19 research outputs found

    A Qualitative Study on Cluster Potential and Strategy Development in Marine Tourism Sector: A Stakeholder-Centric Approach

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    With regard to the case study of the Kuşadası Region in Türkiye, the aim is to evaluate the feasibilityof a potential clustering approach for the marine tourism sector, propose strategies for the potentialcluster, and determine its applicability from the stakeholders' perspective. The study is grounded inPorter's Cluster Theory and utilizes qualitative research methodologies.Semi-structured interviews with Kuşadası Marine Tourism stakeholders are analyzed based onPorter’s diamond model. The marine tourism sector in Kuşadası has the potential to compete thanksto its favorable climate, rich historical, religious, and cultural heritage, strategic geographic location,easy transportation, established global reputation, highly skilled workforce, reputable informationinstitutions, influential local government, and possession of all key marine tourism components.Therefore, it is imperative to establish achievable targets to foster the sector’s growth anddevelopment. Strategies are under development being developed for the Prospective Cluster andtheir feasibility is being assessed through the Delphi Method.</p

    The Pros and Cons of Industrial Clustering: An Evaluation for Cluster Actors

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    Abstract: Industrial clusters have a significant positive impact on the local economies,industries, and regional growth. Analyzing how actors view clustering is extremely important.To achieve this, the study evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a potential cluster interms of cluster actors. In this context, Kuşadası Marine Tourism sector stakeholders areselected as a sample. Descriptive analysis method, one of the qualitative research methods, isused in the interview with 32 stakeholders consisting of different actor groups. The mostimportant advantages provided by the cluster to the sector and its stakeholders are cooperation,cost reduction, being a regional brand, promotion and fair, sales and profitability, qualifiedworkforce and competitive advantage. Installation and management difficulty, inability to solveproblems polyphony, great competition hindering cooperation, exposure of trade secrets are thedisadvantages that clustering provides to sectors and its stakeholders. There are limited numberof studies in the literature evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of clustering in termsof actors. With this study, it is aimed to inform the stakeholders of the sectors/industries with aprojection about clustering and to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of clustering.&nbsp;</p

    Strategic Approach of Kuşadası Marine Tourism Sector

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    Marine tourism, an essential part of tourism and shipping, is a sector that contributes to the region's and country's economies and includes a wide range of business lines. SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis is used in this study to evaluate the potential of marine tourism in the Kuşadası region. The Kuşadası region hosts all aspects of marine tourism. There is a cruise terminal, a marina, 32 water sports centers, seven underwater sports centers, 35 daily excursion tour operators, and secondary service providers within the region to support those primary service providers. Central administration and local authority, non-governmental organizations, and information-producing institutions are among the stakeholders who contribute to the region's marine tourism's presence and sustainability. Face-to-face interviews with 32 actors from various marine tourism stakeholders are conducted in this context between the 15th of December 2021 and the 20th of January 2022. As a result of the analysis, the sector's general strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are evaluated first, followed by separate discussions of cruise tourism, yacht tourism, water sports, and day trip boating. Using the TOWS matrix, short and long-term strategies for the Kusadasi marine tourism sector are proposed following the SWOT analysis.</p


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