32,720 research outputs found

    Singularity free gravitational collapse in an effective dynamical quantum spacetime

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    We model the gravitational collapse of heavy massive shells including its main quantum corrections. Among these corrections, quantum improvements coming from Quantum Einstein Gravity are taken into account, which provides us with an effective quantum spacetime. Likewise, we consider dynamical Hawking radiation by modeling its back-reaction once the horizons have been generated. Our results point towards a picture of gravitational collapse in which the collapsing shell reaches a minimum non-zero radius (whose value depends on the shell initial conditions) with its mass only slightly reduced. Then, there is always a rebound after which most (or all) of the mass evaporates in the form of Hawking radiation. Since the mass never concentrates in a single point, no singularity appears.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Growing interfaces: A brief review on the tilt method

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    The tilt method applied to models of growing interfaces is a useful tool to characterize the nonlinearities of their associated equation. Growing interfaces with average slope mm, in models and equations belonging to Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class, have average saturation velocity Vsat=Υ+12Λ m2\mathcal{V}_\mathrm{sat}=\Upsilon+\frac{1}{2}\Lambda\,m^2 when ∣m∣≪1|m|\ll 1. This property is sufficient to ensure that there is a nonlinearity type square height-gradient. Usually, the constant Λ\Lambda is considered equal to the nonlinear coefficient λ\lambda of the KPZ equation. In this paper, we show that the mean square height-gradient ⟨∣∇h∣2⟩=a+b m2\langle |\nabla h|^2\rangle=a+b \,m^2, where b=1b=1 for the continuous KPZ equation and b≠1b\neq 1 otherwise, e.g. ballistic deposition (BD) and restricted-solid-on-solid (RSOS) models. In order to find the nonlinear coefficient λ\lambda associated to each system, we establish the relationship Λ=b λ\Lambda=b\,\lambda and we test it through the discrete integration of the KPZ equation. We conclude that height-gradient fluctuations as function of m2m^2 are constant for continuous KPZ equation and increasing or decreasing in other systems, such as BD or RSOS models, respectively.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Evaporation of (quantum) black holes and energy conservation

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    We consider Hawking radiation as due to a tunneling process in a black hole were quantum corrections, derived from Quantum Einstein Gravity, are taken into account. The consequent derivation, satisfying conservation laws, leads to a deviation from an exact thermal spectrum. The non-thermal radiation is shown to carry information out of the black hole. Under the appropriate approximation, a quantum corrected temperature is assigned to the black hole. The evolution of the quantum black hole as it evaporates is then described by taking into account the full implications of energy conservation as well as the back-scattered radiation. It is shown that, as a critical mass of the order of Planck's mass is reached, the evaporation process decelerates abruptly while the black hole mass decays towards this critical mass.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    The mechanism why colliders could create quasi-stable black holes

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    It has been postulated that black holes could be created in particle collisions within the range of the available energies for nowadays colliders (LHC). In this paper we analyze the evaporation of a type of black holes that are candidates for this specific behaviour, namely, small black holes on a brane in a world with large extra-dimensions. We examine their evolution under the assumption that energy conservation is satisfied during the process and compare it with the standard evaporation approach. We claim that, rather than undergoing a quick total evaporation, black holes become quasi-stable. We comment on the (absence of) implications for safety of this result. We also discuss how the presence of black holes together with the correctness of the energy conservation approach might be experimentally verified.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    A Hamiltonian functional for the linearized Einstein vacuum field equations

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    By considering the Einstein vacuum field equations linearized about the Minkowski metric, the evolution equations for the gauge-invariant quantities characterizing the gravitational field are written in a Hamiltonian form by using a conserved functional as Hamiltonian; this Hamiltonian is not the analog of the energy of the field. A Poisson bracket between functionals of the field, compatible with the constraints satisfied by the field variables, is obtained. The generator of spatial translations associated with such bracket is also obtained.Comment: 5 pages, accepted in J. Phys.: Conf. Serie

    Spontaneous violation of the energy conditions

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    A decade ago, it was shown that a wide class of scalar-tensor theories can pass very restrictive weak field tests of gravity and yet exhibit non-perturbative strong field deviations away from General Relativity. This phenomenon was called `Spontaneous Scalarization' and causes the (Einstein frame) scalar field inside a neutron star to rapidly become inhomogeneous once the star's mass increases above some critical value. For a star whose mass is below the threshold, the field is instead nearly uniform (a state which minimises the star's energy) and the configuration is similar to the General Relativity one. Here, we show that the spontaneous scalarization phenomenon is linked to another strong field effect: a spontaneous violation of the weak energy condition.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Local continuity laws on the phase space of Einstein equations with sources

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    Local continuity equations involving background fields and variantions of the fields, are obtained for a restricted class of solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell and Einstein-Weyl theories using a new approach based on the concept of the adjoint of a differential operator. Such covariant conservation laws are generated by means of decoupled equations and their adjoints in such a way that the corresponding covariantly conserved currents possess some gauge-invariant properties and are expressed in terms of Debye potentials. These continuity laws lead to both a covariant description of bilinear forms on the phase space and the existence of conserved quantities. Differences and similarities with other approaches and extensions of our results are discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 13 page

    Conformal mapping of ultrasonic crystals: confining ultrasound and cochlear-like wave guiding

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    Conformal mapping of a slab of a two-dimensional ultrasonic crystal generate a closed geometrical arrangement of ultrasonic scatterers with appealing acoustic properties. This acoustic shell is able to confine ultrasonic modes. Some of these internal resonances can be induced from an external wave source. The mapping of a linear defect produces a wave-guide that exhibits a spatial-frequency selection analogous to that characteristic of a synthetic "cochlea". Both, experimental and theoretical results are reported here.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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