183 research outputs found

    Gold colloidal nanoparticle electrodeposition on a silicon surface in a uniform electric field

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    The electrodeposition of gold colloidal nanoparticles on a silicon wafer in a uniform electric field is investigated using scanning electron microscopy and homemade electrochemical cells. Dense and uniform distributions of particles are obtained with no aggregation. The evolution of surface particle density is analyzed in relation to several parameters: applied voltage, electric field, exchanged charge. Electrical, chemical, and electrohydrodynamical parameters are taken into account in describing the electromigration process

    Electrochemically controlled growth and positioning of suspended collagen membranes

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    Two independently recognized in vitro polymer aggregation variables, electric field and pH, can be used in concert to produce suspended membranes from solutions of type I collagen monomers, without need of a supporting substrate. A collagen network film can form at the alkalineacidic pH interface created during the normal course of water electrolysis with parallel plate electrodes, and the anchoring location can be controlled by adjusting the bulk electrolyte pH. Electrosynthesized films remain intact upon drying and rehydration and function as ion separation membranes even in submillimeter channels. This approach could benefit lab-on-a-chip technologies for rational placement of membranes in microfluidic devices

    Correlation functions near Modulated and Rough Surfaces

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    In a system with long-ranged correlations, the behavior of correlation functions is sensitive to the presence of a boundary. We show that surface deformations strongly modify this behavior as compared to a flat surface. The modified near surface correlations can be measured by scattering probes. To determine these correlations, we develop a perturbative calculation in the deformations in height from a flat surface. Detailed results are given for a regularly patterned surface, as well as for a self-affinely rough surface with roughness exponent ζ\zeta. By combining this perturbative calculation in height deformations with the field-theoretic renormalization group approach, we also estimate the values of critical exponents governing the behavior of the decay of correlation functions near a self-affinely rough surface. We find that for the interacting theory, a large enough ζ\zeta can lead to novel surface critical behavior. We also provide scaling relations between roughness induced critical exponents for thermodynamic surface quantities.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figure

    Struttura industriale e architetture organizzative: ipotesi sul “ritorno” della gerarchia

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    L'ultima fase dello sviluppo industriale delle economie avanzate, cha abbiamo immediatamente alle spalle (ultimo quarto del XX secolo), ha visto emrgere un modello di industrializzazione che presenta caratteri di forte discontinuità rispetto al passato. Il nuovo contesto maturato tra la fine degli anni Sessanta e la metà dei Settanta ha determinato un mutamento di comportamento delle imprese sul piano organizzativo, spingendole da un lato a ricercare un abbattimento dei costi fissi e dall'altro ad abbandonare le attività per le quali non avessero una capacità competitiva adeguata. In ambedue le circostanze l'esito netto è stato l'incremento delle transazioni che dall'impresa sono state trasferite al mercato. La sostituzione della gerarchia con il mercato ha richiesto un ampliamento dell'offerta imprenditoriale. L'aumento del numero degli operatori ha coinciso con l'espansione degli scambi tra le imprese, e dunque con un graduale completamento dei mercati degli input intermedi. Nei fatti, questo processo si è tradotto in un cambiamento significativo della struttura industriale: è in questa fase che in Italia, ma anche in altri paesi industrializzati, aumenta il peso economico delle imprese di piccola dimensione. Il processo di deverticalizzazione della struttura industriale, tuttavia, non può durare all'infinito, e tende necessariamente a un limite inferiore. L'ipotesi che viene sviluppata in questo lavoro è che negli anni più recenti fattori esogeni ed in parte endogeni abbiano modificato in modo radicale, in Italia, il contesto operativo in cui agiscono le imprese manifatturiere. Queste trasformazioni hanno comportato una revisione dell'organizzazione produttiva, spingendo in direzione di un ritorno alla gerarchia - ossia verso un rafforzamento organizzativo e dimensionale delle unità produttive già attive. In particolare, il cambiamento ha assunto la forma di un incremento del peso relativo delle unità produttive di dimensione intermedia, dello sviluppo di forme di controlllo "quasi-gerarchiche" quali i gruppi di società, di una contrazione della dinamica demografica che aveva a lungo caratterizzato la fase di affermazione dello small business sector, e di un arresto del processo di deverticalizzazionie delle produzioni almeno per alcune classi dimensionali di imprese

    La “questione dimensionale” come problema organizzativo. Natura e logica evolutiva del “medium business sector” nell’industria italiana

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    The paper argues that the shape of the long-run size distribution of business firms is basically determined by the availability of organisational capabilities, and that its changes over time (the "direction" of change) depend on the way in which (exogenous) "environmental" conditions affect firms' decisions as to what extent the division of labor has to take place within their boundaries rather than being allocated through market transactions. In such perspective it is argued that the growth of firms bringd about important changes in their internal shape, by involving the development of more and more "control" functions. In particular, in this connection Italian firms seem to be characterised, in the current phase of industrial development, by a tendency toward growing complexity, sub specie of the internalisation of a larger set of activities (other than production) with respect to the past

    Enzyme encapsulation in layer-by-layer engineered polymer multilayer capsules

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    We report on the encapsulation of enzyme (catalase) by the controlled polymer multilayer coating of biocrystals, achieved by the sequential adsorption of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes onto enzyme crystal templates. An extremely high enzyme loading in each polymer capsule is obtained, and the activity of the encapsulated enzyme is preserved. The polymer-encapsulated enzyme is stable against protease degradation: The polymer-coated enzyme retains 100% of its activity after incubation for 100 min with protease, whereas uncoated, solubilized catalase loses more than 90% of its initial activity within 100 min under the same conditions. This simple, general, and versatile approach can potentially be applied for the encapsulation of various crystallized substances for catalysis and drug delivery applications