10 research outputs found

    Athlete and coach perceptions of technology needs for evaluating running performance

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    This article was published in the journal, Sports Enginnering [Springer Verlag / © International Sports Engineering Association]. The definitive version is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12283-010-0049-9Athletes and their support team utilise technology to measure and evaluate technique and athletic performance. Existing techniques for motion and propulsion measurement and analysis include a combination of indirect methods (high-speed video) and direct methods (force plates and pressure systems). These methods are predominantly limited to controlled laboratory environments (in a small area relative to the competition environment), require expert advice and support, and can take significant time to evaluate the data. Consequently, the more advanced measurement techniques are considered to be restricted to specific coaching sessions, or periods in the year leading up to competition, when the time and expertise of further support staff are available. The more widely used, and simple, devices for monitoring 'performance' during running include stopwatches, GPS tracking and accelerometer-based systems to count strides. These provide useful information on running duration, distance and velocity but lack detailed information on many key aspects of running technique. In order to begin the process of development of more innovative technologies for routine use by athletes and coaches, a study was required to improve the understanding of athletes' and coaches' perception of their requirements from measurement technology. This study outlines a systematic approach to elicit and evaluate their perceptions, and presents the findings from interviews and a questionnaire. The qualitative data are presented as a hierarchical graphical plot (structured relationship model) showing six general dimensions (technique, footwear and surface, environment, performance, injury and cardiovascular) and shows the development of these general dimensions from the interviewee quotations. The questionnaire quantitative data enhances the study by further ranking characteristics that arise from the interviews. A contrast is shown between short and longer distance runner groups, as might be expected. The current technology available to elite runners is briefly reviewed in relation to the 22 characteristics identified as important to measure. The conclusions highlight the need for newer technologies to measure aspects of running style and performance in a portable and integrated manner, with suggestions as to size and weight likely to be acceptable to users for emerging devices. © 2010 International Sports Engineering Association

    Work–Family Conflict and Job Outcomes Among Prison Officers in Ghana: A Test of Mediation and Moderation Processes

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    This study examines the mediating effect of job stress and the moderating effect of job autonomy on the relationship between work-to-family conflict (WFC) and job satisfaction and organizational commitment. It uses cross-sectional data from 1062 prison officers sampled from 31 prison establishments in Ghana. The results of structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis showed that WFC was negatively associated with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Job stress significantly mediated the influence of WFC on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The negative influence of WFC on job satisfaction and organizational commitment was less for prison officers with higher levels of job autonomy than for those with lower levels of autonomy. These findings suggest the need for correctional organizations to adopt family-friendly measures that facilitate officers’ ability to integrate their work and family responsibilities

    New diagnostic approaches in inflammatory bowel disease

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    A compendium of cyclic sugar amino acids and their carbocyclic and heterocyclic nitrogen analogues

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    Xenohormesis: health benefits from an eon of plant stress response evolution

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    Xenohormesis is a biological principle that explains how environmentally stressed plants produce bioactive compounds that can confer stress resistance and survival benefits to animals that consume them. Animals can piggyback off products of plants' sophisticated stress response which has evolved as a result of their stationary lifestyle. Factors eliciting the plant stress response can judiciously be employed to maximize yield of health-promoting plant compounds. The xenohormetic plant compounds can, when ingested, improve longevity and fitness by activating the animal's cellular stress response and can be applied in drug discovery, drug production, and nutritional enhancement of diet