1,169 research outputs found

    The Mexican Revolution: An Uneven Path

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    This study analyzes the peasant and anarchist movement as foundational to La Revolución [the Mexican Revolution] and the revolutionary processes that lead to and followed La Revolución. The study makes the case that unique nature of La Revolución deserves far more analysis. Informed by the work of historian Eric Hobsbawm, La Revolución was born directly out of the world stage; its contradictions were born out of the developing and colonial world. It was during the period of La Revolución, that the fate of the country was ultimately changed by the likes of those who participated in it. The study asks the following research questions: How did the events of La Revolución change the history of Mexico? What sort of events between 1910 and 1940, as well as the laws and regulations that were made during La Revolución affected Mexico during this time, and how did it shape the nation in the end? Finally the study asks how La Revolución changed the thought processes and ideas regarding nationhood and citizenship


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    Non-reductionist science: Assessing metabolism and entropy with Systems Theory and Hegelian Logic

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    This paper will offer Hegelian logic, its connection with systems theory, and how it can serve as a replacement for reductionism in the sciences. First, the connection will be made between formal logic and reductionism. Second, systems theory will be introduced as an alternative to reductionism. Third, Hegelian logic and its connection with systems theory will be demonstrated. Fourth, a non-reductionist mode of science will be offered, wherein Hegelian logic and systems theory can work alone or together, in replacement of reductionism and formal logic. Last, a brief sample of this mode of science will be shown in an examination of the relationship between metabolism and entropy

    Disclosing Mathematics

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    According to Heidegger, phenomenology is critical of purely metaphysical thinking insofar as the history of Western metaphysics has discounted the significance of physis. For Heidegger, Western metaphysics has lost its way by ‘forgetting’ being, and likewise so has logic. This paper will argue that if mathematics aims to investigate the truth of being, then ontology has been divorced from the investigation of mathematical truth in a similar fashion that ontology has been divorced from logic and the history of Western metaphysics for Heidegger

    Crossing Eden

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    Crossing Eden

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    Structural Racism in the Prison Industrial Complex: How the Racial Formation “Other” Causes Discrimination

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    My presentation concerns the institutionalization of racism in the Prison Industrial Complex (PIC). It is my belief, in concordance with my research, that the Criminal Justice System is a part of and becoming a PIC. The Criminal Justice System encompasses all correction and law enforcement agencies including the courts, police, prisons, etc. In my research I focus on three questions: (1) Why are there proportionally more Blacks incarcerated in the U.S. than any other racial formation in the United States? (2) How does the high incarceration rates of Blacks affect Black youth? and (3) What purpose does incarcerating Blacks serve? These three questions are central to understanding how racism has been institutionalized in the United States and how it directly impacts and shapes the reality of the Black community. In order to answer these questions, my presentation will briefly examine disproportionate sentencing, the War on Drugs, and the cycle of mass incarceration to contextualize the central theme: the socio-economic, cultural, and political plight of Blacks is born from racism in institutions and this racism has direct correlations to the quality of life of Blacks in the United States. I use critical race theory to frame a rhetorical analysis of existing scholarship concerning race, racism, the cycle of mass incarceration, and PIC. Through this analysis, hegemonic agenda and racist priorities of institutions (e.g. corrections, housing, economics, labor, etc.) in the United States is laid bare; i.e., there are implicit and explicit racist actions targeted at the Black community to further hegemonic agendas and racist priorities in the United States. I dispute the claim that the United States is a post-racial society. To the contrary, I argue that racism has percolated into every institution and every American. Throughout my presentation I would like listeners to ask themselves two introspective questions: What CAN I do and what SHOULD I do in regards to racism in the United States

    Freshman Recital: Tre Wherry

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    Kemp Recital HallApril 10, 2012Tuesday Evening8:00 p.m

    Junior Recital: Tre Wherry

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    Kemp Recital HallApril 9, 2014Wednesday Evening8:00 p.m

    Senior Recital: Tre Wherry

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    Kemp Recital HallApril 16, 2016Saturday Afternoon3:30 p.m