20 research outputs found

    Comparison of Drum-type and Disc-type Magnetorheological Brakes by Computational Methods

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    This paper presents a comparison between drum-type and disc-type magnetorheological brakes, based on torque density and efficiency. Magnetic simulations of the parametric brake designs are carried out in FEMM finite element software. The yield stress of the used commercial magnetorheological fluid is detemined based on the magnetic flux obtained from the simulations. Braking torque is analytically calculated by using the Bingham plastic model. It is shown that the brakes have similar volumes and masses at the maximum points of the comparison criteria. However the performance of the drum-type brake is found to be about twice better than the disctype brake.Bu çalışmada kampana-tipi ve disk-tipi manyetoreolojik frenler, tork yoğunluğu ve verim yönlerinden karşılaştırılmıştır. Parametrik olarak tasarlanan frenlerin manyetik analizi FEMM sonlu elemanlar yazılımı ile yapılmış, elde edilen manyetik akı değerleri ile kullanılan ticari manyetoreolojik sıvının akma gerilmesi bulunmuştur. Frenleme torku, Bingham plastik modeli kullanılarak, analitik olarak hesaplanmıştır. Karşılaştırma kriterlerinin maksimum olduğu noktalarda frenlerin hacimlerinin ve kütlelerinin benzer olduğu, ancak kampana-tipi frenin performansının disk-tipi frene göre yaklaşık iki kat daha iyi olduğu görülmüştür

    1-dof hybrid haptic interface design using active and passive actuators

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    Haptik uygulamaları bilimde ve teknolojide kaydedilen ilerlemeler sayesinde her geçen gün daha çok yaygınlaşmaktadır. Temelde insandaki dokunma duyusu taklit edilmeye çalışıldığı için haptik çıktı kalitesi yapılan uygulamanın en önemli özelliğidir. Haptik cihazlar da bilgisayar ile kontrol edilen elektromekanik cihazlar oldukları için haptik çıktının kalitesi haptik cihazı oluşturan elemanların ve bu elemanları kontrol eden algoritmanın kalitesiyle doğru orantılıdır. Bu tezde yapılan çalışmada tek serbestlik dereceli haptik cihaz ile arayüz modellemesi yapıldı. Kullanıcının etkileşime girdiği sanal ortamın fiziksel özelliklerini haptik cihaz ile simüle etmek için çalışıldı. İlk olarak kullanıcıda gerçeklik algısını oluşturabilmek için simüle edilecek ortamın fiziksel özelliklerine göre sanal ortam modellemesi yapıldı. Devamında modellemesi yapılan ortamın simüle etmek için kullanılacak eyleyiciler seçildi. Hibrit eyleyicili sistem için bir aktif ve bir pasif eyleyici seçildi. Haptik cihaz oluşturmak için eyleyiciler ile bağlantı parçaları birleştirildi. Ölçümler için kullanılacak enkoder ve yükhücresinin kalibrasyon ve analitik modelleri oluşturuldu. Sonrasında oluşturulan haptik cihaz ile hibrit haptik performans incelemesi yapmak için farklı ortamlar farklı eyleyici kombinasyonları ile simüle edilmiş ve sonuçları incelenmiştir.Haptic applications are becoming more widespread due to the progress in the enabling technologies. Primarily, the aim of haptics is to replicate the tactile sensation of humans. Haptic devices are computer controlled mechatronic devices. Therefore the quality of a haptic display defends on the quality of components that constitute the haptic device as well as the controlling algorithm. In this thesis, a one-degree-of-freedom haptic device and an interface model has been developed. Firstly, the virtual environment is modeled acoording to the physical features of the simulated interaction. Then, an active and a passive actuator are combined with power transmission components and sensors to construct a hybrid haptic device. Finally, the hybrid haptic device is tested for different environment models in different combinations of actuators to investigate the haptic performance quality of the hybrid actuator approach for haptic device design

    Dynamic Modeling of a Multiple Launch Rocket System

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    World Congress on Engineering (WCE 2015), JUL 01-03, 2015, Imperial Coll, London, ENGLAND, Int Assoc EngnMultiple Rocket Launcher Systems (MLRS) are used to aim rockets to the desired elevation (pitch) and azimuth (yaw) angles in order to hit targets. In this paper, a dynamic model for an MLRS with electromechanical actuators is presented along with performance evaluation of four different friction models. The final model is simulated and the results are compared with the test data taken from the real MLRS. The results show that the proposed model is accurate within, on average, 5% of the actual system

    Kuvvet-Geri-Beslemeli Haptik Cihazlar için Döner Manyetoreolojik Sönümleyici Geliştirilmesi

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    TÜBİTAK MAG Proje01.05.2016Haptik arayüzlerde şeffaflığı azaltmadan empedans genişliğini arttırmak için akademikliteratürde en çok başvurulan yöntem, elektrik motorlarının sönümleyici ve fren gibi pasifcihazlarla birlikte kullanımıdır. Bu cihazların motorlara sadece büyük empedanslargerçeklenirken destek olmaları, küçük empedanslarda ise olabildiğince şeffaf olmalarıgerekmektedir. Bu amaç için tasarlanacak bir cihazın yüksek tork üretmesi, hafif ve küçükboyutlu olması, elektronik olarak kontrol edilebilmesi ve hızlı tepki vermesi gerektiğindenaraştırmacılar, birkaç istisna dışında, manyetoreolojik (MR) cihazlara yönelmiştir. MR cihazlar;viskoziteleri manyetik alan uygulandığında hızlıca artan (örn. 10 ms), alan kaldırıldığında iseyine hızlı bir şekilde eski haline dönen manyetoreolojik sıvılar (MRS) sayesinde çalışır.Manyetik alan cihaza entegre edilmiş elektromıknatıslar yardımıyla oluşturulabileceğinden,MR cihazların davranışı elektronik olarak kontrol edilebilir.Haptik uygulamalarda kullanılan MR cihazlar, bu teknolojiyi daha uzun süredir kullanan,otomotiv ve makina sektörlerindeki uygulamalar için geliştirilmiş tasarımların küçültülmesiyleortaya çıkmıştır. Bu tasarımlarda MRS, cihazın gövdesi ile rotoru arasına doldurulmaktadır.Sıvı kaybı cihazın davranışını değiştireceğinden sızdırmazlığın sağlanması şarttır ve bununiçin keçeler (O-ring) kullanılır. Keçelerden kaynaklanan sürtünme kuvvetleri, büyük ölçeklicihazların kullanıldığı uygulamalarda (örn. otomotiv) önemsiz sayılabilse de, haptikuygulamalarında şeffaflığı olumsuz etkilemektedir.Bu projede, MRS?nin ince cidarlı, esnek bir haznenin içinde kapalı-çevrim taşındığı özgün birdöner MR sönümleyici geliştirilmiştir. Sağlık sektöründe sıklıkla kullanılan peristaltik pompamantığına benzer şekilde çalışan sönümleyicide MRS kapalı haznenin içinde kalıp hareketliparçalara doğrudan temas etmemektedir. Bu sayede sızdırmazlık keçe olmadan sağlanaraksürtünme azaltılmıştır.Öncelikle cihazın elektromanyetik tasarımı ve buna bağlı olarak boyutlandırması bir sonluelemanlar yazılımı yardımıyla yapılmıştır. Sonrasında, tasarım detaylandırılıp prototipüretilmiş ve bir test düzeneği kurularak deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Deneyler sonucundacihazın üretebildiği maksimum ve minimum tork değerleri ile tepki süresi belirlenmiştir, eldeedilen bulgular literatürde haptik uygulamalarda kullanılan benzer boyuttaki örneklerlekarşılaştırılmıştır.The most commonly used method for increasing impedance width of haptic interfaces,without affecting transparency, is to employ passive devices such as brakes and dampersalongside electric motors. The passive devices support the electric motors only when thesimulated impedance is large, and for small impedances they must be as transparent aspossible. The design requirements for these devices are high torque capacity, light weight,small size, fast response time and controllability. Due to these requirements, most of theresearchers in this area concentrate on magnetorheological (MR) devices. MR devices makeuse of magnetorheological fluids (MRF), the apparent viscosity of which rapidly (e.g. <10 ms)increase under magnetic field and reverts back to normal when the field is removed. Sincethe magnetic field can be generated by electromagnets integrated to the device itself, thebehavior of the MR devices can be electronically controlled.MR devices used in haptic applications are the miniaturized versions of the designsdeveloped originally for industrial and automotive applications which have already beenusing this technology. The common feature of these designs is that the MRS is between thestator and the rotor of the device. Since fluid leakage results in a change in the behavior of adevice, proper sealing is a necessity and, traditionally, O-rings are used for this purpose.Friction forces due to the O-rings can be neglected for the large scaled designs; however,they have negative effect on transparency in haptic applications.This project presents a novel rotary MR damper. The working principle of the proposeddesign is similar to that of peristaltic pumps such that the MRF is contained in a flexibleclosed chamber to avoid direct contact with the moving parts. This way, the damper does notrequire O-ring seals, hence the friction is reduced.In this context, firstly, the electromagnetic design and accordingly the sizing of the device isperformed by using a finite elemtent analysis software. Then, a prototype is manufacturedand experimentally evaluated in a test setup, which is built within the scope of the project.The maximum and minimum torque values and also the response time of the damper aredetermined and compared against similar sized MR devices, used in haptic applications inliterature

    Kumanda yükleme sistemlerinin geliştirilmesine yönelik bir mühendislik uçuş simülatörü

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    As one of the subsystems of advanced flight simulators, Control Loading System (CLS) enhances the realism of simulation by artificially producing the control forces that occur during the actual flight. In this study, an engineering flight simulator is realized for the purpose of CLS development. The simulator integrates the CLS with a flight dynamics model and a visual system to enable validation with piloted simulations. A linkage type CLS is designed with high torque electric motors, while paying special attention to reconfigurability. Data measured from the actual flight controls is transformed to be input to the CLS by using the proposed systematic procedure. Performance of the designed CLS is investigated, according to the requirements of the international certification standards, by comparing the measured flight control behavior of the simulator with that of the actual aircraft.Gelişmiş uçuş simülatörlerinin alt sistemlerinden biri olan Kumanda Yükleme Sistemi (KYS), uçuş sırasında oluşan kumanda kuvvetlerini simülasyon ortamında yapay olarak üreterek simülasyonun gerçekçiliğini arttırır. Bu çalışmada KYS geliştirmek amacıyla bir mühendislik uçuş simülatörü hayata geçirilmiş, uçuş dinamiği modeli, görüntüleme sistemi ve KYS entegre edilerek pilotlu doğrulama testlerinin de yapılabilmesine imkan sağlanmıştır. KYS’nin donanımsal tasarımında kolay uyarlanabilme özelliği ön planda tutularak, yüksek torklu elektrik motorlarıyla tahrik edilen eklemli yapıda bir tasarıma gidilmiştir. Simüle edilecek hava aracının kumandalarından ölçülen verilerin girdi olarak kullanılabilmesi için bir prosedür önerilmiştir. Geliştirilen KYS’nin başarımı, simulator kumandalarından ölçülen davranışın hava aracından ölçülenlerle karşılaştırılmasıyla, uluslararası standart sertifikasyon dokümanlarındaki isterler doğrultusunda incelenmiştir

    A Novel Rotary Magneto-Rheological Damper For Haptic Interfaces

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    ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2015), NOV 13-19, 2015, Houston, TX, ASMEHaptic interfaces require lightweight, small actuators with high force capability and low friction. In this paper, based on the structure of conventional shear mode disc and drum type MR fluid dampers, a lightweight continuous rotary MR damper working in valve mode is designed for haptic interfaces. The proposed design is compared to shear mode disc-type and drum-type designs with similar torque-to mass ratio via computer simulations. Mathematical models for the resistant torques of both the shear mode and the valve mode are derived. Subsequently, the finite element analysis of electromagnetic circuit calculations was carried out by FEMM software to perform an optimization of the dimensions of the parts such as gap size and thickness. It is shown that the proposed continuous rotary valve mode MR damper is a fine candidate that meets the requirements of haptic interfaces

    Frequency Containment Control of Hydropower Plants Using Different Adaptive Methods

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    With the growth in the share of variable renewable energy sources, fluctuations in the power generation caused by these types of power plants can diminish the stability and flexibility of the grid. These two can be enhanced by applying frequency containment using hydropower plants as an operational reserve. The frequency containment in hydropower plants is automatically controlled by speed governors within seconds. Disturbances such as fluctuations in the net head and aging may diminish the performance of the controllers of the speed governors. In this study, model reference adaptive control approaches based on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) rule and Lyapunov method were exploited in order to improve the performance of the speed governor for frequency containment control. The active power control with frequency control was enhanced by the aforementioned adaptive control methods. A mathematical model of a hydropower plant with a surge tank and medium penstock was constructed and validated through site measurements of a plant. It was shown that, as they are applicable in real life, both methods perform significantly better compared to conventional proportional-integrator control. Even in first five deviations, the performance of the conventional controller improved by 58.8% using the MIT rule and by 65.9% using the Lyapunov method. When the two adaptive control approaches were compared with each other, the MIT rule outputted better results than the Lyapunov method when the disturbance frequency was higher; however, the latter was more functional for rare disturbances

    Speed control of hydraulic turbines for grid synchronization using simple adaptive add-ons

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    Background: Parameters of the hydroelectric power plant controllers are typically tuned at the nominal operating conditions such as nominal head and single unit operation. Water level variations in reservoir and/or tailwater, and the presence of other active units sharing the penstock are common disturbances to the nominal assumption. Methods: This article proposes two adaptive add-ons, namely gain scheduling and model reference adaptive control, to the existing speed controllers to improve grid synchronization performance when the site conditions are not nominal. The add-ons were designed and tested on a validated dynamic model of a power plant unit by using a software-in-the-loop simulation setup. An off-season scenario is simulated, in which the original controller of the unit cannot bring the turbine to synchronize with the grid due to low gross head. Then, the add-ons were implemented on-site and experiments were performed under similar conditions. The parameter sets used in gain scheduling for different operation bands are determined off-line with the help of operational experience. The model reference adaptive control add-on requires a reference model and a learning rate. A description of the turbine speed-up profile at nominal operating conditions is sufficient to be used as the reference model. The proposed piecewise linear reference model favors stability over speed in settling to the nominal speed. Results: It is experimentally shown that the proposed add-ons compensate the negative effect of head loss in grid synchronization, and perform similar to the ideal performance at the nominal head. Conclusion: Both add-ons can be implemented on the available off-the-shelf speed governor controllers. They are suitable for use in all hydroelectric power plants, especially in unmanned ones, for automatic synchronization with less waste water. © The Author(s) 2018

    Computational fluid dynamics and proper orthogonal decomposition based control of flow over supersonic cavities

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    25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (2019 ; Delft, Netherland)A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) study is conducted to investigate the unsteady, turbulent supersonic cavity flow characteristics and to control the severe effects of the flow field. Simulations of Mach 1.5 supersonic cavity flow with a length to depth ratio of 5.07 are performed using commercial ANSYS Fluent solver. Unsteady density-based Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations are modeled with standard k-? turbulence model. Both baseline simulations with no control and simulations with passive and active control methods are examined. Implemented passive control methods are trailing edge wall inclination, cavity entrance cover plate, and wall spoilers. Microjet blowing is applied as an active control method. For further investigation of the flow field and to distinguish the dominant features of the controlled and uncontrolled cases, Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) is applied to velocity data obtained from the inside of the cavity. CFD and POD studies represent promising results for flow control in terms of suppressing undesired effects of cavity flow oscillations. © 2019, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved