17 research outputs found


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    Svinje u uzgoju trebaju imati uvijek na raspolaganju vodu za piće, a dnevna količina vode ovisi o kategoriji svinja i uvjetima smjeÅ”taja. U suvremenom svinjogojstvu za pojidbu se koriste različiti tipovi automatskih pojilica čija je primarna uloga da osiguraju svježu i zdravstveno ispravnu vodu te spriječe njezino prolijevanje. Međutim, unutar cijevi pojilica neke bakterije mogu stvoriti biofilm, čime zadržavaju infektivnost te otpornost na djelovanje antimikrobnih sredstava. Stoga se u cilju sprječavanja hidričnih infekcija, za higijenu pojilica, preporučuju ekoloÅ”ki i zdravstveno prihvatljiva oksidacijska dezinfekcijska sredstva koja ne ostavljaju rezidue.Pigs in breeding on disposal always must have drinking water, and daily amount of water depends on category of pigs and housing conditions. In modern pig production for drinking are used different types of automated drinkers of which primary role is to ensure fresh and healthy acceptable water and to prevent its effusion. However, inside of drinker pipes some bacteria can form biofilm, what helps them to maintain persistent infection and to tolerate the presence of antimicrobials. So in order to prevent hydric infections, for drinker hygiene, are recommended ecologically and healthy acceptable oxidising disinfection compounds which don\u27t leave residues


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    Svinje u uzgoju trebaju imati uvijek na raspolaganju vodu za piće, a dnevna količina vode ovisi o kategoriji svinja i uvjetima smjeÅ”taja. U suvremenom svinjogojstvu za pojidbu se koriste različiti tipovi automatskih pojilica čija je primarna uloga da osiguraju svježu i zdravstveno ispravnu vodu te spriječe njezino prolijevanje. Međutim, unutar cijevi pojilica neke bakterije mogu stvoriti biofilm, čime zadržavaju infektivnost te otpornost na djelovanje antimikrobnih sredstava. Stoga se u cilju sprječavanja hidričnih infekcija, za higijenu pojilica, preporučuju ekoloÅ”ki i zdravstveno prihvatljiva oksidacijska dezinfekcijska sredstva koja ne ostavljaju rezidue.Pigs in breeding on disposal always must have drinking water, and daily amount of water depends on category of pigs and housing conditions. In modern pig production for drinking are used different types of automated drinkers of which primary role is to ensure fresh and healthy acceptable water and to prevent its effusion. However, inside of drinker pipes some bacteria can form biofilm, what helps them to maintain persistent infection and to tolerate the presence of antimicrobials. So in order to prevent hydric infections, for drinker hygiene, are recommended ecologically and healthy acceptable oxidising disinfection compounds which don\u27t leave residues


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    Jedan od sporednih proizvoda u svinjogojskoj proizvodnji je otpadna fekalna animalna tvar odnosno tekući gnoj. To je smjesa fecesa, mokraće i tehnoloÅ”ke otpadne vode s primjesama, koja nastaje pri sustavnom držanju svinja na reÅ”etkastom podu. Kvaliteta i uporaba tekućeg gnoja ovise o njegovim fizikalno ā€“ kemijskim svojstvima, te o pravilnim tehnoloÅ”kim postupcima izgnojavanja i obrade. Nakon prikupljanja u objektima za svinje, gnoj se putem kanala za izgnojavanje doprema do sabirnih bazena te uređaja za separaciju gnoja na čvrstu i tekuću frakciju. Tekuća frakcija se od separatora usmjerava prema lagunama, gdje se obavlja bioloÅ”ka razgradnja u aerobnim ili anaerobnim uvjetima, te spremanje, sve do upotrebe za gnojenje tla. Ukoliko gnoj potječe od zaraženih životinja, potrebno je provesti sanitarnu obradu kontaminiranog gnoja.One of by ā€“ products in pig production is faecal animal waste, in other words liquid manure. It is mixture of faecal matter, urin and technological waste water with additions, which is produced in systematic pig keeping on lattice floor. Quality and use of liquid manure depend on its physical ā€“ chemical characteristics, and on proper technological procedures of manure transposal and cultivation. After collecting in pig facilities, manure is via transposal canal delivered to collecting pools and device for manure separation on its solid and liquid fraction. Liquid fraction is drained from separator to lagunes, where is carried out biological decomposition in aerobic or anaerobic conditions, and disposal, until utilization for soil fertilization. If manure comes from diseased animals, it is necessary to conduct sanitary treatment of contaminated manure

    Haematology and some blood chemical parameters of young carp till the age of three years

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    Haematological and biochemical analyses of blood were performed in carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) kept in small ponds. Caught and anaesthetised carp were clinically examined and blood samples were taken at regular intervals during the three years. In the first year of examinations, the haemoglobin and haematocrit values of carp fry significantly increased (P<0.01) from June to September. The intensive growth of carp in the summer period in the second year was accompanied by adequate erythropoiesis. During hibernation haematocrit and haemoglobin significantly decreased (P<0.05) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) increased (P<0.01) in both scaly and mirror carp. MCHC increased also with the age and increasing body weight of the fish. Mirror carp had lower haematocrit and haemoglobin values than scaly carp (P<0.01). Comparative haematological analyses between carp of normal and poor body condition showed that moderate anaemia appeared in those with poor body condition. The results indicate that there is marked seasonal and age-dependent variation in the values of haematocrit and haemoglobin. Pond water quality investigations indicated good environmental conditions. A 50% increase (P<0.05) of glucose concentration was found from June to September in the blood plasma of carp in the third year, accompanied by an even more increased (80%; P<0.01) concentration of total lipids. At the same time, considerable changes of cholesterol and total protein concentrations were not observed. The results suggest that the investigated haematological and biochemical variables could be successfully utilised in monitoring the metabolic balance and health status of fish in intensive culture