4 research outputs found

    Extensive winter subglacial water storage beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from AGU via the DOI in this record.Surface meltwater that reaches the base of the Greenland Ice Sheet exerts a fundamental impact on ice flow, but observations of catchment-wide movement and distribution of subglacial water remain limited. Using radar-sounding data from two seasons, we identify the seasonal distribution of subglacial water in western Greenland. Our analysis provides evidence of widespread subglacial water storage beneath Greenland in the wintertime. The winter storage is located primarily on bedrock ridges with higher bed elevations in excess of 200 m. During the melt season water moves to the subglacial troughs. This inverse relationship with topography indicates that the material properties of the glacier bed strongly influence subglacial drainage development. Both the spatial variations in bed properties and the initial state of the subglacial hydrology system at the start of the melt season lead to differing glacier dynamical responses to surface melting across the Greenland Ice Sheet.W.C. is a recipient of the NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship. D.M.S. is supported by a grant from the NASA Cryospheric Sciences Program. H.S. is supported by grants from the NASA Cryospheric Sciences and Sea Level Rise Programs. T.T.C and R.E.B are supported by grants from National Science Foundation (NSF) and NASA Cryospheric Sciences. S.P. is supported by the Natural Environment Research Council’s Centre for Polar Observatio

    Tidewater-glacier response to supraglacial lake drainage

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    The flow speed of the Greenland Ice Sheet changes dramatically in inland regions when surface meltwater drains to the bed. But ice-sheet discharge to the ocean is dominated by fast-flowing outlet glaciers, where the effect of increasing surface melt on annual discharge is unknown. Observations of a supraglacial lake drainage at Helheim Glacier, and a consequent velocity pulse propagating down-glacier, provide a natural experiment for assessing the impact of changes in injected meltwater, and allow us to interrogate the subglacial hydrological system. We find a highly efficient subglacial drainage system, such that summertime lake drainage has little net effect on ice discharge. Our results question the validity of common remote-sensing approaches for inferring subglacial conditions, knowledge of which is needed for improved projections of sea-level rise

    Hydraulic transmissivity inferred from ice-sheet relaxation following Greenland supraglacial lake drainages

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    Surface meltwater reaching the base of the Greenland Ice Sheet transits through drainage networks, modulating the flow of the ice sheet. Dye and gas-tracing studies conducted in the western margin sector of the ice sheet have directly observed drainage efficiency to evolve seasonally along the drainage pathway. However, the local evolution of drainage systems further inland, where ice thicknesses exceed 1000 m, remains largely unknown. Here, we infer drainage system transmissivity based on surface uplift relaxation following rapid lake drainage events. Combining field observations of five lake drainage events with a mathematical model and laboratory experiments, we show that the surface uplift decreases exponentially with time, as the water in the blister formed beneath the drained lake permeates through the subglacial drainage system. This deflation obeys a universal relaxation law with a timescale that reveals hydraulic transmissivity and indicates a two-order-of-magnitude increase in subglacial transmissivity (from 0.8 ± 0.3 mm3 to 215 ± 90.2 mm3) as the melt season progresses, suggesting significant changes in basal hydrology beneath the lakes driven by seasonal meltwater input