2 research outputs found

    Technical Design Report for the Upgrade of the ALICE Time Projection Chamber

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    An interaction rate of 50 kHz is expected for the Pb-Pb periods after the luminosity upgrade of the LHC during LS2, and the ALICE upgrade plans foresee to operate the experiment at these interaction rates. For this purpose, the MWPC-based TPC readout chambers will be replaced by Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs), allowing a continuous readout of the TPC. The details of this upgrade are described in this Technical Design Report

    Performances of two resistive MicroMegas prototypes for the Time Projection Chambers of the T2K Near Detector upgrade

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    T2K is a long baseline neutrino experiment that has been operating since 2009 providing some of the world-wide leading measurements for neutrino oscillation parameters. An upgrade for the Near Detector, ND280, of T2K has been proposed. It includes the installation of two new Time Projection Chambers (TPC) based on a new read-out technology: the resistive anode MicroMegas (RMM). This technology is expected to reduce the number of electronic channels while maintaining or improving the current ND280 TPCs' bulk MicroMegas perfomance. A series of tests have been performed and further studies are ongoing to validate this approach. Two RMM prototypes were studied in dedicated beamtests. All results so far, some of them still preliminary, indicate that a better performance can be achieved, even with larger pads, thanks to the advantages of RMM