6 research outputs found

    Удосконалення елементів конструкцій оприскувачів для покращення технології захисту смородини чорної від шкідників

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    The harmful organisms that prevent obtaining constant harvests of black currant are, first of all, the complex of sucking pests. The application of insecticides for the protection of black currant plantings against these phytophages depends primarily on the timely qualitative and effective treatment using the developed specialized rolling stock. In order to gain the desired effect, present study reports design features, which ensure the optimality of spraying zones due to the symmetrical double-sided arrangement of original arc-shaped brackets with nozzles relative to the axis of motion of the unit.Improving effectiveness in spraying the bushes of black currants is provided by the spatial geometric location of nozzles in the layout diagram of the specialized rolling stock with the modernized sprayer OP-2000. For this purpose, we calculated the arc lengths of original brackets L=1250 and the inclination angles of nozzles α=33.3°.As the present study revealed, the modernized sprayer OP-2000 (Ukraine) makes it possible to provide a reduction in the population density of plants with sucking pests by 5.8 times, which increases the harvest yield of berries by 0.8 t/ha. In this case, net profit increases by UAH 24573 per hectare at profitability of 386 %Применение инсектицидов для защиты насаждений смородины черной против фитофагов зависит от эффективных обработок модернизированным опрыскивателем ОП-2000 (Украина), что дает возможность обеспечить снижение заселенности растений сосущими вредителями в 5,8 раз. Показаны конструктивные особенности разработанного специализированного подвижного состава, с использованием модернизированного опрыскивателя, для достижения желаемого эффектаЗастосування інсектицидів для захисту насаджень смородини чорної проти фітофагів залежить від ефективних обробок модернізованим обприскувачем ОП-2000 (Україна), що дає можливість забезпечити зниження заселеності рослин сисними шкідниками у 5,8 рази. Показані конструктивні особливості розробленого спеціалізованого рухомого складу, з використанням модернізованого обприскувача, для досягнення бажаного ефект

    Monitoring Research on Invasive Species of Bedbug ( Corytucha ciliata say ) in Green Areas of Kyiv

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    Purpose. Monitoring of the state of plane trees (Platanus L.) in the environment of Kyiv. Materials and methods. Samples for research were selected in the course of route surveys of plants of the Botanical Garden named after. acad. A. V. Fomin, National Botanical Garden. N. Grishko National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and parks, squares, street plantations of plane trees in Kyiv. Platanus identification using the lacemaker's bug (Corythucha ciliate Say), uses a light microscope and a smartphone with the «Magnifier Cam software». Results. For the first time, we found damage to the leaves of the plane tree Platanus x acerifolia (Ait.) by the bug Corythucha ciliata Say in Kyiv. This is the northernmost border of the phytophage distribution in Ukraine. The phytophage was found in six of the nine surveyed habitats of Platanus acerifolia (50º41'83'' N, 30º56'37'' E; 50°43'99"N, 30°51'83"E; 50º26' 99'' N, 30º94'99'' E; 50°26'42"N, 30°32'01"E; 50°39'35"N, 30°50'66"E; 50°38'22"N, 30°47'73"E). The bug was not found in the Botanical Garden named after acad. A.V. Fomin. A high degree of sycamore bug damage was observed on plants growing in habitats. 50°39'35"N, 30°50'66"E (4,7 points) and50°38'22"N, 30°47'73"E (2,9 point). bedbugs prefer the south side of the trunk for wintering (72.3% of individuals.) (72,3% individuals). The ratio of females and males on the southern side was 2,5/1, on the northern side – 1,7/1. The bug Corythucha ciliata, being under the cork cambium in winter, survives in the natural environment when the temperature drops to -22ºС (duration - four days)

    Monitoring Research on Invasive Species of Bedbug (Corythucha ciliata Say) in green areas of Kyiv

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    Samples for research were selected in the course of route surveys of plants of the Botanical Garden named after. acad. A.V. Fomin, National Botanical Garden. N. Grishko National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and parks, squares, street plantations of plane trees inKyiv. Platanus identification using the lacemaker's bug (Corythucha ciliate Say), uses a light microscope and a smartphone with the «Magnifier Cam software». For the first time,we found damage to the leaves of the plane tree Platanus x acerifolia (Ait.) by the bug Corythucha ciliata Say in Kyiv. This is the northernmost border of the phytophage distribution in Ukraine. The phytophage was found in six of the nine surveyed habitats of Platanus acerifolia (50°41'83'' N, 30°56'37'' E; 50°43'99''N, 30°51'83''E; 50°26'99'' N, 30°94'99'' E; 50°26'42''N, 30°32'01''E; 50°39'35''N, 30°50'66''E; 50°38'22''N, 30°47'73''E). The bug was not found in the Botanical Garden named after acad. A.V. Fomin. A high degree of sycamore bug damage was observed on plants growing in habitats. 50°39'35''N, 30°50'66''E (4.7 point) and 50°38'22''N, 30°47'73''E (2.9 point). Bedbugs prefer the south side of the trunk for wintering (72.3% of individuals). The ratio of females and males on the southern side was 2,5/1, on the northern side – 1,7/1. The bug Corythucha ciliata, being under the cork cambium in winter, survives in the natural environment when the temperature drops to -22 °С (duration – four days)

    Impact of climate change on biodiversity loss of entomofauna in agricultural landscapes of Ukraine

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    Analysis of long-term data on the state of populations of entomofauna in agricultural landscapes is of practical importance for determining the feasibility of chemical protection of agroecosystems. Through the example of species of a harmful entomological complex of winter wheat in different natural and climatic zones of Ukraine, the dynamics of the population size of insects under global warming and the indicator of the living planet index (LPI) have been studied. Indicators of long-term insect’s population size were used as input data based on the results of state phytosanitary monitoring. According to the analysed data on the state of indicator populations during 2009-2017, the indicators of the population size and weighted LPI were constantly decreasing. The correlation between the size of an insect’s population and the course of natural warming does not make it possible to unambiguously explain the state of populations by the effect of an increased amount of heat