37 research outputs found

    Les peuplements de millipèdes et de centipèdes résultant du type de gestion des pâturages : résultats préliminaires en République tchèque

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    The aim of this study was to compare distribution and assemblage structures in centipedes and millipedes in pastures with different management arrangements. The evaluated types of management included sheep grazing, mowing, mulching and various combinations of these treatments. Different foundation modes of pasture were also evaluated – commercial mixtures of fodder crops, local mixtures of seeds with different proportions of dicotyledonous herbs, and spontaneous fallow land. Despite low abundance of both centipedes and millipedes, the most positive effect observed in millipedes was in mulching due to the surplus of dead organic matter. The best way to manage pasture is to use a mixture of local seeds with a high proportion of dicotyledonous herbs as food of highe r substantiality compared to grassLe but de cette étude était de comparer la répartition et les structures des groupements de centipèdes et de millipèdes dans les pâturages en fonction de différents types de gestion. Les types de gestion évalués étaient le pâturage de moutons, le fauchage et le paillage dans diverses combinaisons. Différents modes de fondations de pâturages ont également été évalués - mélange commercial des cultures fourragères, semences locales mélangées avec des proportions différentes de plantes dicotylédones, et une jachère spontanée. Malgré la rareté des centipèdes et des millipèdes, l'effet le plus positif pour les millipèdes a été observé dans le cadre du paillage car celui-ci offre de la matière organique morte. La meilleure façon de gérer le pâturage est d'utiliser un mélange local de semences à forte proportion de plantes dicotylédones comme nourriture de qualité supérieure en comparaison du gazon

    Migration strategy of the Great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) in an artificial pond

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    In animals, migration is an evolutionary adaptation to manage seasonally varying habitats. Often driven by climatic changes or resource availability, amphibians then migrate from their hibernation sites to their breeding grounds. This research focused on the migratory habits of the Great crested newt (Triturus cristatus). The study explored factors like gender, body size, and environmental determinants, noting that immigration and emigration events proved distinct during the year. Results unveiled that males typically reached ponds first, with temperature being pivotal: males preferred up to 5 °C, females around 10 °C, while juveniles moved as temperatures increase. Wind velocity affected larger newts, around 120 mm, prompting them to migrate with stronger winds. Notably, heavy rainfall favored migration of newts of roughly 60 mm size. Humidity displayed gender-based trends: males associated positively with average levels, females showed aversion above 50%, and juveniles leaned towards drier conditions. Emigration patterns mirrored these findings, emphasizing roles of temperature, wind, and humidity. The effect of moonlight is not statistically significant. These findings provide valuable insights into the environmental factors influencing the migration of T. cristatus, which may guide future conservation efforts

    Bug cemetery: a case study of terrestrial isopod distribution on a brick wall in the Czech Republic

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    Although terrestrial isopods (Oniscidea) are primarily soil- and surface-dwelling invertebrates, they can also be found on tree trunks and walls. This study evaluated distribution patterns of terrestrial isopods on a brick wall during the first hours of night in autumn. Four species of terrestrial isopods were recorded with Armadillidium versicolor being the dominant one. Terrestrial isopods were distributed from ground level up to a height of 2 m, but preferred a 70–80 cm height band. The highest number of active individuals was observed 3 h after astronomical dusk. Potential predators of terrestrial isopods were abundant during the same time and at the same height

    Lithobius (Monotarsobius) franciscorum Dányi & Tuf, 2012, sp. nov.

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    Lithobius (Monotarsobius) franciscorum sp. nov. Diagnosis. A Lithobius Leach, 1814 species (subgenus Monotarsobius Verhoeff, 1905) with 19 + 19 antennal articles; 4–5 ocelli in one row on either side, the second most posterior one being the biggest; Tömösváry organ similar in size to the second ocellus; two teeth on each dental margin of maxillipede coxosternum; tergites with rounded posterior angles; tarsus 1–2 articulation fused on legs 1–13, well-defined on legs 14 and 15; leg 15 with accessory apical claw and without VaC; female gonopods with 3 + 3 (4 + 4) spurs, gonopodal claw simple; last pair of legs swollen in the male, with a group of about 27–30 club-like setae dorsodistally on femurs and about 8–10 lance-like setae on the posterior third of the dorsal side of the tibiae. Types. Holotype: 3 (HNHM chilo- 2633): Kazakhstan, Altai Mts., woods on the bank of river Berel, N 49 ° 26´33 ´´, E 86 ° 22´02´´, 1200 m a.s.l., 28 -IV- 2006, lgt. I.H.Tuf. Paratypes: 13 (HNHM chilo- 2635): same data as holotype; 23 (NHMW No. 8012, HNHM chilo- 3021) and 3 ƤƤ (NHMW No. 8013, HNHM chilo- 3049, HNHM chilo- 3050): Kazakhstan, Altai Mts., near Berel village, dead birch wood, near small stream, N 49 ° 17´42 ´´, E 86 ° 19´35 ´´, 1062 m a.s.l., 12 -VII- 2007, lgt. I.H.Tuf. Non types: Kazakhstan, Altai Mts., Zhambul, wood on the river bank, N 49 ° 14´16 ´´, E 86 ° 19´13 ´´, 1000 m a.s.l., 19 -VI- 2007, lgt. I.H.Tuf: 23 (HNHM chilo- 3023), 1 Ƥ (HNHM chilo- 3024, HNHM chilopr- 183 (gp.)), 13 (HNHM chilo- 3025), 23 (HNHM chilo- 3027), 1 Ƥ (HNHM chilo- 3026, HNHM chilopr- 175 (gp.)). Kazakhstan, Altai Mts., near Berel village, dead birch wood, near small stream, N 49 ° 17´42 ´´, E 86 ° 19´35 ´´, 1062 m a.s.l., 12 - VII- 2007, lgt. I.H.Tuf: 4 ƤƤ (HNHM chilo- 2759), 23 (HNHM chilo- 3031), 13 1 Ƥ (HNHM chilo- 3032), 1 Ƥ (HNHM chilo- 3033, HNHM chilopr- 182 (gp)), 4 ad. ƤƤ (HNHM chilo- 2595), 1 ad. 3 (HNHM chilopr- 186). Kazakhstan, Altai Mts., Uryl, wood near village, N 49 ° 13´26 ´´, E 86 ° 21´32 ´´, 1322 m a.s.l., 28 -VI- 2007, lgt. I.H.Tuf: 1 Ƥ (HNHM chilo- 2741), 1 Ƥ (HNHM chilo- 2748), 3 ad. ƤƤ (HNHM chilo- 2760), 43 (HNHM chilo- 3022). Kazakhstan, Altai Mts., woods on the bank of river Berel, N 49 ° 26´33 ´´, E 86 ° 22´02´´, 1200 m a.s.l., 28 -IV- 2006, lgt. I.H.Tuf: 13 1 ad. 3 1 Ƥ 1 ad. Ƥ (HNHM chilo- 2577), 13 3 ƤƤ 16 juv. 2 larvae (HNHM chilo- 2579), 1 juv. (HNHM chilopr- 176), 13 (HNHM chilo- 2584), 2 juv. (HNHM chilo- 2589), 13 (HNHM chilo- 2593), 4 ƤƤ 8 juv. (HNHM chilo- 2594), 43 (HNHM chilo- 2610), 13 1 ad. 3 7 ad. ƤƤ 1 juv. (HNHM chilo- 3020), 1 ad. Ƥ (HNHM chilo- 2615, HNHM chilopr- 180 (gp)), 13 (HNHM chilopr- 181), 33 (HNHM chilo- 2622), 13 (HNHM chilo- 3048), 23 (HNHM chilo- 3019), 23 (HNHM chilo- 2642), 1 Ƥ 6 juv. (HNHM chilo- 2647), 13 (HNHM chilo- 2725). Kazakhstan, Altai Mts., Arshaty, slope, N 49 ° 18´25 ´´, E 86 ° 32´15 ´´, 1320 m a.s.l., 2 -VIII- 2007, lgt. F.Pĕček & F.Kuda: 2 ƤƤ 6 juv. (HNHM chilo- 2612), 13 1 ad. 3 1 Ƥ 2 ad. ƤƤ (HNHM chilo- 2607), 13 (HNHM chilopr- 184). Kazakhstan, Altai Mts., Arshaty, slope, N 49 ° 18´26 ´´, E 86 ° 32´55 ´´, 1250 m a.s.l., 2 -VIII- 2007, lgt. F.Pĕček & F.Kuda: 13 1 Ƥ 3 ad. ƤƤ (HNHM chilo- 3029), 1 Ƥ (HNHM chilo- 3030). Kazakhstan, Altai Mts., Arshaty, wood near village, N 49 ° 17´57 ´´, E 86 ° 33´07´´, 1200 m a.s.l., 30 -VI- 2007, lgt. I.H.Tuf: 13 (HNHM chilo- 2734), 5 ƤƤ (HNHM chilo- 2735), 63 (HNHM chilo- 2737), 1 Ƥ (HNHM chilopr- 177), 13 3 ƤƤ (HNHM chilo- 2597), 1 juv. (HNHM chilopr- 178), 1 Ƥ (HNHM chilo- 2739). Kazakhstan, Altai Mts., Arshaty, alluvium of Buchtarma river, N 49 ° 17´35 ´´, E 86 ° 35´36 ´´, 1250 m a.s.l., 31 -VII- 2007, lgt. F.Pĕček & F.Kuda: 1 Ƥ 2 ad. ƤƤ (HNHM chilo- 3028). Kazakhstan, Altai Mts., Chindagatuy, N 49 ° 16´41 ´´, E 86 ° 58´38 ´´, 2097 m a.s.l., 23 -VI- 2007, lgt. I.H.Tuf: 1 ad. 3 (HNHM chilopr- 188). Etymology. The new species is named in honour of two of the new species’ collectors, František Kuda and František Pĕček, colleagues and friends of the senior author. Distribution, ecology. The species was collected in different kinds of habitats, like in birch and birch-sprucemountain ash forests, in river alluvium, and in mountain slopes with alpine meadows, between 1000 and 2097 m above sea level. Although it has been recorded only in the Western part of the Altai Mountains till now (Fig. 35), its occurrence in such different habitat types suggests a much wider area including perhaps most of the still uninvestigated regions of the Altai Mountains. Description. Length (anterior margin of head shield to posterior end of the postpedal tergite) 7 –10.5 mm in males (holotype 8 mm), 8.2– 12 mm in females; width of cephalic capsule 0.80–0.95 mm. Colour of specimens in ethanol (Fig. 1) pale orange, head, forcipules, antennae and posterior end of the body with the two last pairs of legs a bit darker. Cephalic plate smooth, broader than long; as broad as T 5 or slightly broader. Posterior margin concave, a bit thinner in middle part (Figs 1 and 3). Antennae (Figs 1 and 3) with 19 + 19 articles, usually extending back to the half of T 3. Four ocelli in a single but middle broken line, with dark pigment underneath; the third ocellus slightly larger than the others; rarely (and usually asymmetrically) a small fifth ocellus is also present. Tömösváry’s organ about the size of the second ocellus, approximatively rounded, ventral to anterolateral margin of cephalic pleurite (Fig. 2). Coxosternite (Fig. 5) approximately trapezoidal, anterior margin with 2 + 2 moderately large, triangular coxosternal teeth, median diastema relatively deep, U-shaped (Fig. 4); coxosternal shoulder lacking; porodonts posterolateral to the lateral tooth, relatively long and slender (Fig. 4); coxosternal setation as in Fig. 5. Tergites relatively smooth, without wrinkles (Fig. 1). T 1 trapeziform, narrower than head shield (Figs 1 and 3), about 77–87 % width of widest (tenth) tergite; lateral marginations of all tergites continuous; posterior angles of all tergites rounded, without posterior triangular projections, posterior margin straight or slightly convex in TT 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 13, slightly concave in TT 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11 and 14 (Figs 1, 3, 22 and 23). All sternites smooth, generally trapeziform, posterolaterally narrower than anterolaterally. Legs relatively strong, tarsus 1 fused to tarsus 2 on legs 1–13 (Figs 1, 3 and 6), but articulated on legs 14 and 15 (Figs 1, 3 and 25); claw moderately long in all legs; on legs 1–14 accessory spur on both anterior and posterior sides, about 40–45 % the length of the claw (Fig. 6); accessory claw (Fig. 7) and anterior spur (Fig. 24) on leg 15 present, about 50 % and 9 % length of main claw respectively; short to moderately long setae scattered over the surface of legs 1–13, tarsi generally more setose (Fig. 6); also legs 14–15 with numerous, relatively long setae (Figs 8–9 and 25–27). Legs 14 and 15 slightly thickened in females, strongly swollen in males (Figs 1, 3 and 25–26). In males, 15 F with a group of about 27–30 club-like setae on the posteromedial corner (Figs 3, 8, 25–28 and 31); 15 T slightly flattened dorsally on the posterior third with about 8–10 lance-like setae (Figs 9, 25–26, 29 and 32); tarsus of leg 15 slightly flattened dorsally (Figs 25 and 30). Leg plectrotaxy as in Tabs 1–3, with the following remarks on variability: VpF of legs 2 and 5–7 in one specimen only (chilo- 2635). VpP of legs 3–9 and VpF of leg 14 missing in only one specimen (chilo- 3021). VpP of leg 12 missing only asymmetrically in only one specimen (chilo- 2613). VaT and DaP of leg 14 present only asymmetrically in three specimens each (chilo- 3049, chilo- 2613, chilo- 3025 and chilo- 2734, chilo- 2613, chilo- 3025 respectively). VpF of leg 15 present only asymmetrically in only one specimen (chilo- 2738). Coxal pores moderately small, round, arranged in a row as 3 (4) 4 (3–5) 4 (3) 2 (4); males: maximum 3433 (chilo- 3021) and 3442 (chilopr- 184), minimum 2332 (chilo- 2642); females: maximum 44 (5) 44 (chilo- 3030), minimum 3443 (4) (chilo- 3029); in holotype: 33 (4) 32. Female S 15 posterolaterally narrower than anterolaterally, generally trapeziform, straight posteromedially; short to long setae scattered sparsely over its surface and lateral margins. Female first genital sternite usually well sclerotised, longer than wide, with 50–60 evenly scattered setae; posterior border moderately concave between condyles of gonopods. Female gonopods: first articles with 3 + 3 (in two specimens 4 + 4 (chilo- 2612, chilopr- 180)) elongate, bullet-shaped spurs, the medial spur being the smallest and the lateral one the largest (Figs 10–17 and 33– 34). Lateral side of female gonopods with 15–20 moderate to long setae on first article, 4–5 setae on second and 2– 3 setae on third article, arranged as in Figs 11 and 34; dorsal side of gonopod with 4–8 weak spines on second article and 3–6 minute spines on third article (Figs 18–21); medial side of female gonopods without setae, only one exception with one minor seta has been found (chilopr- 182, Fig. 16) occurring asymmetrically; female gonopodal claw simple, characteristically curved but with different levels of sharpness (variation illustrated in Figs 10–11, 15 – 17 and 33–34). Male S 15 posterolaterally narrower than anterolaterally, generally trapeziform, straight posteromedially; short to long setae scattered sparsely over its surface and lateral margins. Males first genital sternite well sclerotised, wider than long, with 10–22 setae, posterior margin straight between the gonopods; second genital sternite without setae; male gonopods of a single article with 1–3 short to moderately long setae. Discussion. Lithobius franciscorum sp. nov. is easily distinguished from all previously named species in subgenus Monotarsobius by the presence of the group of club-like setae on the males 15 F. Similar setae occur in some other species, e.g. Lithobius alticus Loksa, 1965 and Lithobius muminabadicus (Zalesskaja, 1978), but only on the last legs’ tibiae and never on femurs. Among the species with simple gonopodal claw in females, L. franciscorum sp. nov. is the most similar to L. nordenskioldii Stuxberg, 1876 from which it is separated by the number of gonopodal spurs (2 + 2 in L. nordenskioldii and 3 (4)+ 3 (4) in L. franciscorum sp. nov.).Published as part of Dányi, László & Tuf, Ivan H., 2012, Lithobius (Monotarsobius) franciscorum sp. nov., a new lithobiid species from the Altai, with a key to the Central Asian species of the subgenus (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha), pp. 16-28 in Zootaxa 3182 on pages 17-25, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.20991

    Spiders and harvestmen on tree trunks obtained by three sampling methods

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    Volume: 51Start Page: 67End Page: 7


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    Key to the Central Asian species of subgenus Monotarsobius – males 1 With ocelli.......................................................................................... 2 - Without ocelli.............................................................. Lithobius krali (Dobroruka, 1979) 2 Claws of ultimate legs simple, without accessory claw........................................................ 3 - Claws of ultimate legs with accessory claws.............................................................. 17 3 Ultimate pairs of legs with secondary sexual characters........................................................ 4 - Ultimate pairs of legs without secondary sexual characters.................................................... 15 4 A wart-like process on 15 T.............................................................................. 5 - 15T without wart-like process........................................................................... 11 5 Ocelli in two-four rows on each side of cephalic capsule...................................................... 6 - Four-five ocelli in one row on each side of cephalic capsule.................... Lithobius javanicus (Zalesskaja, 1978) 6 15 DaP spine present................................................................................... 7 - No 15 DaP spine..................................................................................... 9 7 15 DpF spine present.................................................................................. 8 - No 15 DpF spine........................................................ Lithobius ferganensis (Trotzina, 1894) 8 No 15 VaT spine........................................................ Lithobius ketmenensis Farzalieva, 2006 - 15 VaT spine present....................................................... Lithobius amplinus Farzalieva, 2006 9 15 DmF spines present............................................................................... 10 - No 15 DmF spines....................................................... Lithobius turkestanicus Attems, 1904 10 No 15 DaF spines............................................. Lithobius steppicus (Farzalieva & Zalesskaja, 2003) - 15 DaF spines present......................................................... Lithobius farzalievae nom. nov. 11 15 T without dorsodistal projection..................................................................... 12 - 15T with dorsodistal projection......................................................................... 13 12 15 F without dorsodistal projection, 15 F and 15 T with sulci...................... Lithobius vagabundus Stuxberg, 1876 - 15 F with dorsodistal projection, 15 F and 15 T without sulci................. Lithobius tuberofemoratus Farzalieva, 2006 13 No club-like setae on the dorsodistal projection of 15 T..................................................... 14 - Club-like setae on the dorsodistal projection of 15 T present................ Lithobius muminabadicus (Zalesskaja, 1978) 14 Dense short setae on the dorsodistal projection of 15 T present................. Lithobius tarbagataicus Farzalieva, 2006 - No dense setae on the dorsodistal projection of 15 T.............................. Lithobius curtipes C.L. Koch, 1847 15 No dorsal spines 15 DaF and 15 DmF.................................................................... 16 - 15 DaF and 15 DmF spines present............................................. Lithobius simplis Farzalieva, 2006 16 No 15 DpF................................................................ Lithobius crassipes L. Koch, 1862 - 15 DpF present................................................................ Lithobius fugax Stuxberg, 1876 17 Ultimate pairs of legs with secondary sexual characters....................................................... 18 - Ultimate pairs of legs without secondary sexual characters.................................................... 22 18 15 T without wart-like process........................................................................... 19 - Wart-like process on 15 T.................................................. Lithobius worogowensis Eason, 1976 19 14 T without wart-like process.......................................................................... 20 - 14 T with a wart-like process...................................................... Lithobius insolens nom. nov. 20 No dorsodistal group of club-like setae on 15 F............................................................ 21 - A dorsodistal group of club-like setae on 15 F...................................... Lithobius franciscorum sp. nov. 21 15 T with sulci and dorsodistal group of club-like setae............................... Lithobius alticus (Loksa, 1965) - 15 T without sulci and club-like setae...................................... Lithobius nordenskioldii Stuxberg, 1876 22 Ocelli in one row on each side of cephalic capsule.......................................................... 23 - Ocelli in two rows on each side of cephalic capsule................................. Lithobius dobrorukai nom. nov. 23 17 + 17 antennal articles, no DaC on legs 11–15..................................... Lithobius crassus (Loksa, 1965) - 20 + 20 antennal articles, DaC present on legs 11–15........................... Lithobius canaricolor Farzalieva, 2006Published as part of Dányi, László & Tuf, Ivan H., 2012, Lithobius (Monotarsobius) franciscorum sp. nov., a new lithobiid species from the Altai, with a key to the Central Asian species of the subgenus (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha), pp. 16-28 in Zootaxa 3182 on pages 25-26, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.20991

    Antipredatory strategies of terrestrial isopods

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    Terrestrial isopods (Oniscidea) represent a widespread group of land Crustacea that have been able to successfully adapt to the terrestrial environment and occupy newly formed ecological niches. During the colonisation of land, they faced numerous challenges, including finding an effective way to avoid their new terrestrial predators. In response to predation pressure, they have developed various behavioural and morphological adaptations. These include tonic immobility, conglobation, clinging to the ground, releasing strongly acidic secretions, jumping, and efficient running away. Furthermore, terrestrial isopods can aggregate with other individuals, use stridulation, or change their typical activity time. Some of them also developed spiny tergites and aposematic colouration or posture. The majority of these strategies have not yet been studied

    The effect of external marking on the behaviour of the common pill woodlouse Armadillidium vulgare

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    Zoologists distinguish individual animals using marking techniques. Generally they test the potential influence of marking on survival only; the influence on behaviour is usually neglected. We evaluated the influence of two external marking techniques (nail polish and queen-bee marker) on the behaviour of common pill woodlouse, Armadillidium vulgare. The behaviour was examined from two points of view: (1) activity during 24 hours and (2) specific expressions of behaviour (exploring, feeding, resting and hiding) over a 24 hour period. We compared behaviour among woodlice marked with nail polish and queen-bee marker with the unmarked control group during a nine-day experiment. Although we did not find any influence of marking on survival, there was an evident influence on behaviour in most cases. Generally, in the groups of marked individuals of A. vulgare there were large differences observed against the control group in the overall activity. Activity of marked individuals was significantly reduced and they preferred hiding. The influence of polish and marker on the overall frequencies of behavioural categories was evident, mainly in feeding, resting and hiding. The influence on the frequency of exploring was significant in the polish marked group only