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    Weakness of the sustainable and secure development system, lack of effective methods to protect financial activities from external and internal threats all determine the instability and insecurity of the fi nancial system9. Such instability is a threat not only for the economies of those countries where it is observed, but also to the world economy. This fact makes it necessary to ensure financial stability. The world economic scientific community is working on the issue of crisis caused by the pandemic of COVID-19, as the crisis has affected all economies’ strategic sectors. Ways to overcome the economic crisis and strengthen financial stability for real sectors of the economy and banking system in particular are suggested in10: «…continued uncer tainty about the scale and duration of the economic impact of the pan demic continues to pose strains on the financial system. Internationally coordinated action to support a well-functioning, resilient financial system and well-functioning and open markets remains a priority». The issue of changing new forms of technology in the activities of financial structures and banking systems are researched in the articles of leading European scholars3 . Application of new payment forms leads the activities of financial structures to a new level of development and at the same time they require new methods of financial stability as sessment. That is, the digitalization of the entire financial system and in crease of virtual money in the circulation requires regulators to use new approaches of assessment of financial institutions activities as well as banking system, in particularUkraine1 considers as an important and crucial one for the country in order to become stronger and more resilient after the coronavirus crisis. The government needs to focus on strengthening the resilience of its institutions and infrastructure to shocks. Aim of the adopted State Economic Stimulus Program2 to over come the negative effects caused by the restrictive measures to pre vent the occurrence and spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2020 for 2020–2022 is to implement a comprehensive system and sustainable development of Ukraine’s economy and increase employment level by maintaining its existing level and stimulating creation of new jobs. One of the initiatives with in the Program are activities aimed at improving access to finance. Therefore, the development of modern models of companies de velopment, banking structures in particular, aimed at improvement of the enterprises’ financial stability in order to survive during the crisis of both national and world economies is an urgent task. Aim of the research is to improve banks investment, economic and financial stability by using a modern model based on economic and mathematical modeling, which harmonizes the issues of taking into account the profitability of banking institution, as well as all pos sible risks which might impact bank’s activitie