15 research outputs found

    Trendovi iskorištavanja živih bogatstava Sredozemnog i Crnog mora

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    The exploitation trends of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries stocks were examined using the total annual catches, the variability of the mean trophic level of the catch and fishing-in-balance index for the period 1970-2010. Overall catches increased rapidly to their maximum levels by the late 1980s and then declined and remained rather stable at around 75% of their highest levels. The mean trophic level of the catches followed a similar pattern to the overall catches with constant (except for 2005-2007) but steady decline since the late 1980s. The annual catches of 2636 stocks were also analysed for the period 1970-2010 and classified into exploitation categories according to the catch-based method of stock classification. In 2010, about 22% of the stocks were depleted, 40% were overexploited, 24% were fully exploited while undeveloped/developing fisheries were confined to 14%. All analyses indicate that the Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries are gradually contracting to unsustainable levels.Trendovi iskorištavanja živih bogatstava Sredozemnog i Crnog mora su analizirani pomoću ukupnih godišnjih ulova, varijabilnosti prosječne trofičke razine ulova te uravnoteženosti ribolovnog indeksa za razdoblje 1970.-2010. U kasnim 1980-im ukupni ulov se naglo povećao do svoje maksimalne moguće razine, a zatim je došlo do pada te je ostao prilično stabilan na razini od oko 75% od svoje najveće razine. Prosječne trofičke razine ulova slijede sličan obrazac ukupnih ulova s konstantnim (osim za razdoblje 2005.-2007.) i stalnim padom od kraja 1980-ih godina. Godišnji ulovi 2636 iskorištavanih stockova također su analizirani za razdoblje od 1970. do 2010. godine i podijeljeni prema eksploatacijskim kategorijama. U 2010. godini oko 22% zaliha živih bogatstava je bilo iscrpljeno, 40% se prekomjerno iskorištavalo, a 24% je doseglo maksimalnu razinu iskorištavanja. Sve analize upućuju na to da je iskorištavanje živih bogatstava Sredozemnog i Crnog mora doseglo maksimalne vrijednosti, pa čak u nekim slučajevima i do neodržive razine

    The Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries at risk from overexploitation.

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    The status of the Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries was evaluated for the period 1970-2010 on a subarea basis, using various indicators including the temporal variability of total landings, the number of recorded stocks, the mean trophic level of the catch, the fishing-in-balance index and the catch-based method of stock classification. All indicators confirmed that the fisheries resources of the Mediterranean and Black Sea are at risk from overexploitation. The pattern of exploitation and the state of stocks differed among the western (W), central (C) and eastern (E) Mediterranean subareas and the Black Sea (BS), with the E Mediterranean and BS fisheries being in a worst shape. Indeed, in the E Mediterranean and the BS, total landings, mean trophic level of the catch and fishing-in-balance index were declining, the cumulative percentage of overexploited and collapsed stocks was higher, and the percentage of developing stocks was lower, compared to the W and C Mediterranean. Our results confirm the need for detailed and extensive stock assessments across species that will eventually lead to stocks recovering through conservation and management measures

    Overview of all indicators (TC: total catch; CBM: catch-based method; mTLc: mean trophic level of the catch; FiB: fishing in balance index) used in the present work for evaluating the status of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries per fishing subarea, indicating their condition in 2010.

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    <p>Good condition of a time-series refers to increasing, bad to declining and average to stable trends.</p><p>Overview of all indicators (TC: total catch; CBM: catch-based method; mTLc: mean trophic level of the catch; FiB: fishing in balance index) used in the present work for evaluating the status of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries per fishing subarea, indicating their condition in 2010.</p

    The trend for all stocks according to the catch-based method, for the western, central, eastern Mediterranean fishing subarea and the Black Sea for the period 1970 to 2010 (light green: developing; yellow: fully exploited; orange: overexploited; brown: collapsed; dark green: recovering).

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    <p>The trend for all stocks according to the catch-based method, for the western, central, eastern Mediterranean fishing subarea and the Black Sea for the period 1970 to 2010 (light green: developing; yellow: fully exploited; orange: overexploited; brown: collapsed; dark green: recovering).</p

    The mean trophic level of the catch (mTLc) per year for the western (red dots), central (green dots), eastern (blue dots) Mediterranean subareas and the Black Sea (orange dots) for the period 1970 to 2010.

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    <p>The mean trophic level of the catch (mTLc) per year for the western (red dots), central (green dots), eastern (blue dots) Mediterranean subareas and the Black Sea (orange dots) for the period 1970 to 2010.</p

    The trend considering only the stocks with 40 consecutive records according to the catch-based method, for the western, central, eastern Mediterranean fishing subarea and the Black Sea for the period 1970 to 2010 (light green: developing; yellow: fully exploited; orange: overexploited; brown: collapsed; dark green: recovering).

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    <p>The trend considering only the stocks with 40 consecutive records according to the catch-based method, for the western, central, eastern Mediterranean fishing subarea and the Black Sea for the period 1970 to 2010 (light green: developing; yellow: fully exploited; orange: overexploited; brown: collapsed; dark green: recovering).</p

    The relationship of the ratio of the current fishing mortality (F) and mortality at MSY (F<sub>MSY</sub>) with the ratio of the latest catch in 2010 (Y<sub>2010</sub>) to historically maximum catch (Y<sub>MAX</sub>) for 97 stocks for which both ratios were available (for explanation see maintext).

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    <p>The relationship of the ratio of the current fishing mortality (F) and mortality at MSY (F<sub>MSY</sub>) with the ratio of the latest catch in 2010 (Y<sub>2010</sub>) to historically maximum catch (Y<sub>MAX</sub>) for 97 stocks for which both ratios were available (for explanation see maintext).</p

    The status in 2010 of fisheries resources according to the catch-based method, for the western, central, eastern Mediterranean fishing subarea and the Black Sea for the period 1970 to 2010 (D: developing; F: fully exploited; O: overexploited; C: collapsed; R: recovering).

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    <p>The status in 2010 of fisheries resources according to the catch-based method, for the western, central, eastern Mediterranean fishing subarea and the Black Sea for the period 1970 to 2010 (D: developing; F: fully exploited; O: overexploited; C: collapsed; R: recovering).</p

    The number of stocks recorded per year for the western (red dots), central (green dots), eastern (blue dots) Mediterranean subareas and the Black Sea (orange dots) for the period 1970 to 2010.

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    <p>The number of stocks recorded per year for the western (red dots), central (green dots), eastern (blue dots) Mediterranean subareas and the Black Sea (orange dots) for the period 1970 to 2010.</p