116 research outputs found

    Posture Fortification of Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla Republik Indonesia) in Realizing Indonesia’s Maritime Security

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    With the enactment of Republic of Indonesia Law Number 32 of 2014 concerning Marine, the task of patrolling security and safety in Indonesian territorial waters and Indonesian jurisdiction becomes the responsibility of Marine Security Agency (Bakamla). From this information the question arises, how can Bakamla be formed with tasks that are very complex but not supported by adequate postures. Therefore, with a gap in the implementation of this policy, the researcher conducted this research with the aim of analyzing the implementation of policies carried out by Bakamla in relation to the policy of strengthening Bakamla's posture and analyzing the factors that support and hinder the implementation of Bakamla's strengthening policies and formulate what strategies are good for carrying out strengthening of Bakamla's posture. The research data was collected through informants from Marine Security Agency (Bakamla) based on interview and documentation methods. Then the data is analyzed with Edward III's theory which uses 4 variables that can influence Policy Implementation, namely the Communication, Resources, Disposition and Bureaucratic Structure variables. Each variable is analyzed its actual condition, then the actual condition of each variable is combined to produce a conclusion about the implementation of policies on strengthening Bakamla. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of policies regarding Marine Security Agency (Bakamla) tasks faced with Bakamla's current posture has not been implemented optimally. The factors that cause the policy to be unable to materialize are due to the four analysis tools / variables used in accordance with Edward III's theory, there is one variable that still does not meet the realization of the policy implementation on strengthening Marine Security Agency (Bakamla), which is related to resource factors which include human resources, budget, infrastructure and facilities. It is hoped that all the shortcomings associated with these resources can be met immediately. With a large and strong condition, Marine Security Agency (Bakamla) will support the implementation of Bakamla's duties optimally, so that security in Indonesian seas will be realized. Keywords: Strengthening, Security, Bakamla, Strategy, Posture. DOI: 10.7176/IAGS/90-03 Publication date: February 28th 202


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    Abstract – This study has a purpose to know the impact on leadership of the village government, the government official’s competence, motivation and participation of the people toward effectiveness of the empowerment of BUM Desa in Klaten Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. The rapid growth of BUM Desa may still not meet the requirements of the establishment, the organizational structure, main duties and functions (tupoksi) and its accountability so that the management of BUM Desa is assumed less effective. This method of study uses a quantitative approach where the means for data collection is by conducting survey through questionnaires and field observation. In addition, the secondary data is obtained from the Agency for Rural Community Empowerment in Klaten Regency. This data is then analyzed statistically by using a multiple regression analysis. The study result shows that leadership, the government official’s competence, motivation and participation of the people either partially or collectively have significant impact toward effectiveness of the empowerment of BUM Desa in Klaten Regency. Thus, to make the establishment of BUM Desa more effective, it needs an effort to improve a sense of leadership that can build a communication, review a business prospect, solve problems and become assertive in making decision; improve the government official’s competence by the improvement of analytical thinking ability in managing the administration affairs; strengthen the motivation to improve a cooperation with the business of BUM Desa in order to increase the welfare of people to obtain health and education facilities based on the result of empowerment of BUM Desa. Effectiveness of the empowerment of BUM Desa has a contribution in increasing its local-own source revenue. Key Words: leadership, the government official’s competence, motivation, participation of the people, the effectiveness of BUM Des


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    Abstract Development of information technology can be used in various ways such as through design of Geographical Information Systems Tourism Industry Web Based On Tourism Office Bekasi, this can be used as a medium to inform the travel industry more broadly, Using methods based promotions information technology by using the website as an information access has the advantage that can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, anytime without the time and distance. So that the travel industry in Bekasi Regency can be informed quickly and accurately as well as the information can be combined with geographic information systems that can do the mapping industry where tourist sites are located. Design SIG Tourism industry is using the PHP programming language and on its use codeigneter with plugin Google Maps API, system development methods used methods Zachman framework by modeling framework and UML (Unifed Modeling Language), Through this design, it is hoped that it can contribute ideas to the Bekasi Regency Tourism Office in an effort to promote industrial tourism to the community. Keywords: Geographic Information System, Tourism Industry, Zachman Framework, the Google Maps API. Abstrak Berkembangnya teknologi informasi dapat dimanfaatkan dengan berbagai cara salah satunya melalui Perancangan Sistem Informasi Geografis Wisata Industri Berbasis Web Pada Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Bekasi, hal ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media untuk menginformasikan wisata industri yang lebih luas lagi, Menggunakan metode promosi berbasis teknologi informasi dengan menggunakan website sebagai akses informasi mempunyai kelebihan yaitu dapat di akses siapa saja, dimana saja, kapan saja tanpa mengenal jarak dan waktu. Sehingga wisata industri yang ada di Kabupaten Bekasi dapat diinformasikan dengan cepat, tepat dan akurat serta informasi dapat digabungkan dengan sistem informasi geografis yang dapat melakukan pemetaan dimana lokasi wisata industri itu berada. Perancangan SIG Wisata Industri ini menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP dan pada webnya menggunakan codeigneter dengan plugin Google Maps API, metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan metode zachman framework dengan pemodelan kerangka pemikiran dan UML (Unifed Modelling Language), melalui perancangan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan sumbangan ide kepada Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Bekasi dalam upaya mempromosikan wisata industri kepada masyarakat. Kata kunci: Google Maps API, Sistem Informasi Geografis, Wisata industri, Zachman Framework


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    This study aims to measure the consumptive behavior of Call of Duty: Mobile (CODM) game players who are members of the game player community. This behavioral measure was analyzed from their level of financial literacy and financial behavior. This study uses quantitative methods with data processing methods using a structural equation model with SmartPLS tools. The sample of this research is game players who are selected by non-probability sampling method with purposive sample technique. The final sample used in this study was 120 respondents. The results of the study indicate that the level of financial literacy and financial behavior has a positive effect on the consumptive behavior of CODM game players. This research contributes to the development of research on the consumptive behavior of game players and can be used as an early warning system for game users to better control their consumptive behavior. Keywords: Financial Literacy, Financial Behavior, Consumptive Behavior, game players

    Studi Kebijakan Melihat Kolaborasi Pemerintah Daerah Dan Warga Negara

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    Pasca reformasi 1998 telah terjadi perubahan paradigma penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah yang semula sentralisasi menjadi desentralisasi. Dalam pengertian klasik, desentralisasi adalah pengalihan sebagian wewenang, tanggung jawab, dan sumber daya dari Pemerintah Pusat kepada Pemerintah Daerah.[1] Desentralisasi mengacu pada restrukturisasi kewenangan, sehingga terdapat sistem tanggung jawab bersama antar lembaga penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di tingkat pusat dan daerah berdasarkan asas subsidiaritas untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan efektivitas sistem pemerintahan secara keseluruhan, serta meningkatkan kewenangan dan kapasitas tingkat daerah. Desentralisasi juga bisa diharapkan dapat berkontribusi pada elemen kunci tata pemerintahan yang baik, seperti meningkatkan kesempatan untuk berpartisipasi dalam keputusan ekonomi, sosial dan politik; membantu dalam mengembangkan kapasitas rakyat dan meningkatkan respon pemerintah, transparansi dan akuntabilitas.[2] Transparansi dan Akuntabilitas Kebijakan Daerah | 119 Daerah bersama DPRD merumuskan kebijakan daerah. Ada beberapa as
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