57 research outputs found

    A hand hygiene intervention to decrease infections among children attending day care centers: Design of a cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Day care center attendance has been recognized as a risk factor for acquiring gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, which can be prevented with adequate hand hygiene (HH). Based on previous studies on environmental and sociocognitive determinants of caregivers' compliance with HH guidelines in day care centers (DCCs), an intervention has been developed aiming to improve caregivers' and children's HH compliance and decrease infections among children attending DCCs. The aim of this paper is to describe the design of a cluster randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of this intervention.Methods/design: The intervention will be evaluated in a two-arm cluster randomized controlled trial among 71 DCCs in the Netherlands. In total, 36 DCCs will receive the intervention consisting of four components: 1) HH products (dispensers and refills for paper towels, soap, alcohol-based hand sanitizer, and hand cream); 2) training to educate about the Dutch national HH guidelines; 3) two team training sessions aimed at goal setting and formulating specific HH improvement activities; and 4) reminders and cues to action (posters/stickers). Intervention DCCs will be compared to 35 control DCCs continuing usual practice. The primary outcome measure will be observed HH compliance of caregivers and children, measured at baseline and one, three, and six months after start of the intervention. The secondary outcome measure will be the incidence of gastrointestinal and respiratory infections in 600 children attending DCCs, monitored over six months by parents using a calendar to mark th

    Quantal Glutamate Release Is Essential for Reliable Neuronal Encodings in Cerebral Networks

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    Background: The neurons and synapses work coordinately to program the brain codes of controlling cognition and behaviors. Spike patterns at the presynaptic neurons regulate synaptic transmission. The quantitative regulations of synapse dynamics in spike encoding at the postsynaptic neurons remain unclear. Methodology/Principal Findings: With dual whole-cell recordings at synapse-paired cells in mouse cortical slices, we have investigated the regulation of synapse dynamics to neuronal spike encoding at cerebral circuits assembled by pyramidal neurons and GABAergic ones. Our studies at unitary synapses show that postsynaptic responses are constant over time, such as glutamate receptor-channel currents at GABAergic neurons and glutamate transport currents at astrocytes, indicating quantal glutamate release. In terms of its physiological impact, our results demonstrate that the signals integrated from quantal glutamatergic synapses drive spike encoding at GABAergic neurons reliably, which in turn precisely set spike encoding at pyramidal neurons through feedback inhibition. Conclusion/Significance: Our studies provide the evidences for the quantal glutamate release to drive the spike encodings precisely in cortical circuits, which may be essential for programming the reliable codes in the brain to manage wellorganize

    Statistische Methoden

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    Ca2+-dependent and Ca2+-independent phagocytosis in human neutrophils

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    The phagocytic function of neutrophils is a crucial element in host defence against invading microorganisms. Two main specific receptor-mediated mechanisms operate in the phagocyte plasma membrane, one recognizing the C3b/bi fragment of complement and the other the Fc domain of immunoglobulin G (ref. 1). There is evidence that phagocytosis mediated by these receptors differs in the number and nature of the intracellular signals generated. However, the mechanisms by which receptor binding is transduced into a signal that generates the formation of the phagocyte pseudopod is not known, although extensive biochemical evidence has allowed the postulate that calcium ion gradients in the peripheral cytoplasm, by interacting with calcium-sensitive contractile proteins, initiate the process of engulfment. Using the high-affinity fluorescent calcium indicator quin2 both to measure and to buffer intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i), we show here that in human neutrophils two mechanisms of phagocytosis coexist: a [Ca2+]i-dependent and modulated phagocytosis, triggered by activation of the Fc receptor, and a [Ca2+]i-independent mechanism triggered by the activation of the C3b/bl receptors
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