18 research outputs found

    Locally Reducing KCC2 Activity in the Hippocampus is Sufficient to Induce Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

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    Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (mTLE) is the most common form of epilepsy, believed to arise in part from compromised GABAergic inhibition. The neuronal specific K+/Cl− co-transporter 2 (KCC2) is a critical determinant of the efficacy of GABAergic inhibition and deficits in its activity are observed in mTLE patients and animal models of epilepsy. To test if reductions of KCC2 activity directly contribute to the pathophysiology of mTLE, we locally ablated KCC2 expression in a subset of principal neurons within the adult hippocampus. Deletion of KCC2 resulted in compromised GABAergic inhibition and the development of spontaneous, recurrent generalized seizures. Moreover, local ablation of KCC2 activity resulted in hippocampal sclerosis, a key pathological change seen in mTLE. Collectively, our results demonstrate that local deficits in KCC2 activity within the hippocampus are sufficient to precipitate mTLE

    Developmental Regulation of KCC2 Phosphorylation Has Long-Term Impacts on Cognitive Function

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    GABAA receptor-mediated currents shift from excitatory to inhibitory during postnatal brain development in rodents. A postnatal increase in KCC2 protein expression is considered to be the sole mechanism controlling the developmental onset of hyperpolarizing synaptic transmission, but here we identify a key role for KCC2 phosphorylation in the developmental EGABA shift. Preventing phosphorylation of KCC2 in vivo at either residue serine 940 (S940), or at residues threonine 906 and threonine 1007 (T906/T1007), delayed or accelerated the postnatal onset of KCC2 function, respectively. Several models of neurodevelopmental disorders including Rett syndrome, Fragile × and Down’s syndrome exhibit delayed postnatal onset of hyperpolarizing GABAergic inhibition, but whether the timing of the onset of hyperpolarizing synaptic inhibition during development plays a role in establishing adulthood cognitive function is unknown; we have used the distinct KCC2-S940A and KCC2-T906A/T1007A knock-in mouse models to address this issue. Altering KCC2 function resulted in long-term abnormalities in social behavior and memory retention. Tight regulation of KCC2 phosphorylation is therefore required for the typical timing of the developmental onset of hyperpolarizing synaptic inhibition, and it plays a fundamental role in the regulation of adulthood cognitive function

    Isolation and Characterization of Multi-Protein Complexes Enriched in the K-Cl Co-transporter 2 From Brain Plasma Membranes

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    Kcc2 plays a critical role in determining the efficacy of synaptic inhibition, however, the cellular mechanisms neurons use to regulate its membrane trafficking, stability and activity are ill-defined. To address these issues, we used affinity purification to isolate stable multi-protein complexes of K-Cl Co-transporter 2 (Kcc2) from the plasma membrane of murine forebrain. We resolved these using blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) coupled to LC-MS/MS and label-free quantification. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD021368. Purified Kcc2 migrated as distinct molecular species of 300, 600, and 800 kDa following BN-PAGE. In excess of 90% coverage of the soluble N- and C-termini of Kcc2 was obtained. In total we identified 246 proteins significantly associated with Kcc2. The 300 kDa species largely contained Kcc2, which is consistent with a dimeric quaternary structure for this transporter. The 600 and 800 kDa species represented stable multi-protein complexes of Kcc2. We identified a set of novel structural, ion transporting, immune related and signaling protein interactors, that are present at both excitatory and inhibitory synapses, consistent with the proposed localization of Kcc2. These included spectrins, C1qa/b/c and the IP3 receptor. We also identified interactors more directly associated with phosphorylation; Akap5, Akap13, and Lmtk3. Finally, we used LC-MS/MS on the same purified endogenous plasma membrane Kcc2 to detect phosphorylation sites. We detected 11 sites with high confidence, including known and novel sites. Collectively our experiments demonstrate that Kcc2 is associated with components of the neuronal cytoskeleton and signaling molecules that may act to regulate transporter membrane trafficking, stability, and activity

    Cytoplasmic Relocalization of TAR DNA-Binding Protein 43 Is Not Sufficient to Reproduce Cellular Pathologies Associated with ALS In vitro

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    Mutations in the gene TARDBP, which encodes TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43), are a rare cause of familial forms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). While the majority of mutations are found in the C-terminal glycine-rich domain, an alanine to valine amino acid change at position 90 (A90V) in the bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) of TDP-43 has been described. This sequence variant has previously been shown to cause cytoplasmic mislocalization of TDP-43 and decrease protein solubility, leading to the formation of insoluble aggregates. Since the A90V mutation has been described both in patients as well as healthy controls, its pathogenic potential in ALS and FTD remains unclear. Here we compare properties of overexpressed A90V to the highly pathogenic M337V mutation. Though both mutations drive mislocalization of the protein to the cytoplasm to the same extent, M337V produces more significant damage in terms of protein solubility, levels of pathogenic phosphorylation, and formation of C-terminal truncated protein species. Furthermore, the M337V, but not the A90V mutant, leads to a downregulation of histone deacetylase 6 and Ras GTPase-activating protein-binding protein. We conclude that in the absence of another genetic or environmental ‘hit’ the A90V variant is not sufficient to cause the deleterious phenotypes associated with ALS and FTD, despite prominent cytoplasmic protein relocalization of TDP-43

    Molecular architecture of potassium chloride co-transporter KCC2

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    KCC2 is a neuron specific K+-Cl− co-transporter that controls neuronal chloride homeostasis, and is critically involved in many neurological diseases including brain trauma, epilepsies, autism and schizophrenia. Despite significant accumulating data on the biology and electrophysiological properties of KCC2, structure-function relationships remain poorly understood. Here we used calixarene detergent to solubilize and purify wild-type non-aggregated and homogenous KCC2. Specific binding of inhibitor compound VU0463271 was demonstrated using surface plasmon resonance (SPR). Mass spectrometry revealed glycosylations and phosphorylations as expected from functional KCC2. We show by electron microscopy (EM) that KCC2 exists as monomers and dimers in solution. Monomers are organized into “head” and “core” domains connected by a flexible “linker”. Dimers are asymmetrical and display a bent “S-shape” architecture made of four distinct domains and a flexible dimerization interface. Chemical crosslinking in reducing conditions shows that disulfide bridges are involved in KCC2 dimerization. Moreover, we show that adding a tag to the C-terminus is detrimental to KCC2 function. We postulate that the conserved KCC2 C-ter may be at the interface of dimerization. Taken together, our findings highlight the flexible multi-domain structure of KCC2 with variable anchoring points at the dimerization interface and an important C-ter extremity providing the first in-depth functional architecture of KCC2

    Direct activation of KCC2 arrests benzodiazepine refractory status epilepticus and limits the subsequent neuronal injury in mice

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    Hyperpolarizing GABAAR currents, the unitary events that underlie synaptic inhibition, are dependent upon efficient Cl− extrusion, a process that is facilitated by the neuronal specific K+/Cl− co-transporter KCC2. Its activity is also a determinant of the anticonvulsant efficacy of the canonical GABAAR-positive allosteric: benzodiazepines (BDZs). Compromised KCC2 activity is implicated in the pathophysiology of status epilepticus (SE), a medical emergency that rapidly becomes refractory to BDZ (BDZ-RSE). Here, we have identified small molecules that directly bind to and activate KCC2, which leads to reduced neuronal Cl− accumulation and excitability. KCC2 activation does not induce any overt effects on behavior but prevents the development of and terminates ongoing BDZ-RSE. In addition, KCC2 activation reduces neuronal cell death following BDZ-RSE. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that KCC2 activation is a promising strategy to terminate BDZ-resistant seizures and limit the associated neuronal injury