15 research outputs found

    In vitro survival of goat and sheep in vitro produced embryos.

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    Cryopreservation d'embryon caprin par congélation lente ou vitrification

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    National audienc

    Comparative results after transfert of vitrified in vitro produced goat and sheep embryos.

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    International audienc

    Efeito dos níveis de concentrado sobre as características de carcaça de ovinos Morada Nova em confinamento Effect of concentrate levels on carcass characteristics of the Morada Nova breed sheep in feedlot

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    Avaliaram-se as características de carcaça e os rendimentos dos cortes medidos in vivo e na carcaça de ovinos Morada Nova terminados em confinamento com dietas contendo diversos níveis de concentrado. Utilizaram-se 32 cordeiros castrados, Morada Nova, com 8,11 ± 1,15 meses de idade e peso inicial de 19,67 ± 2,97 kg, em delineamento de blocos casualizados, cada um com oito repetições. Os animais foram abatidos com 30,0 kg e alimentados com quatro níveis de concentrado (20, 40, 60 ou 80%). Houve efeito linear crescente do nível de concentrado da dieta sobre o peso do corpo vazio e peso e o rendimento da carcaça fria e efeito linear decrescente sobre o conteúdo do trato digestório e o número de dias em confinamento. Os níveis de concentrado tiveram efeito linear crescente sobre o peso e rendimento de pescoço e efeito linear decrescente sobre os rendimentos da paleta e perna, ao passo que o peso do costilhar foi influenciado de forma quadrática pelos tratamentos. Nas medidas in vivo, apenas o perímetro da perna sofreu efeito decrescente. Nas medidas na carcaça, houve efeito linear crescente sobre a largura do tórax e a compacidade, que aumentaram com o nível de concentrado na dieta, enquanto a largura da garupa teve efeito quadrático. O uso de concentrado na dieta eleva os pesos e os rendimentos de carcaça fria, mas não aumenta os pesos e rendimentos dos cortes da carcaça de cordeiros Morada Nova.<br>The in vivo carcass characteristics and the cut yields measured in the carcass of Morada Nova sheep finished in feedlot system fed increasing levels of dietary concentrate were evaluated. Thirty-two castrated Morada Nova lambs with 8.11 ± 1.15 months of age and 19.67 ± 2.97 kg of initial body weight were used in this trial. The experimet was analyzed as a completely randomized block design with eight replicates per treatment. Animals were slaughtered at 30.0 kg BW and fed diets with four concentrate levels: 20, 40, 60 or 80%. Linear increasing effect of dietary concentrate on empty body weight and cold carcass weight and yield and linear decreasing effect on digestive tract content and feedlot period were observed. The neck weight and yield linearly increased and the percentage of shoulder and leg linearly decreased with the concentrate levels, while the rib weight showed quadratic effect. In the in vivo measurements, only leg perimeter presented significant effect. There was a linear increasing effect for thoracic width and carcass compactness, while the hind width showed quadratic effect. The use of concentrate in the diet increased the weight and yields of cold carcass; however this maximization did not increase the weights and yields of commercial cuts from Morada Nova lambs

    Effects of GnRH administration on ovulation and fertility in ewes subjected to estrous synchronization

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    The objective of this study was to verify the effects of GnRH on ovulation and pregnancy of ewes subjected to a short-term synchronization of estrus. Santa Inês and crossbred Santa Inês/Dorper ewes received 60 mg MAP sponges during 6 days plus 300 IU eCG and 30 µg d-cloprostenol 24 h prior to sponge withdrawal (SW). Ewes were assigned to receive 0.9% NaCl solution (Tcontrol; n = 32) or 25 µg GnRH (licerelin, T GnRH; n = 34) 24 hours after SW. Each group was assigned to intrauterine insemination by laparoscopy (n = 25) or to natural mating (n = 41). Artificial insemination was performed with a single dose of fresh semen. For controlled mating, females were exposed to males 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours after SW. Ten females per treatment were subjected to transrectal ultrasound examination at 12-hour intervals (SW to 60 hours after). Estrous response (100.0% vs 95.2%), interval from SW to estrus (32.9±7.4 vs 29.8±6.9 hours), estrous length (37.4±9.0 vs 31.5±10.4 hours), pregnancy rates (57.0% vs 41.0%), ovulation rate (100.0% vs 90.0%), number of ovulations/ewe (1.1±0.3 vs 1.2±0.4), maximum follicular diameter (6.4±0.7 vs 6.1±0.6 mm), interval from SW to ovulation (59.1±3.5 vs 58.4±3.5 hours) did not differ between Tcontrol and T GnRH, respectively. Administration of GnRH 24 hours after SW does not improve ovulation or pregnancy rate in estrous synchronization in ewes