47 research outputs found

    Flüchtlingsforschung: sozialanthropologische Ansätze und genderspezifische Aspekte

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    'In diesem Artikel werden relevante Ergebnisse der gegenwärtigen Flüchtlingsforschung als spezieller Teilbereich der Globalisierungs- und Migrationsforschung vorgestellt. Dabei werden zwei Schwerpunkte gesetzt: Zum einen wird die These vertreten, dass insbesondere die sozial- und kulturanthropologische Forschung das Klischee von Flüchtlingen als 'passive HilfsempfängerInnen' durchbrochen und auf die wesentliche Bedeutung eines Aktiv-Seins für Menschen während und nach der Flucht hingewiesen hat. Zum anderen werden frauenspezifische Fluchtgründe und die Anerkennung von frauenspezifischen Verfolgungsformen erläutert. Abschließend werden genderspezifische Aspekte mit Fallbeispielen aus empirischen Studien der beiden Autorinnen näher ausgeführt.' (Autorenreferat)'In the context of research about globalisation and migration, this article presents crucial results of refugee studies. Two aspects are covered: social and cultural anthropology help deconstructing the image of refugees as helpless and passive aid receivers, and emphasize the need for an active role of refugees during and after their flight. The gender specific reasons that produce refugees and also gender specific forms of persecution are discussed in detail. Finally, case studies, carried out by the two authors, exemplify these gender issues.' (author's abstract)

    Mineral Profile of Some Dried Fruits

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    The aim of this work was to determine the content of 16 elements in the seven samples of dried fruits: plums (Prunus domestica), figs (Ficus carica), apricots (Prunus armeniaca), white and black raisins (Vitis vinifera), dates (Phoenix dactylifera) and cranberries (Vaccinium oxycoccus), which are available in local markets. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) was used after wet digestion method. Potassium is the most common macroelement while boron and zinc are the most common microelements. As, Cd and Hg were not detected while the content of Pb is below the MAC. The obtained results were statistically analyzed and compared with the literature values

    Can Volcanic Dust Suspended From Surface Soil and Deserts of Iceland Be Transferred to Central Balkan Similarly to African Dust (Sahara)?

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    In this work we use chemical fingerprints as characteristics ratios of specific crustal elements Ca/Al, Fe/Al, K/Al, Mg/Al, Mn/Al, Ca/Fe, and Mg/Fe to investigate the long-range transport of volcanic aerosols from Iceland. Volcanic dust enters the atmosphere during suspension processes from Icelandic deserts, but mainly from the dust hot spots in remote areas in Iceland, and it is transmitted to the central Balkan area (Belgrade). For this purpose, backward trajectories from Belgrade (φ = 44°48′; λ = 20°28′) in 2012 and 2013, simultaneous with atmospheric aerosols measurements, were calculated by using the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model. We found that about 17% of air masses passed over Icelandic territory and arrived to Balkan area. In almost all of these episodes ratios of some investigated elements in suburban aerosols of Balkan area corresponded to the ratios of elements investigated in surface soil of the Rangárvellir area – South Iceland in the vicinity of volcanoes. We identified several episodes, such as August 6–8, 2012; June 2–6, 2013; June 26–28, 2013; and September 18–20, 2013; with the characteristic ratios of the highest number of investigated elements in atmospheric aerosol of central Balkan corresponding to ratios from Icelandic soil material. This study provides evidence that Icelandic dust can travel long distances showing the importance of High Latitude Dust sources.This study was funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia (Projects: ON172001, ON176013, and III43007). The preparation of this manuscript was in part funded by the Icelandic Research Fund (Rannis) Grant No. 152248-051 and COST STSM Reference Number: COST-STSM-ES1306-34336 (Grant holder DĐ).Peer Reviewe

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