24 research outputs found

    Inadvertent Injection of Sodium Hypochlorite to Oral Mucosa

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    It is important to carefully use sodium hypochloride(NaOCI) in its clinical applications. Non-careful use of cytotoxic agents(NaOCI,etg) may cause serious complications. In this case report, a treatment approach to paresthesia and tissue necrosis after inadvertent injection of 1% NaOCl solution into oral mucosa is presented.. Pain, edema, loss of sensation, redness on the cheek, and difficulty in swallowing was seemed during the patient’s clinical examination. The patient was experiencing severe pain and a burning sensation during injection. The patient was administered intraoral drugs,such as antibiotics (amoxicillin 1000 mg two times per a day for two week),alpha lipoic acid (300 mg one times per a day for one mounth), and debridement of oral mucousa .Consequently, re-epithelialization of necrotic tissue was observed in the 3rd month. All symptoms disappeared completely in the 6th month

    Sastav eteričnih ulja u iglicama i kori turskoga crvenog bora (Pinus brutia Ten.) zaraženoga insektom Marchalina hellenica Genn.

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    The scale insect Marchalina hellenica Genn. plays a key role in pine honey production and is hosted mainly by Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.). The needles of Turkish red pine are rich in essential oils. Moreover, essential oils can affect the host selection of insects. The essential oils in the needles and barks of Marchalina hellenica-infested and non-infested Turkish red pine were obtained via water distillation and their composition was determined by GC-MS analyses. The composition of the essential oils was found to differ in the needles of non-infested Turkish red pine and in those of pine infested by Marchalina hellenica. The Mann-Whitney U test results showed that the β-caryophyllene level was higher in the needles of Turkish red pine infested by Marchalina hellenica, whereas the junipen level was higher in the essential oil of non-infested Turkish red pine bark. Pimaral and α-guaiene were detected only in the needles of infested trees, but were absent in the needles of non-infested trees. These components may be markers that can act on their own or as part of the whole in the host tree selection of Marchalina hellenica. In addition, the cis-verbenone component found in Turkish red pine bark might play a role in attracting Marchalina hellenica. This phenomenon should be further investigated through additional studies.Ljuskavica Marchalina hellenica Genn. ima ključnu ulogu u proizvodnji meda od borovine, a uglavnom živi na turskome crvenom boru (Pinus brutia Ten.). Iglice tog bora bogate su eteričnim uljima. Štoviše, eterična ulja za insekte mogu biti presudna pri odabiru domaćina na kojemu će se nastaniti. Eterična ulja iz iglica turskoga crvenog bora zaraženoga i nezaraženoga ljuskavicom Marchalina hellenica dobivena su vodenom destilacijom, a njihov je sastav određen GC-MS analizama. Utvrđeno je da je sastav eteričnih ulja u iglicama ne-zaraženoga turskoga crvenog bora i u iglicama bora zaraženoga s Marchalina hellenica različit. Rezultati Mann-Whitneyjeva U-testa pokazali su da je razina β-kariofilena veća u iglicama crvenoga turskog bora zaraženoga s Marchalina hellenica, dok je razina kleke viša u eteričnom ulju nezaražene kore turskoga crvenog bora. Pimaral i α-guaiene otkriveni su samo u zaraženim iglicama stabala, ali ih nije bilo u iglicama nezaraženih borova. Te komponente mogu biti markeri koji pri selekciji stabla domaćina Marchaline hellenice mogu djelovati sami ili kao dio cjeline. Osim toga, komponenta cis-verbenon, pronađena u kori turskoga crvenog bora, mogla bi imati važnu ulogu u privlačenju Marchaline hellenice. Tu je pojavu potrebno detaljnije istražiti u dodatnim studijama

    Spinal Metastasis as Presenting Feature of Follicular Type Thyroid Carcinoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Objective:Follicular type thyroid carcinoma (FTC) rarely presented with spinal metastasis. We aimed to report such a case and to review the literature.Method:A 45 year old male with L2 metastasis of FTC was reported, and other 26 cases were found in literature. Characteristics of the patients and tumors were evaluated.Results:Total 27 patients were 55.2±15 years of age, and male/female ratio was 12/15. Nineteen patients had paresis of extremities, 9 of them could not mobilize on admission. Total resection of the spinal tumor had been performed in 14 cases and subtotal resection in 5. Radioactive iodine treatment had been added in 20 cases with or without other adjuvant treatment. Twenty-three patients had been followed for 43.7±53.2 months. Only four of them died 214, 66, 36 and 7 months after their presentations. Out of other 19 cases, 13 had been neurologically normal. Type of surgery (total resection versus others) the only factor affecting outcome. In the patients treated with total resection, outcome had been statistically better.Conclusion:Spinal metastasis as initial finding is very rare in the patients with FTC. However, prognosis is quite well with total tumor resection and adjuvant treatment. This cancer type must be kept in mind for differential diagnosis and must be screened in the patients with spinal tumors

    Sisplatin ototoksisitesini önlemede intratimpanik steroidlerin etkinliği : deneysel çalışma

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    Tez (Tıpta Uzmanlık) -- Kırıkkale Üniversitesi116763

    Efficacy of intratympanic steroid injection on preventing cisplatin ototoxicity: An experimental study

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    YÖK Tez ID: 489731Ototoksisite çeşitli terapötik ajanlar ve kimyasal maddelerle karşılaşma sonucu koklear ve vestibüler organda ortaya çıkan hasarlanmaya verilen genel bir isimdir. İç kulağın çeşitli kimyasal maddelere karşı duyarlılığı yüz yıllardan beri bilinmektedir ve günümüzde de ototoksisite, işitme kaybı ve denge bozukluğuna yol açan önemli bir nedendir. İnsan ve hayvan çalışmalarında sisplatinin stria vaskularis ve Korti organında değişikliklere neden olduğu gösterilmiştir. İlk etki kokleanın bazal kıvrımındaki dış tüylü hücreler (DTH)'dedir ve ilerleyici olarak daha apikaldekiler ve iç tüylü hücreler (ITH) etkilenir. Sisplatin özellikle koklea içerisinde reaktif oksijen türevlerinin oluşumunu artırır. Serbest radikal oluşumu intraseluler glutatyon seviyelerinin azalması ve böylece antioksidan enzim aktivitesindeki değişiklikler sonucu oluşur. Antioksidan defans sistemindeki bozukluk lipit peroksidasyonunda artışa neden olur ve böylece tüylü hücreler, destek hücreleri, stria vaskularis ve adituar sinirlerde apopitozis oluşur. Ototoksitite için odyolojik monitörizasyon ve mümkünse ototoksisiteye neden olan ilacın kesilmesi en temel yaklaşımdır. Birçok çalışmada sisplatin kaynaklı ototoksititeyi engellemek için çeşitli kemoprotektif ajanlar kullanılmıştır. Ancak üzerinde görüş birliğine varılmış ideal bir ilaç henüz bulunmamaktadır. Bizim çalışmamızda sisplatin ototoksisitesinin önlenmesinde intratimpanik steroidlerin etkinliği karşılaştırıldı. Bu çalışmada 32 rat (64 kulak) 4 gruba ayrılarak kullanıldı. 1. Gruba intraperitoneal sisplatin verildi. 2. Gruba metilprednizolon intratimpanik olarak verildikten sonra sisplatin verildi. 3. Gruba deksametazon intratimpanik olarak verildikten sonra sisplatin verildi. 4. Gruba ise %0.9'luk NaCl intratimpanik olarak verildikten sonra sisplatin verildi. Tüm gruplara işlem öncesi ve işlem sonrası ABR ve DPOAE testleri yapıldı. Tedavi öncesi ve sonrası ABR 1, ABR 4, ABR (1-4) intervali ve eşik değerleri ölçüldü. DPOAE testinde ise tedavi öncesi ve sonrası 1416 kHz, 2002 kHz, 2832 kHz, 4004 kHz ve 5652 kHz frekanslarında ölçüm yapıldı. Deksametazon ve Metilprednizolon uygulamalarının sisplatin ototoksisitelerini önlemede önemli etkileri gözlenmiştir.Ototoxicity is the general name of cochlear and vestibular organ injury resulting from encountering various therapeutic agents and chemical substances. Sensitivity of the inner ear to various chemical substances has been known for centuries and it is still an important cause of ototoxicity, hearing loss and balance disorder. On human and animal studies cisplatinhas been shown to cause changes on striavascularis and corti organ. First effect is at the outer hair cell(OHC)situated on cochlea's basal fold and later on apically located outer hair cells with inner hair cells(IHC)are affected. Cisplatin increases reactive oxygen derivatives especially inside cochlea. Free radical formation is a result of reduction in intracellular glutathione levels thus changes in antioxidant enzyme defense systems. Defects of antioxidant defense system causes an increase of lipid peroxidation and hereby apoptosis occurs on hair cells, supporting cells, striavascularis and auditory nerves. Audiologic monitoring for ototoxicity and, if possible, to stop using the medicine that causes ototoxicity is the most basic approach. In many studies, various chemoprotective agents have been used to prevent ototoxicity caused by cisplatin. However, there is no ideal medicine yet to be agreed upon. In our study, the efficacy of intratympanic steroids was compared for preventing cisplatin ototoxicity. In this study, 32 rats (64 ears) were used by separating into 4 groups. Cisplatin was administered intraperitoneally to first group.Methylprednisolone and then cisplatin was administered intratympanically to second group. On third group dexamethasone and then cisplatin was administered intratympanically. To fourth group, 0.9% NaCl and then cisplatinwere given intratympanically. ABR and DPOAE tests were performed on all groups before and after the procedure. ABR 1, ABR 4, ABR (1-4) interval and threshold values were measured before and after treatment. In the DPOAE test, measurements were made at frequencies of 1416 kHz, 2002 kHz, 2832 kHz, 4004 kHz and 5652 kHz before and after treatment. Dexamethasone and methylprednisolone administration have shown significant effects in preventing cisplatin ototoxicity

    Cisplatin Ototoxicity

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    Ototoksisite çeşitli ilaçlar ve kimyasal maddelerin koklea ve vestibüler organda oluşturduğu hücresel dejenerasyon ve fonksiyon bozukluğudur. Sisplatin (Cis-diamindiklorplatinum II), özellikle baş-boyun tümörlerinde, ürogenital sistem, santral sinir sistemi, solunum sistemi ve özefagus kanserleri olmak üzere birçok malign hastalığın tedavisinde, erişkinlerde ve çocuklarda kullanılmakta olan antineoplastik bir ajandır. Sisplatinin nefrotoksisite ve geri dönüşümsüz ototoksisite dışında diğer önemli doz sınırlayıcı yan etkileri nörotoksisite, gastrointestinal sistem ve kemik iliği toksisitesidir. Sisplatin ototoksik etkisini reaktif oksijen ürünleri ve DNA hasarı ile göstermektedir. Sisplatin ototoksisitesinde klinik olarak başlangışta yüksek frekanslarda, sonrasında konuşma sesini de içeren düşük frekanslarda, bilateral, sensorinöral işitme kaybı görülür. Günümüzde sisplatin bağımlı ototoksisiteyi önlemede standart bir tedavi bulunmamaktadır. Bu derlemede sisplatin ototoksisitesinin tanımı, etki mekanizması, güncel tedavi seçenekleri güncel literatür bilgileri eşliğinde tartışılmıştı

    Inadvertent Injection of Sodium Hypochlorite to Oral Mucosa

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    It is important to carefully use sodium hypochloride(NaOCI) in its clinical applications. Non-careful use of cytotoxic agents(NaOCI,etg) may cause serious complications. In this case report, a treatment approach to paresthesia and tissue necrosis after inadvertent injection of 1% NaOCl solution into oral mucosa is presented.. Pain, edema, loss of sensation, redness on the cheek, and difficulty in swallowing was seemed during the patient’s clinical examination. The patient was experiencing severe pain and a burning sensation during injection. The patient was administered intraoral drugs,such as antibiotics (amoxicillin 1000 mg two times per a day for two week),alpha lipoic acid (300 mg one times per a day for one mounth), and debridement of oral mucousa .Consequently, re-epithelialization of necrotic tissue was observed in the 3rd month. All symptoms disappeared completely in the 6th month

    A case of neuroleptic malignant syndrome induced by olanzapine in postpartum period

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    Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a life-threatening medical complication that occurs as a result of dopaminergic receptor blockage in nigrostriatal pathways. This syndrome is mainly accepted to be an idiosyncratic reaction for antipsychotic medications. Incidence of NMS induced by olanzapine - an atypical antipsychotic - is extremely rare. However, there has been contradiction on postpartum period as a risk factor for NMS. This case is of interest due to the fact that it happens on postpartum period and is induced by olanzapine. We aimed in this study to evaluate the successfully cured case of neuroleptic malignant syndrome induced by olanzapine in postpartum period with the literature view

    The Epidermoid Cyst Containing Free Teeth in The Maxillary Sinus

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    Epidermoid cysts (EC) are the most common tumors of the skin. They are usually asymptomatic and small-sized. They are more common at young ages. They grow slowly and are painless. The wall of EC is covered with epidermis-like epithelium. EC are rarely seen in sinuses. In our case, a 16-year-old female presented with complaints of swelling and headache that started from the left eye and extended to the upper lip. A biopsy was performed at another hospital of the patient who had previously received medical treatment but had no complaints. A cystic mass containing teeth was observed in the left maxillary sinus on imaging. The cystic mass was excised along with the wall. Pathological results supported the diagnosis of EC. Treatment of EC are surgical and recurrence rates are low. Although many masses are observed in the sinonasal region, epidermoid cysts are rare. It is important to distinguish epidermoid cysts from malignant masses that exhibit expansile growth characteristics. Keywords: Headache, epidermoid cyst, maxillary sinu

    The Epidermoid Cyst Containing Free Teeth in The Maxillary Sinus

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    Epidermoid cysts (EC) are the most common tumors of the skin. They are usually asymptomatic and small-sized. They are more common at young ages. They grow slowly and are painless. The wall of EC is covered with epidermis-like epithelium. EC are rarely seen in sinuses. In our case, a 16-year-old female presented with complaints of swelling and headache that started from the left eye and extended to the upper lip. A biopsy was performed at another hospital of the patient who had previously received medical treatment but had no complaints. A cystic mass containing teeth was observed in the left maxillary sinus on imaging. The cystic mass was excised along with the wall. Pathological results supported the diagnosis of EC. Treatment of EC are surgical and recurrence rates are low. Although many masses are observed in the sinonasal region, epidermoid cysts are rare. It is important to distinguish epidermoid cysts from malignant masses that exhibit expansile growth characteristics. Keywords: Headache, epidermoid cyst, maxillary sinu