally, by studying the intensity and texture statistics around each discriminant of our shape model, we construct a local appearance probability map. Experiments carried out on both medical and natural image datasets show the potential of the proposed method

    Disjunctive normal shape models

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    A novel implicit parametric shape model is proposed for segmentation and analysis of medical images. Functions representing the shape of an object can be approximated as a union of N polytopes. Each polytope is obtained by the intersection of M half-spaces. The shape function can be approximated as a disjunction of conjunctions, using the disjunctive normal form. The shape model is initialized using seed points defined by the user. We define a cost function based on the Chan-Vese energy functional. The model is differentiable, hence, gradient based optimization algorithms are used to find the model parameters

    Disjunctive normal level set: an efficient parametric implicit method

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    Level set methods are widely used for image segmentation because of their capability to handle topological changes. In this paper, we propose a novel parametric level set method called Disjunctive Normal Level Set (DNLS), and apply it to both two phase (single object) and multiphase (multi-object) image segmentations. The DNLS is formed by union of polytopes which themselves are formed by intersections of half-spaces. The proposed level set framework has the following major advantages compared to other level set methods available in the literature. First, segmentation using DNLS converges much faster. Second, the DNLS level set function remains regular throughout its evolution. Third, the proposed multiphase version of the DNLS is less sensitive to initialization, and its computational cost and memory requirement remains almost constant as the number of objects to be simultaneously segmented grows. The experimental results show the potential of the proposed method

    Disjunctive normal unsupervised LDA for P300-based brain-computer interfaces

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    Can people use text-entry based brain-computer interface (BCI) systems and start a free spelling mode without any calibration session? Brain activities differ largely across people and across sessions for the same user. Thus, how can the text-entry system classify the desired character among the other characters in the P300-based BCI speller matrix? In this paper, we introduce a new unsupervised classifier for a P300-based BCI speller, which uses a disjunctive normal form representation to define an energy function involving a logistic sigmoid function for classification. Our proposed classifier updates the initialized random weights performing classification for the P300 signals from the recorded data exploiting the knowledge of the sequence of row/column highlights. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, we performed an experimental analysis on data from 7 healthy subjects, collected in our laboratory. We compare the proposed unsupervised method to a baseline supervised linear discriminant analysis (LDA) classifier and demonstrate its effectiveness

    Disjunctive normal shape Boltzmann machine

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    Shape Boltzmann machine (a type of Deep Boltzmann machine) is a powerful tool for shape modelling; however, has some drawbacks in representation of local shape parts. Disjunctive Normal Shape Model (DNSM) is a strong shape model that can effectively represent local parts of objects. In this paper, we propose a new shape model based on Shape Boltzmann Machine and Disjunctive Normal Shape Model which we call Disjunctive Normal Shape Boltzmann Machine (DNSBM). DNSBM learns binary distributions of shapes by taking both local and global shape constraints into account using a type of Deep Boltzmann Machine. The samples generated using DNSBM look realistic. Moreover, DNSBM is capable of generating novel samples that differ from training examples by exploiting the local shape representation capability of DNSM. We demonstrate the performance of DNSBM for shape completion on two different data sets in which exploitation of local shape parts is important for capturing the statistical variability of the underlying shape distributions. Experimental results show that DNSBM is a strong model for representing shapes that are composed of local parts

    On comparison of manifold learning techniques for dendritic spine classification

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    Dendritic spines are one of the key functional components of neurons. Their morphological changes are correlated with neuronal activity. Neuroscientists study spine shape variations to understand their relation with neuronal activity. Currently this analysis performed manually, the availability of reliable automated tools would assist neuroscientists and accelerate this research. Previously, morphological features based spine analysis has been performed and reported in the literature. In this paper, we explore the idea of using and comparing manifold learning techniques for classifying spine shapes. We start with automatically segmented data and construct our feature vector by stacking and concatenating the columns of images. Further, we apply unsupervised manifold learning algorithms and compare their performance in the context of dendritic spine classification. We achieved 85.95% accuracy on a dataset of 242 automatically segmented mushroom and stubby spines. We also observed that ISOMAP implicitly computes prominent features suitable for classification purposes

    Dendritic spine shape classification from two-photon microscopy images (Dendritik diken şekillerinin iki foton mikroskopi görüntüleri kullanılarak sınıflandırılması)

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    Functional properties of a neuron are coupled with its morphology, particularly the morphology of dendritic spines. Spine volume has been used as the primary morphological parameter in order the characterize the structure and function coupling. However, this reductionist approach neglects the rich shape repertoire of dendritic spines. First step to incorporate spine shape information into functional coupling is classifying main spine shapes that were proposed in the literature. Due to the lack of reliable and fully automatic tools to analyze the morphology of the spines, such analysis is often performed manually, which is a laborious and time intensive task and prone to subjectivity. In this paper we present an automated approach to extract features using basic image processing techniques, and classify spines into mushroom or stubby by applying machine learning algorithms. Out of 50 manually segmented mushroom and stubby spines, Support Vector Machine was able to classify 98% of the spines correctly

    Dendritic spine shape analysis using disjunctive normal shape models

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    Analysis of dendritic spines is an essential task to understand the functional behavior of neurons. Their shape variations are known to be closely linked with neuronal activities. Spine shape analysis in particular, can assist neuroscientists to identify this relationship. A novel shape representation has been proposed recently, called Disjunctive Normal Shape Models (DNSM). DNSM is a parametric shape representation and has proven to be successful in several segmentation problems. In this paper, we apply this parametric shape representation as a feature extraction algorithm. Further, we propose a kernel density estimation (KDE) based classification approach for dendritic spine classification. We evaluate our proposed approach on a data set of 242 spines, and observe that it outperforms the classical morphological feature based approach for spine classification. Our probabilistic framework also provides a way to examine the separability of spine shape classes in the likelihood ratio space, which leads to further insights about the nature of the shape analysis problem in this context

    Semi-supervised adaptation of motor imagery based BCI systems (Hayali motor hareketleri tabanlı BBA sistemlerinde yarı güdümlü uyarlama)

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    One of the main problems in Brain Computer Interface (BCI) systems is the non-stationary behavior of the electroencephalography (EEG) signals causing problems in real time applications. Another common problem in BCI systems is the situation where the labeled data are scarce. In this study, we take a semi-supervised learning perspective and propose solving both types of problems by updating the BCI system with labels obtained from the outputs of the classifier. To test the approach, data from motor imagery BCI system are used. Attributes extracted from EEG signals are classified with Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Support Vector Machines (SVM). With respect to the static classifiers, accuracy was improved approximately 4% using the proposed adaptation approach in the case of a training dataset. Even though the difference between the performance of static and adaptive classifiers decreases as the size of training data increases, the accuracy of our proposed adaptive classifier remains higher. The proposed approach has also improved the performance of a BCI system around 4% in the case of non-stationary signals as well