33 research outputs found

    Mutual interaction of kisspeptin, estrogen and bone morphogenetic protein-4 activity in GnRH regulation by GT1-7 cells

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    Reproduction is integrated by interaction of neural and hormonal signals converging on hypothalamic neurons for controlling gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Kisspeptin, the peptide product of the kiss1 gene and the endogenous agonist for the GRP54 receptor, plays a key role in the regulation of GnRH secretion. In the present study, we investigated the interaction between kisspeptin, estrogen and BMPs in the regulation of GnRH production by using mouse hypothalamic GT1-7 cells. Treatment with kisspeptin increased GnRH mRNA expression and GnRH protein production in a concentration-dependent manner. The expression levels of kiss1 and GPR54 were not changed by kisspeptin stimulation. Kisspeptin induction of GnRH was suppressed by co-treatment with BMPs, with BMP-4 action being the most potent for suppressing the kisspeptin effect. The expression of kisspeptin receptor, GPR54, was suppressed by BMPs, and this effect was reversed in the presence of kisspeptin. It was also revealed that BMP-induced Smad1/5/8 phosphorylation and Id-1 expression were suppressed and inhibitory Smad6/7 was induced by kisspeptin. In addition, estrogen induced GPR54 expression, while kisspeptin increased the expression levels of ER alpha. and ER beta, suggesting that the actions of estrogen and kisspeptin are mutually enhanced in GT1-7 cells. Moreover, kisspeptin stimulated MAPKs and AKT signaling, and ERK signaling was functionally involved in the kisspeptin-induced GnRH expression. BMP-4 was found to suppress kisspeptin-induced GnRH expression by reducing ERK signaling activity. Collectively, the results indicate that the axis of kisspeptin-induced GnRH production is bi-directionally controlled, being augmented by an interaction between ER alpha/beta and GPR54 signaling and suppressed by BMP-4 action in GT1-7 neuron cells

    肺炎防止のための口腔ケアの研究の動向 : 2000年から2005年の日本と海外の研究論文の比較から

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    口腔ケアが肺炎防止につながることは、CDCのガイドラインをはじめ、さまざまな研究にて証明されているが、具体的にはどのような口腔ケアを行えばよいのか示されていない。そのために、2000年から2005年に発表された口腔ケアと肺炎に関する研究を系統的に分析した。そして、今後の肺炎防止を視点とした口腔ケアの検討を行った。日本の文献と海外の文献も検索し、日本と海外における研究動向を比較した。その結果以下のことが明らかになった。1)日本における口腔ケアと肺炎に関する研究は、海外での研究状況と比較して活発に行われている。2)肺炎予防の視点からの口腔ケアの方法に関して、コンセンサスが得られた方法がなく、今後継続した研究が望まれる。3)多くの口腔ケアで消毒薬が使用されていたが、耐性菌に与える影響は考慮されていなかった。今後、消毒薬使用による耐性菌への影響を考慮した研究が必要である。Many studies have shown that an effective oral care could prevent pneumonia. However, there has not been reached a consensus how we need to perform oral care in order to prevent pneumonia. In this study, researches conducted in Japan and other countries between 2000 and 2005 examined thoroughly to understand the existing knowledge in oral care and pneumonia. The following results are obtained; 1) More studies in Japan have been published than in other countries. 2) There are many ways of oral care used to prevent pneumonia, but the reduction of pneumonia rate varies from study to study. 3) There are many oral care using different types of disinfectant, but not many studies concerned about creating resistance organisms. Base on the result of this study, more researches need to be conducted to identify what type of oral care is the most effective and if disinfectant materials are used, the effect of resistance organisms should be evaluated

    Mutual interaction of kisspeptin, estrogen and bone morphogenetic protein-4 activity in GnRH regulation by GT1-7 cells

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    a b s t r a c t Reproduction is integrated by interaction of neural and hormonal signals converging on hypothalamic neurons for controlling gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Kisspeptin, the peptide product of the kiss1 gene and the endogenous agonist for the GRP54 receptor, plays a key role in the regulation of GnRH secretion. In the present study, we investigated the interaction between kisspeptin, estrogen and BMPs in the regulation of GnRH production by using mouse hypothalamic GT1-7 cells. Treatment with kisspeptin increased GnRH mRNA expression and GnRH protein production in a concentrationdependent manner. The expression levels of kiss1 and GPR54 were not changed by kisspeptin stimulation. Kisspeptin induction of GnRH was suppressed by co-treatment with BMPs, with BMP-4 action being the most potent for suppressing the kisspeptin effect. The expression of kisspeptin receptor, GPR54, was suppressed by BMPs, and this effect was reversed in the presence of kisspeptin. It was also revealed that BMP-induced Smad1/5/8 phosphorylation and Id-1 expression were suppressed and inhibitory Smad6/7 was induced by kisspeptin. In addition, estrogen induced GPR54 expression, while kisspeptin increased the expression levels of ERa and ERb, suggesting that the actions of estrogen and kisspeptin are mutually enhanced in GT1-7 cells. Moreover, kisspeptin stimulated MAPKs and AKT signaling, and ERK signaling was functionally involved in the kisspeptin-induced GnRH expression. BMP-4 was found to suppress kisspeptin-induced GnRH expression by reducing ERK signaling activity. Collectively, the results indicate that the axis of kisspeptin-induced GnRH production is bi-directionally controlled, being augmented by an interaction between ERa/b and GPR54 signaling and suppressed by BMP-4 action in GT1-7 neuron cells


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    金沢大学理工研究域自然システム学系生スィートバジルを乾燥する際に引き起こされる香りの変化を,香気成分バランスやスィートバジルの組織構造とそのレオロジー特性について,比較解析を行う事で,生スィートバジルの香りを維持する為に必要とされる因子の探索を行った.スィートバジルの香気寄与成分として特定したシネオール,リナロール,オイゲノール,オクタナール,1-オクタノール,(E)-2-ヘキセナール,(Z)-3-ヘキセノールの7種類の香気成分は官能評価の特徴を説明する因子となると考えられる.その中でも,生スィートバジルの香りを特徴づける因子としては,微量成分バランスが大きな役割を果たし,ハーブ自体には (E)-2ヘキセナールや (Z)-3-ヘキセノールが存在するが,それがハーブティーに溶出されずオクタナールが高い比率で溶出されることが重要であった.そのような性質を持つ組織構造は,葉内部の細胞壁の形状が乾燥工程を経ても維持されており,その状態は貯蔵弾性率の測定でも比較説明が可能であることが明らかになった.これらの結果により,ハーブの組織構造とハーブティーとして溶出される香気成分バランスに密接な関係がある可能性が示唆された.但し,今回確認された (E)-2-ヘキセナールや (Z)-3-ヘキセノールはみどりの香りと称される物質の1つである.これらの物質は植物中のリノレン酸や配糖体を前駆体として酵素が関与し発現するものであり12),食品加工時に発生することも知られている14)~16) .今後は配糖体量の変化と酵素の関係についても検討を行い,組織構造変化の香りに対する影響をより明確にしてゆく必要があると考える.しかしながら,細胞壁の損傷が少ない状態であった真空乾燥スィートバジルが生特有の香りを保持していたという事実から,乾燥工程を経ることで喫食時に感じる香りの違いは,単純な香気成分の増減という因子だけではなく,組織構造変化という因子からも説明できる可能性が示唆された.乾燥ハーブの香りに対する品質評価を行う上で,乾燥ハーブからハーブティーに抽出されてゆく香気成分のバランス変化や内部組織構造変化の比較といった多面的なアプローチは,今後の有効な評価手法の1つとなることが期待できる.A quality evaluation method for dried herbs was studied with sweet basil leaves (fresh, air-dried, freeze-dried and vacuum-dried sweet basil leaves) as herbal teas, involving hot-water extraction. Sensory evaluation revealed that the flavor of herbal tea with vacuum-dried sweet basil leaves was similar to that with fresh leaves. Seven odor-active compounds (cineole, linalool, eugenol, octanal, 1-octanol, (E)-2-hexenal and (Z)-3-hexenol) from herbal teas were identified by capillary gas chromatographic-mass spectrometry and olfactometry analysis, and it was considered that three compounds (octanal, (E)-2-hexenal and (Z)-3-hexenol) were key compounds for describing the results of sensory evaluation. The structure of dried sweet basil leaves with water-absorption and fresh leaves was observed by differential interference contact microscopy, and their rheological characteristics were measured for storage modulus. As a result, the characteristics of vacuum-dried sweet basil were similar to those of fresh basil. These results suggest that investigation of the aroma using hot-water extraction, tissue structure and rheological characteristics could be effective approaches to qualitatively evaluate dried herbs


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    腹腔鏡下手術は,従来の開腹術にはみられない多彩な周術期合併症を引き起こす可能性がある.今回,鏡視下手術中経験した合併症を紹介する.(症例1)52歳女性.胆石・胆嚢炎に対し腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術が施行された.気腹20分後に経皮酸素飽和度が低下し血圧も低下した.胸部X線撮影で右気胸が確認された.胸腔ドレーンを挿入し呼吸状態は改善された.気胸の原因として,横隔膜の脆弱性が疑われた.(症例2)86歳女性.腹腔鏡下後腹膜到達法(retroperitoneal approach)で右腎癌に対して右腎臓摘出術が施行された.気腹後から呼気終末二酸化炭素分圧(PETCO_2)が急に上昇し換気条件を変更しても改善されなかった.皮下気腫を認め,徐々に広範となった.両側大腿部から頸部まで進展したため,手術後も皮下気腫が改善するまで気管内挿管下呼吸管理を行った.腹腔鏡下手術中は気胸,皮下気腫などの合併症が起こり換気障害を来たすことがあるので,早期発見につとめ,周術期も注意深く観察する必要がある.Laparoscopic surgery can cause various perioperative complications unassociated with conventional open surgery. We describe complications caused by laparoscopic surgery in 2 patients. Patient 1 was a 52-year-old woman who underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy for gallstones and cholecystitis. The percutaneous oxygen saturation and blood pressure decreased 20 minutes after the onset of pneumoperitoneum. A chest film confirmed a right-sided pneumothorax. Her respiratory status improved after placement of a drain in the thoracic cavity. Anatomical weakness of the diaphragm was suspected to have caused the pneumothorax. Patient 2 was an 86-year-old woman who underwent a laparoscopic nephrectomy via a retroperitoneal approach for cancer of the right kidney. After the induction of pneumoperitoneum, the end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PETCO_2) rapidly increased and did not improve, even after altering the ventilation conditions. Subcutaneous emphysema developed and gradually extended from both thighs to the neck. After surgery, the patient received artificial ventilation through an endotracheal tube until the resolution of subcutaneous emphysema. Laparoscopic surgery can cause various complications, such as pneumothorax and subcutaneous emphysema, and result in ventilatory impairment. Patients who undergo laparoscopic surgery should be carefully monitored during the perioperative period to ensure early detection of potential complications


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    腹腔鏡下手術は,従来の開腹術にはみられない多彩な周術期合併症を引き起こす可能性がある.今回,鏡視下手術中経験した合併症を紹介する.(症例1)52歳女性.胆石・胆嚢炎に対し腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術が施行された.気腹20分後に経皮酸素飽和度が低下し血圧も低下した.胸部X線撮影で右気胸が確認された.胸腔ドレーンを挿入し呼吸状態は改善された.気胸の原因として,横隔膜の脆弱性が疑われた.(症例2)86歳女性.腹腔鏡下後腹膜到達法(retroperitoneal approach)で右腎癌に対して右腎臓摘出術が施行された.気腹後から呼気終末二酸化炭素分圧(PETCO_2)が急に上昇し換気条件を変更しても改善されなかった.皮下気腫を認め,徐々に広範となった.両側大腿部から頸部まで進展したため,手術後も皮下気腫が改善するまで気管内挿管下呼吸管理を行った.腹腔鏡下手術中は気胸,皮下気腫などの合併症が起こり換気障害を来たすことがあるので,早期発見につとめ,周術期も注意深く観察する必要がある.Laparoscopic surgery can cause various perioperative complications unassociated with conventional open surgery. We describe complications caused by laparoscopic surgery in 2 patients. Patient 1 was a 52-year-old woman who underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy for gallstones and cholecystitis. The percutaneous oxygen saturation and blood pressure decreased 20 minutes after the onset of pneumoperitoneum. A chest film confirmed a right-sided pneumothorax. Her respiratory status improved after placement of a drain in the thoracic cavity. Anatomical weakness of the diaphragm was suspected to have caused the pneumothorax. Patient 2 was an 86-year-old woman who underwent a laparoscopic nephrectomy via a retroperitoneal approach for cancer of the right kidney. After the induction of pneumoperitoneum, the end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PETCO_2) rapidly increased and did not improve, even after altering the ventilation conditions. Subcutaneous emphysema developed and gradually extended from both thighs to the neck. After surgery, the patient received artificial ventilation through an endotracheal tube until the resolution of subcutaneous emphysema. Laparoscopic surgery can cause various complications, such as pneumothorax and subcutaneous emphysema, and result in ventilatory impairment. Patients who undergo laparoscopic surgery should be carefully monitored during the perioperative period to ensure early detection of potential complications