37 research outputs found

    Holomorphic vector bundles on primary Kodaira surfaces

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    It is in general unknown which topological complex vector bundles on a non-algebraic surface admit holomorphic structures. We solve this problem for primary Kodaira surfaces by using results of Kani on curves of genus two with elliptic differentials. Some of the corresponding moduli spaces will be smooth compact and holomorphically symplectic.Comment: 10 pages, late

    Прокинетик итомед при хроническом рефлюксном гастрите

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    USMF Nicolae Testemiţanu, Clinica medicală nr. 1, Departamentul Medicină Internă, Asociaţia Medicală Teritorială Botanica, mun. Chişinău, Conferinţa Naţională de Gastroenterologie și Hepatologie cu participare internaţională 20 iunie 2014We have evaluated effect’s administration of Itopride (Itomed®, ProMed CS Praha a.s.) in patients with chronic refl ux gastritis. The results of our study have indicated that Itopride has a benefi cial effect on epigastric pain and feeling of fullness in epigastric zone. It should be noted that itopride has very good tolerance.Мы исследовали эффективность назначения итоприда (Itomed®, ProMed CS Praha a.s.) у пациентов с хроническим рефлюксным гастритом. Результаты нашего исследования показали, что итоприд обладает благоприятным влиянием на боли и чувство переполнения в эпигастральной области. Следует отметить, что итоприд имеет очень хорошую переносимость

    Pleiotropic effects of statins in the complex treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome

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    Universitatea Stat Medicină şi Farmacie N.Testemiţanu, Catedra Medicină Internă No 5, SCM Sfănta TreimeIn order to study the pleiotropic effects of statins 154 patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome have been examined. We concluded that the pleiotropic effects are represented by the decreasing of C-reactive proteine, the reduction of ischemic events and recurrences, no matter what the effect on the lipoprotein. Cu scopul studierii efectelor pleiotrope ale statinelor au fost incluşi în studiu 154 pacienţii cu sindrom coronarian acut fără supradenivelarea de segment ST. Efectele pleiotrope sunt exprimate prin reducerea proteinei C reactive, evenimentelor clinice şi recurenţelor ischemice independent de efectul pe lipoproteine

    The importance of essential oils in the treatment of skin diseases

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    INTRODUCERE Manifestând proprietăţi terapeutice, uleiurile volatile sunt utilizate frecvent în tratamentul diferitor afecţiuni ale pielii. Timp de secole, plantele aromatice, uleiurile și esenţele au fost folosite în scop medicinal. Actualmente, uleiurile volatile sunt din nou utilizate ca remedii naturale datorită numeroaselor beneficii asupra organismului. Uleiurile volatile prezintă amestecuri lichide volatile de substanţe organice produse de plante, care conţin hidrocarburi, alcooli, esteri, cetone, lactone, componente aromatice etc. [1]. SCOPUL STUDIULUI Studiul uleiurilor volatile utilizate în practica medicală în tratamentul afecţiunilor de piele. MATERIAL ȘI METODE Reviul bibliografic, al revistelor listate în baze electronice (Pubmed) în domeniul produselor medicamentoase care conţin uleiuri volatile. REZULTATE În prezent, tot mai mulţi specialiști își îndreaptă atenţia spre produse și uleiuri volatile, cu scopul de a trata diverse afecţiuni ale pielii. Aceste uleiuri au o mulţime de beneficii pentru sănătate și își dovedesc eficienţa în tratarea afecţiunilor celui mai mare organ uman: pielea. În practica farmaceutică există mai multe metode de extragere a uleiurilor volatile – din plante: presarea la rece, distilarea cu aburi, extracţia cu solvenţi polari și nepolari, filtrarea, macerarea ș.a, astfel ca proprietăţile terapeutice ale acestora să rămână intacte și nealterate [2]. Din uleiurile volatile putem menţiona: ulei de arbore de ceai cu proprietăţi antimicrobiene, antiseptice și antifungice; uleiul de tămâie care ajută la regenerarea de noi celule ale pielii, având și acţiune de vindecare rapidă; uleiul de ienupăr este utilizat în tratamentele de combatere a celulitei; uleiul volatil de imortelă folosit cu succes împotriva vergeturilor și îmbunătăţirii circulaţiei sangvine; uleiul de lavandă care este eficace pentru a reduce inflamaţia, ameliorează durerea și iritaţiile provocate de mușcături; ulei de trandafir folosit în tratamentul eczemelor; uleiul de mentă previne infecţiile, diminuiază senzaţia de prurit, stimulează circulaţia; uleiul de santal și mușeţel contribui la ameliorarea unor probleme ale tenului și la tonifierea pielii. CONCLUZII Readuse în actualitate, plantele reprezintă o sursă valoroasă de materii prime pentru extracţia principiilor active și a uleiurilor volatile, utilizate în industria de medicamente, produse farmaceutice și cosmetice. Efectele terapeutice ale uleiurilor volatile sunt datorate amestecurilor de substanţe chimice cu acţiuni antioxidante, regenerante, hidratante, antimicrobiene și revitalizante care acţionează sinergic tratând și ameliorând aspectul estetic al pielii.INTRODUCTION Exerting therapeutic properties, essential oils are frequently used in the treatment of various skin conditions. For centuries, herbs, oils and essences have been used for medicinal purposes. Currently, essential oils are again used as natural remedies due to the many benefits on the body. Produced by plants, the essential oils are concentrated liquid mixtures of volatile organic substances that contain hydrocarbons, alcohols, esters, ketones, lactones, aromatic components, etc. [1]. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The study of essential oils used in medical practice in the treatment of skin conditions. Material and methods. Bibliographic review of journals listed in electronic databases (Pubmed) in the field of medicinal products containing volatile oils. RESULTS At the moment, more and more specialists are turning their attention to essential oils and volatile products, in order to treat various skin conditions. These oils have a lot of health benefits and prove their effectiveness in treating diseases of the largest human organ: the skin. In pharmaceutical practice there are several methods of extraction from plants of essential oils: cold-press extraction, steam distillation, extraction with polar and nonpolar solvents, filtration, maceration, etc., so that their therapeutic properties remain intact and unaltered [2]. From volatile oils we can mention: tea tree oil with antimicrobial, antiseptic and antifungal properties; incense oil that helps regenerate new skin cells, also has a fast healing action; juniper oil is used in anticellulite treatments; immortelle oil is being used successfully against stretch marks and improving blood circulation; lavender oil which is effective in reducing inflammation, relieves pain and irritation caused by bites; rose oil used in the treatment of eczema; peppermint oil prevents infections, reduces itching, stimulates circulation; sandalwood and chamomile oil help relieve skin problems and tone the skin. CONCLUSIONS Used today, plants are a valuable source of raw materials for the extraction of active ingredients and essential oils, used in the industry of medicines, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. The therapeutic effects of volatile oils are due to mixtures of chemicals with antioxidant, regenerating, moisturizing, antimicrobial and revitalizing actions that act synergistically by treating and improving the aesthetic appearance of the skin


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    In recent years increasingly many spoken of global climate change, desertification and aridity in many areas, such as the sandy soils in southern of the Oltenia area. Starting from the idea that the negative effect of temperature and water stress factors can be reduced by scientific and technological progress, it requires the collection and evaluation of genetic resources vegetable, adapted of conditions from southern Oltenia. In this regard, at CCDCPN Dăbuleni were followed in  the crop 4  cultivation of domestic pepper (Capsicum annuum L.): Isalnita 85 V, Andrada, Isalnita – Rovine, Amaradia

    Evaluarea activităţii curative a secţiei boli interne nr.1 în condiţiile de asigurări medicale obligatorii pentru sănătate (2004-2008)

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    Catedra Medicina interna N5 USMF „Nicolae Testemitanu”, IMSP SCM „Sfînta Treime”Obligatory health insurance had a favorable impact on accessibility and improving of medical services rendering:the hospital indices have been improved, as well as the compliance doctor- patient. It became possible to make performant investigations for accomplishing correct and quick diagnostics in order to administer a proper treatment. Asigurarile medicale obligatorii pentru sana tate au avut un impact favorabil asupra accesibilitatii si performantei acordarii serviciilor medicale: s-au îmbunatatit indicii spitalicesti, de asemenea si complianta medic – pacient. A devenit posibila realizarea unor investigatii performante pentru a efectua un diagnostic corect si rapid în vederea administrarii unui tratament corect

    Evaluation of the Venous System of Wistar Rat Liver by Injection with Epoxy Resin

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    The rat is the most widely used experimental model in surgical research due to several factors, including that it is easy to handle and inexpensive. It can be used in investigations related to liver regeneration, liver metastases, or transplant immunology. This study highlights the venous components of the hepatic circulation in the Wistar rat by intravascular injection of a polymer that allows the assessment of the distribution of vessels, regardless of their caliber. Five cadavers of 11-month-old male Wistar rats from the USAMV Cluj-Napoca biobase destined for incineration, were used to highlight the liver venous system. A dye mixture, consisting of epoxy resin-catalyst-blue acrylic dye in a 2:1:1 ratio, was injected. After 24 hours, biological tissues were macerated by immersion in 10% KOH solution for five days. The intrahepatic venous system is represented by the venous branches that continue into the liver lobes. Those vessels follow a parallel trajectory with the hepatic artery branches represented by the right and left ramifications. The right portal vein presents branches to the lateral and medial parts of the right lobe of the liver and the caudate lobe. The left branch of the portal vein has ramificationsfor the lateral and medial parts of the left lobe and the quadrate lobe. The technique of injecting the venous circulation of the liver, followed by tissue maceration, allowed the removal by anatomical dissection of all liver components that permits the identification of all components of the venous system, including the finest venous branches of the hepatic circulation

    ICT Security Measures for the Companies within European Union Member States – Perspectives in COVID-19 Context

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    The development of ICT usage in households, by individuals or in enterprises is submitted to the requirements of security. This paper aims a statistical analysis of ICT security aspects from several perspectives: ICT policies, staff awareness of ICT security related issues, ICT security related activities. The methodology used for testing the hypotheses is based on descriptive statistics, chart case study, correlation and factor analysis. The results emphasize the importance of investing resources in cyber security, moreover, in the current pandemic situation generated by COVID-19

    Фармацевтическая промышленность Республики Молдова на стадии развития

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    One of the most important components of the health care system is the assurance with high quality medicines and medical products. There are about 20 drug manufacturers in the Republic of Moldova. As of January 1, 2005, they have registered 308 conditioned medicines in different pharmaceutical forms.Una din cele mai importante componente ale sistemului de sănătate este asigurarea populaţiei cu medicamente şi produse de uz medical calitative. În Republica Moldova, în procesul de fabricare a medicamentelor sunt implicate circa 20 de firme farmaceutice, care la 1 ianuarie 2005 aveau înregistrate 308 medicamente condiţionate în diverse forme farmaceutice.Одна из важнейших составляющих системы здравоохранения - это обеспечение высококачественными лекарствами и изделиями медицинского назначения. В Республике Молдова около 20 производителей лекарственных средств. По состоянию на 1 января 2005 года зарегистрировано 308 кондиционированных лекарственных средств в различных лекарственных формах