40 research outputs found

    Japanisches Personalmanagement - ein anderer Weg? Montagerationalisierung in der Elektroindustrie III

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    Die vorliegende Fallstudie in einem japanischen Unternehmen entstand im Rahmen zweier Parallelprojekte. Zum einen ist sie ein von Anlage und Umfang her begrenzter Teil des Forschungsprojekts "Montageautomation als Bestandteil gesamtbetrieblicher Rationalisierung" im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Forschung und Technologie. Diese Untersuchung konzentrierte sich primär auf einen deutsch-französischen Vergleich von Rationalisierungsstrategien und Personalpolitik in einem europäischen Unternehmen der Elektroindustrie. Zum anderen ist die Studie ein Beitrag zum Teilprojekt B3 des Sonderforschungsbereichs 333 der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. Anhand der Studien in zwei japanischen Betrieben und unter Berücksichtigung von Erkenntnissen aus Sekundäranalysen geht es den Autoren darum, typische Bedingungen personalpolitischer Handlungsmöglichkeiten in der Massenfertigung zu beleuchten, die auch für die Vorgehensweisen in den deutschen Betrieben relevant sind. Es werden detailliert die Einstellungspolitik, die Formen der Einführung neuer Technologien, der Arbeitseinsatz, die Qualifizierung und Personalentwicklung beschrieben. Ferner wird auf die Rolle der Betriebsgewerkschaften und das Lohnsystem eingegangen. Basis der empirischen Untersuchung sind rund 30 Expertengespräche in den Jahren 1986 bis 1990. Dieses Material wird ergänzt durch die Ergebnisse einer Meinungsumfrage, die 1988 von einer japanischen Betriebsgewerkschaft unter ihren Mitgliedern durchgeführt wurde, bei der 471 von 505 Mitgliedern die Fragen beantworteten. (ICF

    Identifying participants with knee osteoarthritis likely to benefit from physical therapy education and exercise: A hypothesis-generating study

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    Background: The purpose of this investigation was to undertake a hypothesis generating study to identify candidate variables that characterize people with knee osteoarthritis who are most likely to experience a positive response to exercise. Methods: One hundred and fifty participants with knee osteoarthritis participated in this observational, longitudinal study. All participants received a standard exercise intervention that consisted of 20-min sessions two to three times a week for three months. The classification and regression tree methodology (CART) was used to develop prediction of positive clinical outcome. Positive pain and disability outcomes (dependent variables) were defined as an improvement in pain intensity by \u3e50% or an improvement of five or more on the Oxford knee score, respectively. The predictor variables considered included age, sex, body mass index, knee osteoarthritis severity (Kellgren/Lawrence grade), pain duration, use of medication, range of knee motion, pain catastrophizing, self-efficacy and knee self-perception. Results: Fifty-five participants (36.6%) were classified as responders for pain intensity and 36.6% were classified as responders for disability. The CART model identified impairments in knee self-perception and knee osteoarthritis severity as the discriminators for pain intensity reduction following exercise. No variables predicted reduction of disability level following exercise. Conclusions: Such findings suggest that both body perception and osteoarthritis severity may play a role in treatment outcome with exercise. It also raises the possibility that those with higher levels of disrupted body perception may need additional treatment targeted at restoring body perception prior to undertaking exercise. Significance: Regardless age, sex, body mass index, pain duration, use of medication, knee range of motion, pain catastrophizing and self-efficacy, participants with knee osteoarthritis who report low levels of body perception disruption (a FreKAQ score ≦ 17) and minimal structural changes (KL grade I) demonstrate significantly better outcomes from exercise therapy than other participants


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    Leptin, the product of the ob gene expressed in adipocytes, is shown to influence energy intake and expenditure, proliferation of CD^ T cells, neovascularization and intracellular triglycerides homeostasis in non-adipocytes. Leptin acts on target cells through receptor (OB-R). There are at least five different types of OB-R in mouse due to alternative splicing from db gene transcripts.OB-Ra〜OB-Rd share identical extracellular and transmembrane domains and JAK binding consensus sequence at cytoplasmic domain. Only OB-Rb has an additional STAT binding motif and is essential for most of leptin' s physiological functions through JAK-STAT pathway. OB-Ra is also reported to transduct weakly leptin's signal through JAK-phospholyration pathway. On this paper we examined which kinds of cell express OB-Ra or OB-Rb in lymphoid and fat tissues of the mouse. Both types of OB-R were detected in thymus, spleen and gastrolienal fat tissue by RTPCR method, then the constitutive cells were separated from dissected tissues and cultured in GIT medium with 10% heat-inactivated FBS. Primary cultured lymphocytes isolated from thymus or spleen expressed both OB-Ra and OB-Rb. On the other hand, in adhesive cells dispersed with enzymatic digestion and primary cultured OB-Rb was not detected, though OB-Ra detectable.Similarly, primary cultured adhesive cells of gastrolienal fat tissue expressed only OB-Ra. It is therefore most parsimonious to conclude that only lymphocytes express OB-Rb and response effectively to leptin in thymus

    Predictive factors of mortality of patients with fragility hip fractures at 1 year after discharge : A multicenter, retrospective study in the northern Kyushu district of Japan

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    Purpose: Fragility hip fractures (FHFs) are associated with a high risk of mortality, but the relative contribution of various factors remains controversial. This study aimed to evaluate predictive factors of mortality at 1 year after discharge in Japan. Methods: A total of 497 patients aged 60 years or older who sustained FHFs during follow-up were included in this study. Expected variables were finally assessed using multivariable Cox proportional hazards models. Results: The 1-year mortality rate was 9.1% (95% confidence interval: 6.8–12.0%, n = 45). Log-rank test revealed that previous fractures (p = 0.003), Barthel index (BI) at discharge (p = 0.011), and place-to-discharge (p = 0.004) were significantly associated with mortality for male patients. Meanwhile, body mass index (BMI; p = 0.023), total Charlson comorbidity index (TCCI; p = 0.005), smoking (p = 0.007), length of hospital stay (LOS; p = 0.009), and BI (p = 0.004) were the counterparts for females. By multivariate analyses, previous vertebral fractures (hazard ratio (HR) 3.33; p = 0.044), and BI <30 (HR 5.42, p = 0.013) were the predictive variables of mortality for male patients. BMI <18.5 kg/m2 (HR 2.70, p = 0.023), TCCI ≥5 (HR 2.61, p = 0.032), smoking history (HR 3.59, p = 0.018), LOS <14 days (HR 13.9; p = 0.007), and BI <30 (HR 2.76; p = 0.049) were the counterparts for females. Conclusions: Previous vertebral fractures and BI <30 were the predictive variables of mortality for male patients, and BMI <18.5 kg/m2, TCCI ≥5, smoking history, LOS <14 days, and BI <30 were those for females. Decreased BI is one of the independent and preventable risk factors. A comprehensive therapeutic approach should be considered to prevent deterioration of activities of daily living and a higher risk of mortality

    Biodistribution and Pharmacokinetics of O-Palmitoyl Tilisolol, a Lipophilic Prodrug of Tilisolol, after Intravenous Administration in Rats

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    The purpose of this study was to modify the biodistribution and pharmacokinetics of tilisolol, a β-blocker, using the palmitoyl prodrug approach. After intravenous administration of tilisolol and O-palmitoyl tilisolol in rats, drug concentrations were determined in blood, bile, urine, and several tissues. The concentration-time profiles of tilisolol and O-palmitoyl tilisolol were analyzed pharmacokinetically. The blood concentrations of O-palmitoyl tilisolol after intravenous administration of O-palmitoyl tilisolol were about 10-fold higher than those of tilisolol after intravenous administration of tilisolol. The biliary excretion rates of O-palmitoyl tilisolol and tilisolol after intravenous administration of O-palmitoyl tilisolol were about 10- to 100-fold larger than those of tilisolol after intravenous administration of tilisolol. In addition, the hepatic uptake clearance of O-palmitoyl tilisolol after intravenous administration of O-palmitoyl tilisolol was 3.6-fold higher than that of tilisolol after the intravenous administration of tilisolol. In the in vitro experiments, it was demonstrated that the distribution ratios between blood cells and plasma (blood/plasma) of O-palmitoyl tilisolol and tilisolol was 95.7 and 55.5%, respectively. These findings suggest that O-palmitoyl tilisolol exists as a binding form with biological components, especially blood cells, in systemic circulation. In conclusion, the palmitoyl prodrug approach is useful as a drug delivery system to deliver the parent drug to the liver

    Usefulness of Predrill Procedure on OneShot Guide for Gamma Nail

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